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December 11th, 2006 at 04:53 pm
I wonder if anyone else but us, cooks out on the grill in the winter time? We even cook out if it is snowing. How else do you cook steak?
Speaking of steak, we really had a good steak dinner last night. I had a no spend day and I had bought the steak on sale, so it was a frugal day.
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December 10th, 2006 at 04:26 pm
We went to a christmas party last night, actually it was more of a dinner party. She served some killer appetizers and then we had a sit down dinner for 18. It was wonderful.
After dinner, we had pecan pie and ice cream; I have never eaten so much in years.
After dinner, the hostess wanted to play a game and passsed out song sheets. We were all supposed to sing the 12 days of christmas, but had to change the verses.
Do you believe it, every single one of the guests decided that they had to go home then. It was only 9:30. I thought that was so rude and I think it hurt her feelings.
Of course, we stayed and she and I sang the song and had fun! I wore my christmas tree hat too!!
Posted in
December 9th, 2006 at 04:42 pm
I went to a christmas party for the online local forum I belong to. It was a family party with lots of kids.
We had a white elephant gift exchange. It was pretty funny and I got to get rid of my six pack of "dead armadillo" beer. We each took a number from 1-30. I took 30, cause I knew I would be the last to get a gift and I could take anyone else's gift I wanted. (Why did no one but me think of that)
I took a great gift. clark Howard's book for free! I think I was the only one there that wanted it, but I was thrilled.
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December 8th, 2006 at 05:22 pm
I bought a christmas Hat last year that looks like a christmas tree and it lights up. I had planned on wearing it to all the christmas parties this year. When I checked it out, it would no longer light up, a wire was broken.
So, I ordered a new one and it came in Monday. I just tried it out, and the wire in it has broken already and my first party is tonight.
Gosh that makes me mad. Oh well, I will just wear it anyway.
Posted in
December 6th, 2006 at 09:45 pm
I just got my mail. I got an invitation to a new year's eve party! The invite says tux or suit and tie for men, dressy attire for lady.
The reason I am laughing is the party starts at 6:30 pm and ends at 9:30 pm.
A new year's eve party that ends at 9:30 pm? Gosh, I need younger friends! (the gal giving this party is 10 years younger than me)
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December 6th, 2006 at 07:45 pm
I hate being called a senior citizen. I don't feel like a senior citizen. I know I don't act like one either. I know I should be grateful that I can get a senior discount in some places, but I usually don't ask. I just went to Bi lo and feel so old. On wednesdays they give you 5% off. So i saved 89 cents! Guess I could use it to buy a bottle of geritol.
Oh hell, rum and sprite taste a lot better than that! I just need to go dancing. I have a party to attend this saturday night. Maybe I can dance there.
I miss my juke box. I use to have it out in the garage and then I could dance when i wanted to.
I think I will buy myself a radio to put down stairs. Then I can play music on tapes or cd's and dance in the kitchen!!
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December 5th, 2006 at 04:15 pm
My dh and I got pretty upset last night. We sat and discussed last night, how soon we could have this house finished and have a closing.
DH has been working straight the past 4 months, with no days off at all.
He decided that we could closed the week before christmas, he would have the house finished! Wow, I was so happy because we have used our own cash to build this house and I want the money back in our savings account.
I called the buyers to tell them the good news. They have decided that they do NOT want to close until sometime in January.
Oh, that burns me up. We told them we would try and finish the house before Christmas and my husband has worked so hard.
We even decided to forego christmas shopping so he could get the house done.
We are both disappointed. Big time!!
Posted in
December 4th, 2006 at 11:08 pm
I don't have them very often. I guess if I played bridge every day I would save a lot of money!! It was lots of fun and nice to see all her christmas decorations. I am just glad I don't have to dust them all.
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December 4th, 2006 at 04:27 pm
I have already made my bank run this morning. Mondays are my pay day, the day I write my husband's paycheck and cash it. After I cash it, I come home, get out my written budget and put the cash in all the envelopes. So that is all done.
I am going to play bridge in about an hour, so this will be a no spend day. The only thing I hate, is I really don't have time to read all the blogs befroe I to and I love doing that!
Posted in
December 3rd, 2006 at 07:12 pm
I love parties and December is certainly the party month. We are invited to 5 parties so far this month. I have a christmas hat. It looks like a christmas tree and it lights up. A tiny wire in the hat has broken and it won't light up. I have ordered a new hat to wear to the christmas parties. Yes, people do think I am nuts, but I don't really care. Hope the hat comes soon!
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December 2nd, 2006 at 06:39 pm
Today is our christmas parade at 4 pm. I have to go alone cause dh is working. Our parade is pretty small cause it is a small town, but there is a ton of candy throw out to the children. I always love the bands playing.
When I lived in DeLand, I especially enjoyed the band from the all black school. They were swinging!
We only have the one high school band that plays at our local parade. Then they turn on the lights on the square at the old courthouse. Merry Christmas!
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December 2nd, 2006 at 02:21 pm
Where did this cold weather come from. I have not run the heat since I had guests over to play bridge Wednesday afternoon. It was in the 60's yesterday and almost 70 in the house. I was sweating while walking on my treadmill. All of a sudden, it is frosty outside and the heat is running. well, It was nice while it lasted.
Posted in
December 1st, 2006 at 05:50 pm
I checked on all my mutual funds and stocks that I hold. I keep track of them monthly. I was pleased to see that the value had increased by about $10,000 and I did not add one dime to any of them.
Posted in
December 1st, 2006 at 04:36 pm
I just changed my answering machine. Instead of grandma got run over by a reindeer, I decided to sing, "Jingle Bells" I am awaiting my first call!!
Posted in
December 1st, 2006 at 03:24 pm
I have been on my local forum this morning. I got an offer from ING for a free $25 if someone will open an account. I have offered it to anyone that wants it on the local forum.
So far, not one person even wants the free $25!! I find that unbelievable. No one wants free money??
It doesn't even say you have to have a minimum to open the account, I guess you could open with 1 dollar.
Now I know why this site is so unique.
I live in a town where no one cares anything about money.Not that they have any, they just don't care about it. I bet most of them don't even have a savings account. They live paycheck to paycheck. They make fun of me when I talk about money.
Posted in
November 30th, 2006 at 06:27 pm
Well, it is the last day of November, so it is time to change the message on my answering machine.
I am not a singer of any means, but i think it is funny to sing a christmas tune on my answering machine.
My favorite (I change it weekly) is"Grandma got run over by a reindeer, so she can't come to the phone just right now,
Leave your name and number and we'll call you,
Have a very merry christmas anyhow!"
My dh hates it since he is the one that calls home the most. I think it is a lot of fun!!
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November 28th, 2006 at 08:56 pm
My husband has been a licensed builder in North Carolina for about 20 years. But we live in Georgia and there are no licensed builders required.
this past year, that has all changed. We have inspections now and all builder are required to get a license.
I filled out all the paper work, got the insurance and sent it in about 2 months ago. Nothing has happened.
Today, I checked on line and saw that my husband had been approved on everything. All he needs is the board's approval.
Hopefully, he will become a licensed builder in Ga. next year and won't have to get a job at McDonald's!
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November 23rd, 2006 at 10:35 pm
I went to visit my dh at his job site for lunch. He wants to make me a home made, from scratch cake.
We have a receipe we use to make a lot, but haven't made in years.
So,I went to the store and bought all the ingredients. I had some of them, but they were so old. I have not used crisco or flour in years, so I had to toss them out. I spent $8 on new ingredients, but it will be worth.
I can hardly wait til he gets home and makes my birthday cake. I am an icing lover and we have a great receipe for chocolate icing!
I had better get on my treadmill and really do some walking!
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November 23rd, 2006 at 03:38 pm
Thanks to some president for making my birthday a national holiday. No turkey for us today. I don't cook on my birthday. DH has gone to work, so we will grill steaks tonight when he gets home. Yesterday I had a no spend day, didn't even go to town.
I do think I will go to the job today to have lunch with my husband.
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Posted in
November 22nd, 2006 at 07:31 pm
I have a lot to be thankful for. One of those things is this forum and all the nice people on it. I feel like I have made some good friends this year.
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Posted in
November 21st, 2006 at 04:19 pm
I finished taking begginer bridge lessons and I had 3 ladies come over and play all yesterday afternoon. I served very little, some snack mix, pretzels and potato chips. I only had diet soda, but they all drank water, so it was a pretty frugal afternoon.
The only place I splurged was on the heat. I keep it set on 60 and wear 2 sweaters. I really blew it and turned it up to 67. I noticed that they all still kept their sweaters/coats on while I sat there in short sleeves.
Well, it was a lot of fun and we are going to try it again next week. I think I played pretty well and never went set, even once.
Posted in
November 18th, 2006 at 03:59 pm
A few of you have put pictures up, but for most of us, we just have to guess what each other looks like. I think pricewise said I reminded him of the lady in Fried Green tomatoes.
He must think I am a wrinkled old gray haired lady!!
I love when I get to meet people from my local forum in person. They never look like what I imagine!
Maybe someday we will meet. I would like that!!
What do you think I look like??
Posted in
November 17th, 2006 at 03:58 pm
I mentioned in my "list", that my grandma had me steal a puppy when I was 3. My grandma was a big dog lover, so am I.
The neighbors dog had a litter of puppies that they were giving away. The children were riding the littlest puppy, the runt of the litter, all around, in a wagon.
My grandma thought it was too cold outside for the puppy and that the kids were too rough with it.
She told me to go into their garage and take that puppy and put it in my coat pocket (It was really little)
I did just that and I went and sat in the car til my mother came out to drive us back home.(We lived on the other side of Norfolk, va.)
I got that puppy all the way home and into the house without my mother knowing. By the time my mother found out, my daddy came home. He fell in love with the puppy!
My mother called the neighbors to explain the theft by her 3 year old! They said I could keep the puppy and I did. My very first dog. I named her Melody Rebecca Christine Jingles Hudson Lady Bug Crosby. She became "Lady" I had her til she died when I was a teen.
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November 16th, 2006 at 09:14 pm
About me:
1. my dh is the most important thing in my life.
2. I don't eat fruit, veggies, or seafood.
3. My best compliment was when a guy told husband#1 that he had a very pretty daughter. (He was 39, I was 32)
4. My favorite thing to do it dance.
5. I won't ride in a car with anyone else driving except me or my dh. I get car sick in a block.
6. I graduated 4th in my H.S. class.
7. I was born on thanksgiving day, my mother got no turkey dinner.
8. My grandma told me to steal a puppy and I did. I was 3. I got to keep it.
9. I spent the night in jail. I got to the bus station late at night and it was locked, so I went to the police station and asked if I could stay there. I got a cell just like in Mayberry.
10. I love parties. I should be 19 so I could act my age.
11. My favorite number is 13.
12. I don't know how to do housework.
13. I had 2 convertible spitfire cars.
14. My first husband was 6 feet 7 inches tall, I am 5 feet, 2 inches.
15. I have no living blood relatives.
16. I am addicted to ice, I keep refilling my glass.
17. I love dogs.
18. I have only been to a doctor twice in my life.
19. I still have my ticket to my only Elvis concert.
20. I won a free scholarship to college but eloped my jr. year. (stupid)
21. We moved to the mountains, just on a whim. Had no jobs. Lived on our savings for a year.
22. I got my first sled when I was 41.
23. I am shy.
24. I once had the job of Madame Zodi even tho I was not into astrology. The real lady quit and I had to fill in at the newspaper.
25, My dh proposed to me on April 2nd and my divorce became final April 6th. So I was legally married to one, and engaged to another, for 4 days!
Posted in
November 15th, 2006 at 04:42 pm
My little pooch, Holly, is gone today. she is at the groomers til about 4 pm. It is a rainy and gloomy day too.
It is funny how much I miss her when she is gone. I don't see how anyone can live without a pet??
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November 14th, 2006 at 10:01 pm
We made an appt. to see a foot doctor for my husband. Even after 30 years, I still go to the doctor's and into the room with him.Looks like it was a clogged sweat gland and now his foot no longer hurts.
The bill was for $108.80 and the receptionish informed me that I was getting a 20% discount.
I have found that if I say no insurance, the bill will drop.
My last bill they knocked off $150 cause I paid cash. doesn't anyone pay in cash anymore?
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November 14th, 2006 at 07:56 pm
I got some great deals on candy and cookies for christmas presents at Rite Aid today. It is pretty and sunny right now,so I am taking my puppy for a ride in the red vette!!
Posted in
November 13th, 2006 at 09:57 pm
I just got an e mail from New worth also, so I went and update mine. This time I was more specific, instead of saying, I have $59,000, I noted that I really have $59,934 in that catagory. My net worth rose about $12,000 this month. all my cash is going into that house we are building. In case you are wondering why houses are so high, I just paid almost $400 for 2 pieces of window trim. The marble shower was over $1500 and without a door, so far!Opps, this first line should have read NET worth, not NEW worth!
Posted in
November 13th, 2006 at 03:02 pm
I had to make a dr. appt. for my dh this morning. Something in his foot has bothered him for weeks now.
He is going to a foot doctor. He went once before and was in the office 1 minute. The bill was $175. I am glad I put away $100 a week in our medical envelope! Today is pay day, so I will be going to the bank and then home to do my budget for the week!
Posted in
November 13th, 2006 at 12:27 am
We are having one of my favorites tonight. N.Y. steak, potatoes and hot crusty bread.
I am so lucky. My husband comes home after working from 7am to 6pm., fixes the potatoes and is going to grill the steak. All I have to do is set the table. Did I ever tell you that he does all the housework too??
And you wonder why I am happy all the time!!!!!
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