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Archive for August, 2011
August 31st, 2011 at 07:53 pm
The vet specialist that we went to last Friday has put my dog on a special diet. Hill's prescription diet. This dog has always been a very picky eater and does NOT like any dog food. She wants people food. So, of course, we are having to force feed her. I had to buy a whole case of it at the vets yesterday and it was the big cans. I am sure we will have to throw some of it away. A big can will probably go bad before she finishes it.
Today, I found some of the Hill's prescription treats and we bought those.
Of course, they are way too big for her (she is 4 pounds now) so we had to break them in pieces. She does like that. I sure hope this helps her get better cause I feel so sad when she cries and begs for our food.
I did do some grocery shopping yesterday and saved $9 buying sprite on sale. I will add that to my challenge money.
Prev. total $15,559.00
today 9.00
new total $15,568.00
Posted in
$20 Challenge
August 28th, 2011 at 03:29 pm
I received another Chase check in the mail yesterday. This was not our sapphire new card, but our old business card. My husband buys a lot of stuff from home depot and it gives us 3 points for every dollar spent. So there is $50 more to my challenge account.
Prev. total $15,509.00
today 50.00
new total $15,559.00
Posted in
$20 Challenge
August 27th, 2011 at 08:54 pm
I received another invitation from Chase Sapphire today. I had already opened an account in my husband's name, charged the $3000 and received the check for $500.
This invitation was to open an account in my name with the same $500 bonus, so I am going to apply.
I would think they would go broke giving out so much money, but I must be wrong. I paid my first card off the day I received the bill.
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August 26th, 2011 at 11:19 pm
I spent $500 at the vets today. I already spent $150 on Holly last Tuesday. Hopefully, by Monday all the tests will be back and we will know what is wrong with her. I hope I don't have to go back there. This vet was towards Atlanta and the traffic was terrible.
The braves won yesterday, the stock market was up today and I got a dollar bill in the mail. That is $3 more to the challenge.
Prev. total $15,506.00
today 3.00
new total $15,509.00
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$20 Challenge
August 25th, 2011 at 04:53 pm
That means it is just 4 more months until Christmas. I see that momma23 has started her christmas shopping already. So have I. I just buy for dh, the granddaughters get money!
I had a no use gas day yesterday, so $2 to the challenge.
Plus I got my s/s deposited yesterday and I always add that to the challenge, $486.00.
Prev. total $15,078.00
today 488.00
new total $15,566.00
Posted in
$20 Challenge
August 24th, 2011 at 10:57 pm
I don't have a bit of luck when it comes to finding change on the ground! I know that some of you are very good at it and you keep a running total.
So far this year, I have found about 2 pennies in a parking lot.
I do sometimes find change in my washer, but I know it came out of dh pockets!
Yesterday I found a dime in the paper machine, on Monday, I found a quarter in the changer at Ingles and last week I found a nickel and a dime! I save all my change and turn it in once a month, then add it to my challenge money.
Things are looking up!!!!!
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August 23rd, 2011 at 10:07 pm
I took my older dog back to the vets today. She is just not getting any better, so now I am going to have to take her to a vet that specializes in internal medicine. I take her this Friday. It is about 100 miles from here, so my husband will take off from work. I sure hope they can find out what is wrong with her.
I saved $4 using my advantage card at the grocery store and the braves won again, so $5 to the challenge.
Prev. total $15,073.00
today 5.00
new total $15,078.00
Posted in
$20 Challenge
August 21st, 2011 at 10:00 pm
I have spent the last few days in my library. Ever since the mid 70's I have had a library in my home. Whenever, I have to move, the library is the most work. I don't read that much any more and I have decided to donate all my books to the local library. They have a book store and they sell most of the books.
I finally got the project finished and all of the books delivered to the library today! Whew, that is
hardest I have worked in 20 years. I had to carry all the books from upstairs.
The braves won last night and again today, so $2 more to the challenge.
Prev. total $15,071.00
today 2.00
new total $15,073.00
Posted in
$20 Challenge
August 20th, 2011 at 10:15 pm
I am planning on making a bank deposit on Monday, so I am adding the money from my corvette envelope to the challenge money today.
Prev. total $14,446.00
today 625.00
new total $15,071.00
Posted in
$20 Challenge
August 20th, 2011 at 05:59 pm
Yes, I did, I found 7 one dollar bills in my dryer. Of course, I know they DID belong to dh, but it is finder's keepers around here. The braves won last night, so I am donating the 7 plus 1 to my challenge money.
Prev. total $14,438.00
today 8.00
new total $14,446.00
Posted in
$20 Challenge
August 20th, 2011 at 02:21 pm
I got another rewards check in the mail. This time for $25 which I will add to the challenge.
Prev. total $14,413.00
today 25.00
new total $14,438.00
Posted in
$20 Challenge
August 19th, 2011 at 10:33 pm
I got my $500 Chase rewards check in the mail today. My dh never believed I would get it, so he is quite shocked. The braves won, so $501 will be added to the challange.
Prev. total $13,912.00
today 501.00
new total $14,413.00
lucky 13!
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$20 Challenge
August 17th, 2011 at 09:33 pm
I got my highest electric bill ever, today. It is for $204. Of course, I have a big house, 3200 sq. feet and it has been terrible hot this summer. I only budget $160 a month. It looks like I need to redo my budget.
I got the interest on my local money market account credited today. That was $129 to add to my challenge money.
Prev. total $13,783.00
today 129.00
new total $13,912.00
Posted in
$20 Challenge
August 16th, 2011 at 08:14 pm
Today, August 16th is the day that Elvis died in 1977. Most of you know I am an Elvis fan. I have an Elvis bedroom with a lot of souveniers including all my old Elvis 45 record (with covers) that I bought when I was just a kid.
I was lucky enough to see him in person at a concert before his death. It was one of the greatest nights I have ever had!
Did you know that there is a radio station located across the street from Graceland, that plays nothing but Elvis songs all the time? I have that on my corvette, so I can listen all the time.
He died 34 years ago today. I am adding that amount of dollars ( Plus $1 cause the braves won in the 9th inning) to the challenge money.
Prev. total $13,748.00
today 35.00
new total $13,783.00
Posted in
$20 Challenge
August 14th, 2011 at 10:52 pm
WE woke up this morning to the sounds of the water department digging up our front yard (again) When ever the water main breaks, it breaks in our yard cause we are at the bottom of the hill beside the creek.
We were without water for over 5 hours, plus our yard id now dug up. This is very annoying, because it happens about every 6 months. One time, our driveway even caved in. We got an estimate last month to have it repaved for almost $6000. I am so glad we did not have it done. Then the braves lost after being ahead for 6 innings! I think I will go to bed early and wish for a better day tomorrow.
Posted in
August 13th, 2011 at 09:11 pm
For the stock market that is! I have watched my mutual funds go down, down, down. At least the market went up yesterday and the Braves won, so I will add $2 to the challenge.
Prev. total $13,746.00
today 2.00
new total $13,748.00
Posted in
$20 Challenge
August 12th, 2011 at 06:52 pm
Well, I got my first bill from Chase and I got my bonus 50,000 points. (I charged $3000 on my dh's hospital bill)
I tried to redeem my points on line, but I couldn't do it. So, I called and got someone who spoke terrible english. He said he will be sending me a check for $500. My dh does not believe that I will get $500. I hope I do and I will add that to my challenge money!
Posted in
August 11th, 2011 at 08:39 pm
I have had a busy week so far this week. On Mondays, I play bridge with friends here at my house. We all took lessons together, so we try and play once a week.
On Tuesday, I got my little poodle, Holly groomed. When I picked her up at the vets, I asked for something to give her cause she has been throwing up. I had to see the vet and I was there all afternoon, so they could work me in. $170 later, I have medication to help her problem.
On Wednesday, I went with my husband to the doctor. It was nothing serious, thank goodness, just hemorroids. Painful, but not serious. That visit was only $50, plus $15 for medication.
I did some grocery shopping today and saved $4 using my bi lo card, plus the braves have won 3 games in a row. ($3) I am adding the $7 to my challenge money.
Prev. total $13,739.00
today 7.00
new total $13,746.00
Posted in
$20 Challenge
August 6th, 2011 at 09:49 pm
I got a pinecone check in the mail today. I have noticed that if you don't do the survey right away, the next day they are not available. I need to check my e mail more often.
I also had a no use gas day yesterday so a total of $6 ($3 from pinecone) to add to the challenge.
Prev. total $13,733.00
today 6.00
new total $13,739.00
Posted in
$20 Challenge
August 5th, 2011 at 07:47 pm
I opened both a Lowes and a Sears card last month. They both offer a 5% discount when you use their card. Since I only use my credit cards when purchasing things for the spec houses, it seem smart that I save 5% when possible.
I bought the appliances for the house last month and saved 5%. Of course, I planned to pay the entire sears bill in full, so I already had the check made out.
I was surprised when i opened the bill to see that they had given me $15 off my purchase to welcome me as a new customer. I wrote a new check and will add thet $15 to my challenge money.
Prev. total $13,718.00
today 15.00
new total $13,733.00
Posted in
$20 Challenge
August 4th, 2011 at 07:45 pm
The last time I looked at it today, the stock market was down over 300 points.
I am having a no use gas day today; the braves finally won yesterday, so I am adding $4 to the challenge today.
Prev. total $13,715.00
today 3.00
new total $13,718.00
Posted in
$20 Challenge
August 3rd, 2011 at 10:38 pm
I am adding my ING and my money market interest to the challenge every month. I am NOT adding the interest that my Melrose c.d.'s earn, which is only paaid quarterly.
In this case my ING orange checking account paid me $149 for the month of July.
Prev. total $13,566.00
today 149.00
new total $13,715.00
Posted in
$20 Challenge
August 3rd, 2011 at 08:41 pm
I got a dollar bill in the mail the other day. It is from nfomysurvey. I use to do surveys for them all the time, but it took so long to accumulate enough points to ever cash out, so I stopped the surveys.
They still send me this booklet once in a while. You have to keep track of all your expenses for a month and write them down in a journal that they send you.
At the end of the month, they send you a pre paid envelope to send the journal back, and another dollar bill. It seems like a lot of work for just $2 but I don't really mind recording my expenses.
I stopped to pick up a few things at Bi Lo today and saved $3 with my bi lo card, so that is $4 to add to the challenge.
Prev. total $13,562.00
today 4.00
new total $13,566.00
Posted in
$20 Challenge
August 1st, 2011 at 04:47 pm
Happy August 1st. Last year, I spent most of this date and about $7500 on the emergency room with my dh. He was having a gall bladder attack, but it took them about 12 hours to figure out what it was.
Today, he is doing fine after having surgery last august.
I did my net worth today. It has gone down quite a bit due to the stock market. But the big thing is all the land we have been buying. We have bought 5 pieces of land since last December. I have paid cash for 2 of them and financed the other 3 at 2.99%
So, that has made our debt go up. However, we will be building on the lots, so eventually the debt will go down once we sell.
Today is bridge day, but I managed to do my grocery shopping and saved $5 using my advantage card. I also had a no use gas yesterday.
Prev. total $13,555.00
today 7.00
new total $13,562.00
Posted in
$20 Challenge