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Archive for August, 2015
August 27th, 2015 at 03:22 pm
I received my social security check of $529 yesterday. As usual, I will add that to my $20 challenge: It is almost Sept. and I still have almost $6000 to go to reach my $20,000 goal for the year.
Prev. total $13,677.00
today 529.00
new total $14,206.00
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$20 Challenge
August 26th, 2015 at 07:40 pm
Alan is my hometime guy that won 1st place on the tv show, "Alone" by lasting 56 days out in the wilderness all alone. He is back in Blairsville now and was on the front page of our weekly paper.
What was the first "real" food that he ate once he was back in civilization? Peanut butter.
What would be your 1st choice after 56 days? Mine would be M & M's!!
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August 21st, 2015 at 07:21 pm
I have been watching the tv program, "Alone" for the past several months. Ten guys are dropped off in the wilderness to survive the best they can, all alone.
I knew it was down to just two men last week and one of them is from my town, Blairsville, Ga. His name is Alan and he works at a prison guard. Everybody else "tapped out" escept Alan, and so last night, he was declared the winner. He was there for over 50 days. He thinks he could have lasted another 2 months, but of course, he was glad to get home to see his wife and 3 small children.
Congratulations Alan. You make the whole town proud!
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August 20th, 2015 at 09:22 pm
Imoved into my new home, 20 years ago this month.
In the past few years, I have replaced the refrigerator, the stove top and the dishwaher.
Last year, the downstaris ac/heat went out and I had to get a new unit.I was not happy with the new one. I have always used Lennox (in allthe homes we built)
This was is a trane and it has a heat pump. It does not stay warm in winter and my electric bills have gone way, way up.
In February, my double oven went out. I have not replaced it yet, because I still have one working oven and I don't like cooking.
Last week, my upstairs a/c gave out. I thought I would need a new unit, but they told me the circuit
board went bad. They replaced that this week, so we have a/c upstairs again.
Tuesday, we noticed we had no hot water. The hot water heater quit working. Lucky for us, I thought, we had a back up unit. We have a 2nd water heater for the jacuzzi tub. We tried it out, but it has quit working too.
So, today, my husband bought two new hot water heaters for a total of $861.00 and replaced both of them. Lucky for me, he is so handy. But he does not work on air conditioners, so we don't know how much that repair will be. It has been a costly week.
I would love a new house where nothing needs to be repaired. Hubby is balking on that, tho.
He really likes our property that we built on. It is a level two acres with lots of trees (that we planted 20 years ago) with 500 feet on a nice creek. He has 2 garages for all his cars (5) and stuff! He says, we can't find any property as nice as this because we are in the mountains and level lots do not exist.
So, I guess we will continue fixing up and just stay right here.
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August 18th, 2015 at 07:43 pm
Last month, after closing on the house for which we are holding the mortgage, I decided to open a new savings account.
Since the highest interest I can find right now is at
Mysavingsdirect, (1.24%) I decided to open the acoount there.
This account will be mainly for my monthly mortgage payments that I will receive. I will also add the discount money I receive from Builderway (where we buy building materials) stock dividends, credit card cash rewards. advantage card savings and other discounts.
The reason I named it the "right" account is that the young couple that are making the mortgage payments to me are named Wright!
I opened the account last month with $1055 that I had accumulated from the above mentioned sources.
My first mortgage payment was due on Aug. 25th, but I received it on August 13th. I deposited it along with other savings and now have a grand total of $4055.00 in my account. I will keep a running total of that,just like I do my $20 challenge.
$20 challange $13,631.00
Right account $ 4055.00
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$20 Challenge
August 16th, 2015 at 08:24 pm
Today is the day that Elvis died, Aug. 16th, 1977. I sure miss all his talent, but his music lives on.
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August 13th, 2015 at 06:11 pm
I watched the movie "Thunder Road" with Robert Mitchum, last night.
Trivia question?
Who was supposed to play Robert Mitchum's younger brother in the movie?
(don't cheat and look it up)
Who actually played the younger brother? (That one is easy if you ever saw the movie) (First question is the hardest)
Posted in
August 13th, 2015 at 05:50 pm
Ou A/C unit upstairs quit working. I had the downstairs unit replaced last year. I have always had a lennox, but my regular dealer does not carry them anymore. I replaced it with a trane that has a heat pump. Let me say, I do not like the heat pump at all. My winter bills are double what they use to be and the house seems very cold.
I was happy that the Lennox unit upstairs just need repairs. It is working now I am happy to say. I have not yet received a bill for the repair.
Posted in
August 8th, 2015 at 04:11 pm
Does anyone watch the tv show, "Alone"? We have been watching it because a local man, from here in Blairsville, Ga. is one of 10 participants on the show. Somehow, we have missed the past two weeks.
We are wondering how he did? We think the show is over now, because someone has seen this man, back here, at home.
Does anyone know who the winner is? (Our local's name is Alan Kay.)
I have my $20 challenge up to $13,537.00.
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August 6th, 2015 at 05:35 pm
Are eggs high in your area? I just paid $3.95 for a dozen large eggs.
Dh has an egg for breakfast almost everyday. He gets up early and fixes himself a big breakfast before he goes to work. He takes his lunch, but he tends to eat light during the day. (especially during this heat) I myself, eat cereal about an hour after I get up. $3.95 seems high to me, but I guess everything is high these days! I can't believe that I spend almost $100 a week for just two people. (in groceries)
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August 5th, 2015 at 04:33 pm
I have not been able to get into the vanguard website to check on my mutual funds since I started trying last Saturday. Has anyone else had a problem with this?
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August 4th, 2015 at 07:22 pm
Braves have not done well these past two weeks. They have only won about 4 games out of the last 16.
Last night they played thw world champion San Francisco giants.
Not to surprisingly, when I checked the score, the braves were down 6-0 in the 5th inning.
They made a great comeback and win on to win 9-8 in the 12th inning. Since iput in $5 for every win and $1 for every run they score when they win, I was able to fatten up my $20 challenge last night.
The total now stands at $13,496.00
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$20 Challenge
August 3rd, 2015 at 05:17 pm
I got the interest from my GE capital bank account and also my Barclay dream account. The interest was $31 and $3 respectively. The dream account has a maximum of $1000 that you can add each month. They promise to give you a 5% interest bonus on the interest after 6 months. Of course, that will not amount to much, but I have added the max every month and made no withdrawals. I will add this to the $20 challenge:
Prev. total $13,426.00
today 34.00
new total $13,460.00
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$20 Challenge
August 1st, 2015 at 03:53 pm
That means interest day! Unfortunately, not too much interest any more. I am holding a mortgage on the last house we built, so the money is not sitting in the bank earning interest. However, it is earning even more interest for me in a 4 1/2% mortgage. It just will take me a long time to get the money back.
I have a savings account at My savings direct earning 1.24% interest. This month I received $104 in interest. I also opened a new account for my mortgage payments. (This has earned a whopping 50 cents so far) I will add the $104 to my $20 challenge.
Prev. total $13,322.00
today 104.00
new total $13,426.00
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$20 Challenge