Home > Sad day

Sad day

May 15th, 2006 at 04:27 pm

To me, mother's day is a sad day. I lost my mother in 1978 and my dh lost his mother in 1992. To the best of my memory, I have never even received a mother's day card. Yesterday, was no exception.

7 Responses to “Sad day”

  1. wixx Says:

    Happy Mother's Day

    Although I am not actually kin to you,
    And have no reason to appreciate the things that you do.
    I thought that it would not be terribly hard,
    To send you a simple Mother's Day card.


  2. fern Says:

    Happy belated Mother's Day Ima. I don't have children, so for what it's worth, I've never gotten a card either. It might be nice to have instead of Mother's Day a Women's Day to recognize that women can have varied accomplishments, not just giving birth.

    Just like all the other days, it's mostly marketing hype by Madison Avenue. Hopefully people who care about you will find ways to express that throughout the year.

  3. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Frown I am sorry Mothers Day is not a happy day for you. I know that certain Holidays are no fun for some.

    So I will ditto Wixx's poem... Here is a {hug} to go with it!

  4. Ima saver Says:

    Thanks, you guys, that hug was needed. I do have a daugher and 5 grandchildren. Some times, your children do not turn out like your hopes for them.

  5. Frances Hernandez Says:

    Ima saver,
    I know how you feel. I lost my mother in 2003. I was best friends with her. On mothers day when everyone was telling what they bought for thier mothers, I started crying.
    I have 3 great boys..20,15,10. The to oldest always remember every holiday the third lives with his father so I have to call him to remind him of such holidays. Yesterday I waited all day for him to call then at 10:30pm I called my ex and asked him how his mother enjoyed mothers day. He said great . I then preceded to chew him a new #######.
    He apologized but its normal.
    So to a new friend..YOU.. Happy Belated Mothers Day

  6. campfrugal Says:

    I lost my mom and my MIL three days apart from each other this past February which left my children with no grandmothers. The day was hard, but we had a dinner celebration in their memory and my 3 children gave me beautiful cards even though I cooked breakfast, washed all the bedding, three loads of laundry, grocery shopping and made dinner. Shish, whose day is it. Happy Mother's Day to all of you.

  7. Ima saver Says:

    Thanks you guys, you are cheering me up. My two oldest granddaughters are teenagers, so I thought they might remember.

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