Home > No exercise monday

No exercise monday

May 9th, 2006 at 02:36 pm

I didn't do any exercise yesterday. By the time I got home from running errands it was already after 4 pm. I like to catch up on this forum, so I read and posted for a while. Then my husband came home. We have a funny relationship to a lot of people. We spend all of our time at night together. I don't ever get on the computer or walk on my treadmill when he is home! Usually he is home at 6 pm. and we spend every evening together.
So,I need to exercise and get everything done before 6pm.
I bought him some sausage, but i got a different brand than our usual, cause it was $2 cheaper!! He hates it!! Sometimes you just can't save money on everything!

1 Responses to “No exercise monday”

  1. robex Says:

    I think that it's wonderful that you enjoy spending time together! You must be a very good team.

    I know what you mean about not being able to save money on everything. I buy lots of no name products, but sometimes the brand name is just better--especially if the other is just going to end up in the garbage!

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