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Archive for May, 2006

Tv guide

May 10th, 2006 at 12:03 am

I got a letter asking me to renew my subscription to the tv guide. I don't like the new format, it is like a magazine. I just want to know the daytime movies and when the Braves play. None of that is in there anymore.
So, i told them that, and that I did not want to renew. I got a check in the mail today for $12, they cancelled my subscription.
Great, I will add that to my challenge.
Prev. total $5305.00
today 12.00
new total $5317.00

Feels good

May 9th, 2006 at 08:21 pm

It feels good to get all the bills paid and all the books caught up. Because my husband builds houses, we have a lot of bills to pay. Even on a custom, home, we paid all the bills and just get draws from the customer.
I got every thing mailed off, visited 2 banks for deposits, got my prescriptions and didn't spend a dime. Well, I did pay for my prescriptions, but we get the same three pills refilled every month, so that expense is already in our monthly budget.
I got my challenge money deposited so that it can start earning interest!

No exercise monday

May 9th, 2006 at 03:36 pm

I didn't do any exercise yesterday. By the time I got home from running errands it was already after 4 pm. I like to catch up on this forum, so I read and posted for a while. Then my husband came home. We have a funny relationship to a lot of people. We spend all of our time at night together. I don't ever get on the computer or walk on my treadmill when he is home! Usually he is home at 6 pm. and we spend every evening together.
So,I need to exercise and get everything done before 6pm.
I bought him some sausage, but i got a different brand than our usual, cause it was $2 cheaper!! He hates it!! Sometimes you just can't save money on everything!

frugal tuesday

May 9th, 2006 at 02:55 pm

I am going to try and have a frugal day today. Yesterday, was a spend day. I had to make a liquor run to North Carolina. I spent another $8 at the grocery store for milk and dinner tonight. We went out to eat last night, $16 for dinner, then $28 to fill up my gas tank.
Tonight we are staying home and having dinner in, so dh can catch up on the yard work. It rained Sunday, so he went to work instead of cutting the grass.

George Dickel

May 8th, 2006 at 09:02 pm

My husband likes george dickel. He helped a friend out last week for a short time, and this guy gave him a big bottle of George Dickel as a thank you.
So I did not have to buy any on my liquor run today. I figured I saved about $25 ,so I am adding that, plus the $1 a mile I pay my self to walk. I got in 3 miles yesterday, so I will add $28 to my challenge money.
prev. total $5277.00
today 28.00
new total $5305.00

Frugal Sunday

May 8th, 2006 at 04:52 pm

Had a very frugal Sunday. I stayed home all day and watched it rain. My dh went to work, so that was an extra 8 hours he put in.
I never went to the store, so no spend and no gas used.
We sat outside for a little while and cooked hamburgers and pototoes on the grill. Even tho my husband worked all day, he fixed supper. (he is a keeper)
I did managed to walk on my treadmill for 90 minutes!! Yeah!

Every little bit helps

May 7th, 2006 at 10:41 pm

It is a gloomy stay home day. I made a dollar by meeting my walking challenge and another dollar by staying home today and using no gas. So I have $2 to add to my challenge money.
prev. total $5275.00
today 2.00
new total $5277.00

Gloomy, rainy day

May 7th, 2006 at 07:59 pm

I usually don't mind it raining, but we wanted to cook dinner out on the grill. Oh, we still will, but we won't get to enjoy sitting out by the creek!!
My husband went onto work, he is not the type to sit around. He had planned on cutting grass and do yard work, but the rain is not stopping. Even the dog does not want to go out, she hates to get her feet wet.

New credit card

May 7th, 2006 at 05:44 pm

I just got an offer for a new GM credit card. This one will give you cash back, but instead of it being credited to your account once a year, you can ask for a check when the amount gets to $100. The problem is, I don't charge very much. Do you think I should charge more of the everyday things and then just pay it off monthly? Is that a good idea?

frugal weekend

May 6th, 2006 at 10:04 pm

I feel like I am having a very frugal weekend. Yesterday, I had a no spend day, only went to the bank to make a deposit. I went out last night to a party where dinner was included.
Today I went to the bank customer appreciation day and got a free hot dog for lunch. Also, some free tomato plants. I went to the grocery store and only spent $42. I got several things on sale including milk for 50 cents and charcoal on sale. The bar soap I use was 50 cents off, so i bought two packages. Being on this site is really opening my eyes. I know I will never get good like you guys, I never get anything for FREE, but I am learning! Thanks you all.!!

Adding to my challenge money

May 6th, 2006 at 07:42 pm

I did my walking challenge yesterday. I shopped today at Ingles and found several bargains, including milk for 50 cents. I used my Advantage card and saved $5.00
Also, we did not go out to eat last night, we went to a party that served dinner. To me, that is saving at least $20 by not eating out.
So I am putting $26 in my challenge account today!!
prev. total $5249
today 26.
new total $5275.00

New shoes

May 6th, 2006 at 06:12 pm

My husband has been complaining that his feet hurt and he needs new work shoes. In the almost 30 years we have been married, he has never bought a pair of shoes by himself. He always wants me to come, like I am a shoe expert or something.
Finally I told him yesterday that he is a big boy and he can go to the only store in town, that sells shoes all by himself and buy some.
So he left this morning and then went to work. I hope he found some shoes.
He only has 3 pairs of shoes to his name, one pair of tennis shoes for work, one pair of tennis shoes for home (and out) and one pair of dress shoes.
I was thinking, here is a guy that owns a half million dollar (or more) house that is paid for , and he only has 3 pairs of shoes???
Maybe that is why the house is paid for!!

Great Party

May 6th, 2006 at 03:44 pm

We went to a great party last night. I am glad I don't like mexican food and ate just a little rice. Later they had homemade ice cream and I had two helpings. Back to the diet today!

Every little bit helps

May 5th, 2006 at 08:40 pm

Well, I did my walking challenge and my stair challenge, so I have $2 to add to my challenge money. I know it is not much, but every little bit helps.
I had to go to town today to make a bank deposit, I wait til after 2 so I can get the interest from the money market account.
On the $15,000 that I withdrew, that gave me 3 more days interest, which is $4.68. Every little bit helps. (this money is to pay for the spec house we are building, you all do know what a spec house is?)
prev. total $5247.00
today 2.00
new total $5249.00

cinco de mayo

May 5th, 2006 at 05:33 pm

We have been invited to a cinco de mayo party tonight.
One of my banks is having customer appreciation day today. I am going down there and get a free hot dog later.Sorry, I just don't like mexican food, but I am picky about all my food.
I will enjoy the margaritas tonight, but just skip the food!!
They are giving away free tomato plans too, so if there are any left, I will get a couple of those too. (I don't like tomatoes either)

Mrs. Miami

May 5th, 2006 at 03:59 pm

We got out to eat every night at the same restaurant! For the past 2 years, this guy has been bothering us.
He bought a house here and is remodling it. He found out my husband is a builder, so he comes over to our table, hangs over it and talks to my husband the whole time we are eating.
It is very annoying and apparently the man does not know that it is rude.
Fortuneatly, he is only here one week a month.
I don't know his name, but he is from Miami, so I call him Mr. Miami.
The past month, I have had a female cardinal wake me up, by pecking at my window. She pecks for hours.
I decided to name her this morning, she will be call Mrs. Miami!!

Challenge money

May 4th, 2006 at 07:21 pm

Well, I walked on my treadmill for 30 minutes, did my 20 flights of stairs and stayed home, using no gas, for a total of $3 to add to my challenge.
prev. total $5244.00
today 3.00
new total $5247.00

I love my treadmill

May 4th, 2006 at 04:23 pm

I just love my treadmill. It is one thing in this house that is certainly worth the money that I paid for it.
Actually, this is my 3rd treadmill in the past 20 years. I wore the first two out.
I feel like my years of walking have contributed to the excellent health that I have always enjoyed, plus I probably would weigh about 500 pounds without it.
Time to walk!

Better Day!

May 4th, 2006 at 02:26 pm

Today is going to be a better day than yesterday. I stayed home all day yesterday and didn't spend any money.

Free chick fil a

May 3rd, 2006 at 10:24 pm

I got coupons in the mail today for free chick fil a stuff, a sandwich, biscuit and kids meal. Problem is, the coupon is for the chick fil a about an hour and a half from here. Not so free when you pay for gas.
I forgot about my coupon for free dog food. I need to check out the pet stores to see if they carry this food.
I did my walking yesterday, so I have another $1 to add to my challenge.
prev. total $5243.00
today 1.00
new total $5244.00

Book work

May 3rd, 2006 at 08:29 pm

I have been doing book work the past few days. Catching up on all the bills for the two houses we are building. Wow have prices gone up. My husband is wiring the two houses right now, and the cost has doubled since the price of gas has gone up. It really is affecting the price of everything.
Dinner out last night was nice. My husband has been craving apple pie, so we went and bought a frozen pie. We got a whole pie for the price of a couple of pieces of pie.
Of course, it is not on my diet, but I let myself have a small piece because I did reach my $5000 challenge.
I don't plan to stop there, I want to turn my challenge into a $10,000 challenge for the year!!

staying home

May 3rd, 2006 at 05:37 pm

I think I will just stay home today and enjoy the day. The sun is shining, the sky is blue, it is 72 degrees. This is a good day to sit down by the creek and listen to the water flow by.


May 2nd, 2006 at 09:02 pm

I always try to keep products for my husband in stock. I buy 2 conditioners for him and he is supposed to tell me when he uses 1 up, so I can buy another one to be on hand.
It never works out, he tells me when he has none left, which was last night.
So today, I had to make a trip to town to get him some conditioner. I did get the kind of diet lemonade he likes on sale, so I did save a dollar.
I will put that in my challenge money.
prev. total $5242.00
today 1.00
new total $5243.00


May 2nd, 2006 at 04:13 pm

I saw the oprah show too, about the woman with all the fat on her heart. What shocked me is the one lady who drank about 300 ounces of soda each day, for the caffeine.
She cut that out and lost over 40 pounds. I wish I could do that, but all I drink is water anyway.
I don't understand about the need for caffeine? Any of you have that problem?


May 2nd, 2006 at 04:11 pm

My husband is a builder and he is licensed in North Carolina, but there is no licensing in Georgia until now.
He has until June to get grandfather in. I have been putting it off because he has to carry $350,000 worth of liability insurance, which I am told will cost thousands of dollars every year, plus the insurance company will look at the "books" every year and charge us for everyone that does anything on the job.
This really has me worried. We have built houses for 22 years with no law suits from anyone working for us. There have been a few accidents, but everyone takes responsibity for their accidents.
You do not have to carry this license in North Carolina.
I think the price of houses will really go up in Georgia because of this.

Uncle Sam

May 1st, 2006 at 09:43 pm

Got a check from uncle sam for my income tax return. I am adding this to my challenge money because I never get a refund. This puts me over the $5000 challenge, so I will push on for $10,000/ Yeah!!! $4884.00
today 358.00
new total $5242.00

I did it!!

Savings at the grocery store.

May 1st, 2006 at 08:10 pm

Today is payday, I always love doing my budget, especailly if there is something left over. My dh worked 7 days this week, so it was a good paycheck.
I am giving him a little extra for his allowance, gas is just so high he can't make it on $60 a week. I had to get a few things at the grocery store that I forgot on Saturday and I used coupons and saved $3, which I will add to my challenge money.
prev. total $4881.00
today 3.00
new total $4884.00


May 1st, 2006 at 04:27 pm

I promised my self that every time I walked at least 30 minutes on my treadmill, I would put $1 in my challenge fund. I did that twice the past two days, so I have $2 to add to my challenge money.
prev. total $4879.00
today 2.00
new total $4881.00

Happy May day!

May 1st, 2006 at 03:18 pm

When I was a kid, the first day of May was called May day. We had a may pole and a big carnival. Does anyone celebrate May day anymore?

I miss Thrifty Ray

May 1st, 2006 at 03:08 pm

I miss Thrifty Ray. She has gone camping with her family and I hope she is having a great time, but i sure do miss her posts!!

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