Home > Buzz agent

Buzz agent

May 15th, 2006 at 04:35 pm

Someone asked me if I was a buzz agent for a stop smoking product. The answer is no, but what is a buzz agent?
We built a house for two different heavy smokers. They were both on oxygen and could barely walk. They both died before the houses were finished.

3 Responses to “Buzz agent”

  1. Frances Hernandez Says:

    Being a Buzzagent means you You belong to a group in the computer that has the chance to try products before they are out to normal customers. I am a buzz agent and I love it. As a buzz agent you must be able to tell other people about the products.. In a sense the product company is the queen bee and you are a worker bee who has to tell everyone about its product. I have recently joined and have already buzzed about many great products. After you have tried the product you write a summary. Each time you buzz or write about it you get points to get things. I still think the best part is getting to keep the products. for more info go to

  2. jeffrey Says:

    Just a reminder, buzz agents aren't allowed to promote products in our forums or in comments since that goes against rules of getting paid to promote.

  3. Ima saver Says:

    I have nothing to do with this pill, I don't even smoke, so i won't be trying it.

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