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Archive for February, 2006
February 28th, 2006 at 05:46 pm
I took my little dog Holly to the groomers this morning. It is so lonely here without here. I stopped at the CVS and used a $2 off coupon I had, so I will add that to my challenge. Ialso got a new coupon from there for $2.50 off, but I have not used that yet. My husband hurt his back today, so he came home to get some aspirin.
I did spend some money, almost $100. My husband has lost 35 pounds and all his pants are just downright baggy. I usually get things at Wal mart, but could not find any size 34's with a 29 inch inseam. I finally had to order out of a penny's catalog, both jeans and dress pants. Plus I blew $4.10 on sugarless candy! Then it will be $32 for my doggie's hairdo! I spend nothing on my hair and $32 on my puppy every 6 weeks or so. Oh well! She is worth it.
Prev. total $4279.00
today 2.00
new total $4281.00
Posted in
$20 Challenge
February 27th, 2006 at 09:19 pm
I feel like a moonshiner when I make my liquor run. we are a dry county. They sell liquor and wine in Murphy. N.C. about 25 miles from here. They sell beer and wine on the county on each side of us, but no liquor. Murphy sells no beer. We folks spend a lot of time driving and our tax monies in other counties.
I decided to drink the bottle of dark rum that I was given, even to I don't like dark rum as well. But I figured that would save me money and it did. i did not buy any rum today, so i saved $12 to add to my challenge. I also stopped at the grocery store and bought something I had forgotten and I saved $3 with my advantage card. So that was $15 saved today.
I went into one of those discount grocery stores and looked around. They had a lot of off brand products and dented and banged up looking stuff. They did have a great deal on low carb ice cream, but 25 miles is a long drive, plus I had several other places to go before I came home.
I had to make a really big withdrawal today to put towards our spec house ($38,000) but I waited til after 2, so I earned another $3.73 in interest.
Prev. total $4263.00
Today saved 15.00
new total $4279.00
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$20 Challenge
February 27th, 2006 at 05:56 pm
Stayed home all day yesterday but my husband worked half a day. Then he came on and worked some more. He cleaned the house and moved the ice maker from one garage to the closer garage and got it hooked up. He washed his van, the hot rod and the old vette.
He did not touch the new vette. I know he can't stand to look at the bumper where it got hit a few days. We have an appt. Mar. 7th to take it in and leave it for 3 or 4 days.
We cooked ribs and potatoes on the grill and I made some cube steaks in the crock pot.(I don't like ribs) We have enough left over for two lunches for dh.
Relaxed in the hot tub last night. I have figured out if I do not go to town every day, I save about $1 in gasoline money, so I will add that to my challenge.
Prev. total $4263.00
today 1.00
new total $4264.00
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$20 Challenge
February 26th, 2006 at 10:27 pm
I mentioned going to a hot dog bonfire/ccok out last night. It was held for members of a local forum but only 9 of us showed up. No one knew each other. How suprised I was to find that I went to school with one of the ladies there. We graduated from the same high school in florida only 2 years apart.
Looks like we are staying home tonight and cooking on the grill. Wish it was warm enough to sit outside, but it is so windy!
Posted in
February 26th, 2006 at 05:00 pm
We went to a bonfire and cooked hot dogs on a stick. I don't think I have ever done that before. We stayed outside all night, with a coat, it was pretty comfortable.
We were all strangers, meeting for the first time. We are on a local forum for our home town and decided to get together. Only 9 attended but we had a nice time. You had to have four wheel drive to come up the driveway, so the vette could not make it. Thank goodness for phones, they came down and got us.
I think I will just stay home today, so if I do it will be a no spend day. My husband went to work but said he would be home early.
I am so glad that his work is starting to pick up, it has been a lean past two months, waiting and waiting on concrete people.
Since I did not go out to eat like I usually do (every night but Sunday) last night, I will take the $20 I saved and put it in my challenge money. so the total is
prev. total $4243.00
today 20.00
new total $4263.00
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$20 Challenge
February 25th, 2006 at 06:09 pm
We are going to a bon fire tonight. I haven't been to anything like that since I was a kid. The couple that invite us, we have never met. We have all met over a local forum and talked there, but none of us has met. It should be interesting. The only thing worrying me is that their drive way is so steep, you have to have four wheel drive, which we don't have. They will have to pick us up at the bottom of the drive.
I don't like steep driveways, heights make me nervous.
I went grocery shopping this morning and looked for something cheap for supper tomorrow night. I got 4 cube steaks for $2, which I will cook in the crock pot.
Then I have been doing book work and paying bills for the past two hours.
I used my advantage card and a free coupoon, and I saved about $5 which I am adding to my challenge money.
Prev. total $4238.00
Today 5.00
new total $4243.00
Posted in
$20 Challenge
February 25th, 2006 at 02:23 pm
I just wanted to remind everyone that 10 months from today is Christmas. Have you started your shopping yet?
Posted in
February 24th, 2006 at 10:39 pm
This is my husband's birthday. I went to work with him to help him put wire mesh down in the basement before the concrete is poured on Monday. Poor guy, he can't get any help and he pays $18 an hour. I wonder if I should pay myself today and put it in our challenge money.
Well it is time to go out to eat and to celebrate.
Not much celebrating when you get our age, no presents, no cake. He is getting a $1000 new tool that he ordered and we are both on diets.
But we will enjoy our night out together!
Posted in
February 24th, 2006 at 02:10 pm
I have only seen my husband cry about 4 times in his life. When his mother died and when our dogs died.
My husband cried last night.
You would have to know my husband to understand what kind of car fanatic he is. The first date I had with him, he had to wash his car first. He has washed our cars almost every day for almost 30 years. He wants cars that are perfect.
My mother died in 1978 and left me a little money. Being young and foolish, I used it to buy a car, something we both wanted, a 1978 corvette. Back then, you could get a car to come into the dealership in primer paint and this one did. One of 16 that year. It was painted tu tone blue with pin striping.
I still have that car and it has never had a scratch on it.
We bought a new vette a while back, a bright red one. My dh washes it almost every day. He spent an hour and a half on it yesterday cleaning it before we went out to dinner.
We were the last people in the restaurant, only two cars in the parking lot. The other car managed to hit our red vette as they were leaving.
my husband was so upset because now it is a damaged car and he does not like damaged cars. It can be fixed, but it won't be the same to him.
He cried. Today is his birthday, not a very good birthday.
Posted in
February 23rd, 2006 at 09:54 pm
I had to go to the grocery store or my outside dog was going to starve. I usually buy what is on sale, if possible, but I got her favorite food today. they had a big bag (8pounds) marked buy one get one free.
Ingles lets you just buy one item and get it for half price when they offer bogo's (I know what that is now thanks to this site) That plus another coupon got me more than $5 in savings to add to my challenge money.
Then I took my little dog and we went to visit my husband's job site. So far with the land and the concrete for the basement, we have almost $110,000 in this spec house. Things are just going sky high around here. We built our first spec house for about $100,000 4 years ago, and now we have more than that in just some land and concrete. Oh well, I am just fortunate to have the money to pay cash.
Prev. total $4233.00
Today 5.00
New total $4238.00
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$20 Challenge
February 23rd, 2006 at 06:18 pm
My husband, who is a builder, has 3 projects going, 2 houses and a garage. All three are just sitting. Our helper has not come to work all week. We just found out that he fell (while drinking) and broke a bunch of ribs last weekend. That means he can't work for months.
No one around here wants to work. This is really frustrating, cause he pays well I think.
Posted in
February 22nd, 2006 at 08:58 pm
My husband came home from work, covered with red geogia clay. Good thing I had washed his other pairs of jeans today. He had to change clothes in the garage. He is working on plumbing and all this rain doesn't help either.
We are having someone look at our house at 5 pm so I am cleaning up a little. They have a SIL that is a builder, but they just like the way our house looks and wants my dh to draw the plans for their new home.
I could not think on anyway to add to my challenge money except to just stay home today. I figured that every time I make a trip to town and back, it cost $1 in gas. So I will just add that dollar to my challenge money.
Prev. total $4232.00
today 1.00
new total $4233.00
I tried to open a savings account with Umbrella bank to get the 4.6%, but they will only open accounts on line. Darn!!
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$20 Challenge
February 22nd, 2006 at 06:04 pm
Happy Birthday, George Washington. I don't think anyone has remembered that it is your birthday today. We all celebrate president's day.
But my goal is to keep more of your pictures in my wallet and not spend them.
Posted in
February 22nd, 2006 at 03:19 pm
Well, I was ready to stay home and save money last night, by not going out to eat. I think my husband is just so used to going out, that when I mentioned it, he say, oh no, lets go out. So out we went and enjoyed it of course.We went to a friend's house for supper on Monday night. I guess we couldn't not go to the restaurant two nights in a row. The owner calls us her stock holders. She is opening a mexican restaurant right next door, but I don't really like mexican food.
Posted in
February 21st, 2006 at 10:44 pm
Normally Monday is payday and the day I do my budget. Then banks were closed yesterday so I did the paycheck and the envelope method today.
I budgeted $160 for electricity this month and this month is was under $90. So I have $70 left over to place in my challenge money.
I went and paid $370 for car tags today. I have an envelope that I put in $100 a week. That pays for car tags, car insurance, house insurance and property taxes for the year, so it didn't mess up my budget, I already had the money.
Prev. total $4162.00
Today 70.00
New total $4232.00
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$20 Challenge
February 21st, 2006 at 08:08 pm
I thought of a way to save some money. My dh and I like cocktails in the evening after dinner ( and during) I usually drink white rum and diet sprite.
After cheaning out behind the bar to install our new wine cooler, I have discovered that I have a bottle and a half of dark rum.
Although I don't like dark rum as much as white rum, I have decided to drink it up thus saving some money not buying white rum.
It is a sacrific, but I am willing to do it if it means adding to my $challenge$ money.
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$20 Challenge
February 20th, 2006 at 09:05 pm
Well I have had two no spend days and two stay at home days in a row. I decided to take my little Holly for a ride. In case you don't know who Holly is, the is the cutest little black poodle who weighs about 6 lbs. and loves to go riding in the car.
I had a bill that really needed to be paid today, so I rode downtown to pay it. I use to ride around and pay all my bills but now with the price of gas, it is cheaper to mail the bills.
Gas has gone down to $2.33 premium around here.
It is a gloomy cold day here and I am looking forward to being with friends tonight. We built their house and they still like us!! Not many people can say that of their builder, but we have remained friends with all we have built for.
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February 20th, 2006 at 04:24 pm
I got a nice surprise this morning, I got a call invited us out for dinner.We had planned on going out anyway, but now I won't have to pay for it.
Well it is raining, what else is new. That is all it seems to do lately. My husband can't work when it rains cause all of this houses are just getting started and the work is all outside work. Rain, rain go away.
Guess i will take that $20 I would have spent tonight and put it in my challenge money.
Prev. total $4142.00
Today 20.00
new total $4162.00
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$20 Challenge
February 19th, 2006 at 07:45 pm
It just dawned on me that we have not been out in the 33 ford in quite a while. It has no heat, so we have not driven it lately,
I really wanted to go and see the basement of the house my husband has just started but it is sooo cold out. Not that I keep it that warm in the house, but it beats 30 degrees.
I was looking around the house for something and I came across a few things under the sink that got me to thinking. I find a plastic box of pins, cost $1.59 at roses, never opened and at least 10 years old. A box with a bottle of Avon purfume never opened, probably purchased in Fla. (22 years ago or more)
What if I had saved all the money on stuff that I have bought and never used or just used a little of. Boy, I could have been rich.
I am much better now, but it shows how much money we fritter away in our lifetime.
Posted in
February 19th, 2006 at 04:43 pm
Tomorrow will be presidents day so all the banks will be closed. I am excited about putting my challenge money to work earning some interest, especially since I got a big check yesterday.
I went grocery shopping and saved about $6 with my advantage card which I have applied to my challenge money. Most of the money saved was an $8 roast that had $4.00 off. so it is now in the crock pot cooking for supper.
Prev. bal $4136.00
today 6.00
new total $4142.00
Posted in
$20 Challenge
February 18th, 2006 at 08:35 pm
Well, I spoke too soon. I mentioned house plans that my dh has been working on for over 3 years and he has not been paid for anything.
Today I opened the mail and the check was there!! (doing the dance of joy)
The weather here is terrible, raining now with sleet predicted for later.
We had planned on staying home because of the weather but now we need to go out and celebrate!!
Poor dh is outside working in this terrible weather right now. It is about 32 outside and wet, but warm inside.
29 years ago I met my dh, so this is sort of an anniversary for us. Happy Day!! Have a wonderful weekend.
Prev. total $2964.00
Today's ck. 1172.00
New total $4136.00
Posted in
$20 Challenge
February 17th, 2006 at 10:35 pm
I just watched the Oprah show. this one family spends $100 a day eating out all three meals. She never cooks or does dishes. That makes me feel a little better since I eat out everynight. But they also make double what we do.
Well it has been a no spend day. I never went to town so couldn't spend any money. I should have picked up a few groceries, they are calling for snow and sleet to come in tomorrow. Hopefully, we won't starve.
I go my electric bill today and it went down by $12, to $88. I was happy about that. That means I will have some extra money to put towards my challenge money when I pay that bill and that makes me happy.
I sent a bill out several weeks ago for a set of plans. My husband tends to do a lot of free stuff for people that talk to him about building.
He has worked with one couple for 3 years. They have bought and sold land 3 times and have changed their plans so much. He has drawn and drawn on them. Finally he finished them and I mailed them off and they were pleased.
But when I send a bill, they did not pay. If they won't pay for the plans, they won't pay for their house.
Guess it is a good thing we found that out early.
If I ever get a check, I will put it in my challenge money, but I won't let it upset me now.
At least we won our lawsuit and have not been re sued, so i will do the dance of joy today!!
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$20 Challenge
February 16th, 2006 at 07:25 pm
I mentioned about a month ago, that we were sued by a guy for $7000 for some silt fencing (he says) He really wanted the money to pay for a new drive way. Anyway, we won the case and did not have to pay him anything, but he had 30 days to refile and take us to another court. The 30 days are up, and unless something has been delayed by the mail, I think we are free and clear of this.
My husband said he would go to jail rather than pay the man a penny!!
So, no jail time yet.
we stayed home and cooked on the grill last night. That is a big thing for me, to stay home any night but Sunday. We got to sit in our warm jacuzzi and just talk.
I am really getting motivated in reading all the ways you guys save and spend your money.
I can see my biggest problem is eating out every night and not buying things on sale.
Yesterday, I saved $2.60 with my advantage card, so I have rounded it up (which I am going to do so I don't have to mess with a bunch of change in my challenge money box) to $3 plus I know I saved at least $20 by not eating out last night. So that is $23 for my challenge money.
Prev. total $2941.00
today 23.00
newe total $2964.00
Iknow I could save some grocery money if my husband went to jail, but it is nice having him around!! Have a wonderful day!!
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$20 Challenge
February 15th, 2006 at 06:46 pm
That is what I am going to commit, if people don't quit bothering us while we are having dinner.
The guy I call Mr. Miami showed up again and bugged us during our valentine dinner. I am staying home tonight. I just can't enjoy myself. I guess that will give me some money to add to my challenge.
I asked yesterday, but no one commented. Should I add the interest that I earn on my savings and money market checking to my challenge money? Any thoughts or comments?? Please!!!
Posted in
February 14th, 2006 at 10:25 pm
Do you all count the interest that you receive in your challenge money? I did count the few dollars I got in my ING account, but I also have a savings that earns interest every 3 months and a money market checking that pays me interest every month. Should I count this?
I know this is not a contest to see who can make the most, but I want to be fair. any suggestions would be appreciated. and thanks.
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$20 Challenge
February 14th, 2006 at 08:16 pm
Just got back from North Carolina. It is so pretty out today, I need to get my puppy and go sit on the deck over the creek in the sunshine. Still lots of snow on the ground.
I had to make a liquor run, plus stop by and pay a bill, so I saved 39cents!
I am really trying to get into saving money. I have never been one to find coupons, the only time I use them is at the grocery store.
I was trying to find a cheaper deodrant so i really checked them out today at Rite Aid. I was surprised to find that most deodrants are not aerosol, they are stick types. They were having a sale on some stick types that were 2/$4 but if you had a coupon they were 2/$2. I went and got a store flyer and cut the coupon out. Then I notice that the hair color I need was $2 off if you had a coupon, so back I went to the flyer. That means I saved $4. I hope the deodrant works for me, but I don't think my husband will try it. The brand is soft n dry.
I hate paying 4-5$ for one can of arrid extra dry, and we have used it for 30 years.
I didn't spend any money on Valentine's day. I gave my husband the free card I gave him last year, and sent a friend an e card over this computer.
My challenge stands at:
Prev. total $2937.00
Today 4.00
New total $2941.00
Come on Holly, let's go sit on the deck and listen to the creek!!!
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$20 Challenge
February 13th, 2006 at 09:52 pm
I just did all of my budget envelopes. I have $60 left after filling them all, so I will add that $60 to my challenge money. This feels good cause my husband has not worked much the past 3 weeks. I hope he can get started back tomorrow, weather permitting.
Prev. total $2877.00
today 60.00
new total $2937.00
Posted in
$20 Challenge
February 13th, 2006 at 09:30 pm
Boy it was good to get out today. we were snowed in again this morning, for a while. dh made it almost to work, but entrance to job was full of ice. He has done a lot of work around this house. The bar area is all fixed up now. hardwood floor has been sanded and painted, new trim, cabinet built for wine cooler. Today he started painting all the trim in the kitchen.
Now if Holly (darling dog) and I can just stay away from it.
Today is my budget day and I always look forward to that. Went to the bank and got his paycheck cashed, then to Ingles to pick up a few things and to ace hardware. I used a $2 coupon, so I am adding to my challenge money.
Prev. bal. $2875.00
today 2.00
New bal. $2877.00
and the sun is shining!!!!
Posted in
February 12th, 2006 at 08:11 pm
It was snowing and sticking to the road this morning. We went out to dinner last night, but we had our usual "visitors" who just show up to eat with us. Very annoying. I ate quickly and left.
DH is working on the bar area today. He has sanded the floor. We decided to fill up the hole where the ice machine was, with a wine cooler. We will never use it, but lots of people love them. (since all we drink is the $3 wine, boone's farm, we never needed a wine cooler.)
The road warmed up, so dh was able to get to his second home, the Home Depot to purchase the cooler and some grout for the new tile he put in.
I am going to make beef strognoff for supper tonight so this would have been a no spend day if he had not bought a $100 wine cooler. He is having to build a base to sit it on so that it will fit in the same space as the old ice maker. I hope we can get the ice maker working and just keep it in the garage, if not, we will sell it cheaply. That thing ran about $900 brand new.
This has been a noisy house today with all of the noisy tools and air compressors going. I am looking forward to dinner ALONE and a nice drink in hand. Maybe we should eat by candlelight in the dining room tonight.
Posted in
February 11th, 2006 at 09:51 pm
If you don't have an ice machine, dont get one. We have one behind the bar. It was always having to be fixed, so finally g.e. gave me a new one.
About a month ago, we noticed water on the floor, dh turned off ice machine. Today another leak. Now floor is ruined, baseboard has been taken off and will have to be new put on.
Repairman also cracked the tile on the bar, so that is now being chipped off to put new tile down on the bar. Glad my husband can do all this, but it is a mess. If i ever have another one, it will be in the garage!
It has snowed all day, but has not stuck to the ground yet. I have just walked on the treadmill and watched tv, boring, boring. I had hoped to go out to dinner tonight,but it is snowing harder, so I don't know.
On a positive side, I have not spent any money today, but I also have not come up with any new money to put towards my challenge money. My dh is smoking his first turkey on the grill. I don't like smoked turkey but I hope it turns out well for him. My challenge money stands at $2875.
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