Home > I love my treadmill

I love my treadmill

May 4th, 2006 at 03:23 pm

I just love my treadmill. It is one thing in this house that is certainly worth the money that I paid for it.
Actually, this is my 3rd treadmill in the past 20 years. I wore the first two out.
I feel like my years of walking have contributed to the excellent health that I have always enjoyed, plus I probably would weigh about 500 pounds without it.
Time to walk!

3 Responses to “I love my treadmill”

  1. somerlyn Says:

    A number of years ago I asked my husband for a treadmill. I have been a walker most of my life. When I went back to work about 8 years ago it was hard to get out and walk in day light. I was too tired to walk at night and early morning was just scary for me, I'm talking 4:30 each day. Being frugal we found it hard to spend money to walk(paid cash, on sale and with a rebate). But I have used it everyday since we got one. My son who is in Track also used it when weather is too bad to train. It has earned it's way in our house.

  2. markio26 Says:

    i use mine everyday... i really feel great from using it... it was well worth the fifiteen hundred bucks i paid for it... i also, purchased the extended warranty, they do break after a while.

  3. fern Says:

    I'd like to use one in the winter or bad weather, but wouldn't you rather walk outside whenever you could? Just seems like more things can attract your interest and make it more enjoyable.

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