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I am in shock!!

May 25th, 2006 at 03:24 pm

My husband is a builder. Until a few years ago, he only built custom homes. He does all the inside work by himself, the painting, the trim, builds all the cabinets and built ins, rocks the fireplace, lays the tile, does the hardwood flooring, marble, countertops, plumbing, electrical, etc.
He does it all and perfectly!
He build a nice house in 2000 and it costs about $400,000 to build it. ( He made about $35,000 for the year he spent building it, working 7 days a week, even thanksgiving day)
The lot was $60,000, so they had a total of $460,000.
It has just gone on the market for 1.35 million dollars! Wow!!

Her first squirrel

May 24th, 2006 at 06:10 pm

My Holly almost caught her first squirrel. I let her out to go potty, not knowing there was a squirrel on the deck. It ran up a post, while she stood on her hind legs to look at it.
It finally lept off into the grass and headed toward the creek.
So did Holly!! She disapppeared down the bank towards the creek and scared me to death!!
Holly is a 5 pound little poodle, not much bigger than the squirrel. I don't know what she would have done with the squirrel if she had caught it. I suppose get bitten pretty bad.
Fortunately, my other dog showed up, and Holly went over to brag to her, and I scooped her up. From now on, she wears a leash.

No spend day

May 23rd, 2006 at 08:54 pm

This has been a no spend day today. I only had to go to town to make my payment on a piece of property that we have a mortgage on. I make my payment every 28 days and I have gotten the interest down quite a bit from when I started.
I borrowed almost $65,000 to buy this beautiful mountain view property. This was in Jan., 2005. Today's payment brought my total owed to just under $30,000. I am so happy, I have paid off over $30,000 in 16 months.
We have to attend a builder's meeting at 5:30, so there will be no supper out for us tonight. Guess we will really be saving money. I had better go get a snack, don't want my tummy growling tonight!

#1 Husband

May 22nd, 2006 at 05:34 pm

I have the greatest husband. We have had several medical bills this past month, so dh decided to work 7 days this week to make extra money.
He came home at 5:30 last night, cut the yard (2 acres) and did the weedeating.
After that, he cooked dinner out on the grill and then cleaned up the kitchen.
tonight, he said he would be home early to clean house!! Gotta love that!!

My chicken dog!!

May 21st, 2006 at 06:33 pm

I don't know what makes my dog so scared of thunder. I shut her up in the garage and right now she is wedged behind the ice maker. I hope she can get out! She is at least 15 years old and does not hear well anymore, so I don't know why she gets so scared.
My little one, Holly, is not scared a bit!

Food for critters

May 20th, 2006 at 06:20 pm

I have been taking old food and throwing it out in the yard for critters. I don't know what eats it, but it always seems to disappear. I also put out corn for the deer. A huge bag if only $5 and lasts forever. Makes me feel better about wasting so much bread every week. My husband eats most of the bread, and he won't eat frozen bread at all.
I saw a groundhog while I was out. I forget sometimes how big our yard is til I start walking around it all.

Why do dogs eat grass?

May 19th, 2006 at 07:37 pm

Anybody know why? You are such a bunch of smart people, I thought someone might know! My puppy (she is 6) loves to eat it if I will let her. Today she spit it up when she came inside. (Thank goodness, not on the white carpet)

Lost weight

May 19th, 2006 at 04:15 pm

Well, I can say I am not too fond of being sick, but I did lose 3 pounds. We went out to eat last night and I got chicken fingers. I managed to eat 1/2 of one and that is all. I wish my appetite would stay this way, but of course, it won't.

Sleepy day

May 18th, 2006 at 11:24 pm

I am taking medicine and I think it is making me sleepy. I took the phone off the hook and took a nap for about 2 hours! I never do that!!

ice cream for breakfast.

May 18th, 2006 at 07:16 pm

That is what I had, it is the only thing that appeals to me, and I think I will go and eat somemore. Trying to figure out what to order for dinner tonight. My cable has been out all day, so I don't want to sit home!

Clarabelle the Clown died

May 17th, 2006 at 06:40 pm

Does anybody remember Clarabelle the Clown. He was on the Howdy Doody show that I use to watch. He just died today.

Sick as a dog!!

May 17th, 2006 at 06:19 pm

Ok, I caught something from Thrifty Ray!!How do those bugs travel from Oregon to Georgia.
I woke up throwing up, something I have not done in 25 years. I have a stomach ache,chills and diarreah. I have stayed in bed all morning, but I can't stand it anymore.
I have certainly never seen my dog this sick!!
My husband still does not feel well and we are taking him to the doctor tomorrow. Maybe I can sneak in too.

Buzz agent

May 15th, 2006 at 05:35 pm

Someone asked me if I was a buzz agent for a stop smoking product. The answer is no, but what is a buzz agent?
We built a house for two different heavy smokers. They were both on oxygen and could barely walk. They both died before the houses were finished.

Sad day

May 15th, 2006 at 05:27 pm

To me, mother's day is a sad day. I lost my mother in 1978 and my dh lost his mother in 1992. To the best of my memory, I have never even received a mother's day card. Yesterday, was no exception.

My anniversary

May 13th, 2006 at 02:37 pm

Today is my 29th wedding anniversary. I got my present this morning, my husband woke up feeling much better!!
It was hard yesterday. He was sick all day and spent the whole day in bed. That meant I had to be very quiet and could not walk on my treadmill.
Now I know why older people feel so stiff. I just can't sit like I did all day yesterday.
Anyway, today was the happiest day of my life, 29 years ago. It has been a great marriage!!!
Hubby managed to eat some cereal this morning, so we are planning dinner out tonight for our anniversary. (He may just eat ice cream, but hey, that is ok)

Sick husband

May 12th, 2006 at 04:29 pm

I have a sick husband today. usually, no mater how sick he is, he goes to work. But he was up all night, throwing up. He went to work, but is still throwing up, so he came home and is in bed. We don't know if it is the flu, skipping his heartburn pill for 3 days, or food poisoning!!
Looks like I won't get in any walking on my treadmill today. It is upstairs, but right over the bed he is resting in.

2999 Jerry

May 11th, 2006 at 05:44 pm

Can you believe that tomorrow they will air the 3000 episode of the Jerry Springer show?

5:30 am

May 11th, 2006 at 04:26 pm

5:30 a.m. That is the time my dog decided to get up to go potty. It is my fault, I forgot to take her outside last night. But I could not go back to sleep, so not a good start to my day!! Well, it was good for my all white carpet. We always know when Holly has to go out cause she sleeps in bed with us


May 10th, 2006 at 04:42 pm

I went out and picked buttercups yesterday before my husband cut the grass. I haven't done that since I was a child. Did you ever hold them under your chin.?
I had a no spend day yesterday, even cooked dinner myself!!

No exercise monday

May 9th, 2006 at 03:36 pm

I didn't do any exercise yesterday. By the time I got home from running errands it was already after 4 pm. I like to catch up on this forum, so I read and posted for a while. Then my husband came home. We have a funny relationship to a lot of people. We spend all of our time at night together. I don't ever get on the computer or walk on my treadmill when he is home! Usually he is home at 6 pm. and we spend every evening together.
So,I need to exercise and get everything done before 6pm.
I bought him some sausage, but i got a different brand than our usual, cause it was $2 cheaper!! He hates it!! Sometimes you just can't save money on everything!

Frugal Sunday

May 8th, 2006 at 04:52 pm

Had a very frugal Sunday. I stayed home all day and watched it rain. My dh went to work, so that was an extra 8 hours he put in.
I never went to the store, so no spend and no gas used.
We sat outside for a little while and cooked hamburgers and pototoes on the grill. Even tho my husband worked all day, he fixed supper. (he is a keeper)
I did managed to walk on my treadmill for 90 minutes!! Yeah!

Gloomy, rainy day

May 7th, 2006 at 07:59 pm

I usually don't mind it raining, but we wanted to cook dinner out on the grill. Oh, we still will, but we won't get to enjoy sitting out by the creek!!
My husband went onto work, he is not the type to sit around. He had planned on cutting grass and do yard work, but the rain is not stopping. Even the dog does not want to go out, she hates to get her feet wet.

New credit card

May 7th, 2006 at 05:44 pm

I just got an offer for a new GM credit card. This one will give you cash back, but instead of it being credited to your account once a year, you can ask for a check when the amount gets to $100. The problem is, I don't charge very much. Do you think I should charge more of the everyday things and then just pay it off monthly? Is that a good idea?

Great Party

May 6th, 2006 at 03:44 pm

We went to a great party last night. I am glad I don't like mexican food and ate just a little rice. Later they had homemade ice cream and I had two helpings. Back to the diet today!

cinco de mayo

May 5th, 2006 at 05:33 pm

We have been invited to a cinco de mayo party tonight.
One of my banks is having customer appreciation day today. I am going down there and get a free hot dog later.Sorry, I just don't like mexican food, but I am picky about all my food.
I will enjoy the margaritas tonight, but just skip the food!!
They are giving away free tomato plans too, so if there are any left, I will get a couple of those too. (I don't like tomatoes either)

Mrs. Miami

May 5th, 2006 at 03:59 pm

We got out to eat every night at the same restaurant! For the past 2 years, this guy has been bothering us.
He bought a house here and is remodling it. He found out my husband is a builder, so he comes over to our table, hangs over it and talks to my husband the whole time we are eating.
It is very annoying and apparently the man does not know that it is rude.
Fortuneatly, he is only here one week a month.
I don't know his name, but he is from Miami, so I call him Mr. Miami.
The past month, I have had a female cardinal wake me up, by pecking at my window. She pecks for hours.
I decided to name her this morning, she will be call Mrs. Miami!!

I love my treadmill

May 4th, 2006 at 04:23 pm

I just love my treadmill. It is one thing in this house that is certainly worth the money that I paid for it.
Actually, this is my 3rd treadmill in the past 20 years. I wore the first two out.
I feel like my years of walking have contributed to the excellent health that I have always enjoyed, plus I probably would weigh about 500 pounds without it.
Time to walk!

Better Day!

May 4th, 2006 at 02:26 pm

Today is going to be a better day than yesterday. I stayed home all day yesterday and didn't spend any money.

staying home

May 3rd, 2006 at 05:37 pm

I think I will just stay home today and enjoy the day. The sun is shining, the sky is blue, it is 72 degrees. This is a good day to sit down by the creek and listen to the water flow by.


May 2nd, 2006 at 04:13 pm

I saw the oprah show too, about the woman with all the fat on her heart. What shocked me is the one lady who drank about 300 ounces of soda each day, for the caffeine.
She cut that out and lost over 40 pounds. I wish I could do that, but all I drink is water anyway.
I don't understand about the need for caffeine? Any of you have that problem?

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