Home > New shoes

New shoes

May 6th, 2006 at 05:12 pm

My husband has been complaining that his feet hurt and he needs new work shoes. In the almost 30 years we have been married, he has never bought a pair of shoes by himself. He always wants me to come, like I am a shoe expert or something.
Finally I told him yesterday that he is a big boy and he can go to the only store in town, that sells shoes all by himself and buy some.
So he left this morning and then went to work. I hope he found some shoes.
He only has 3 pairs of shoes to his name, one pair of tennis shoes for work, one pair of tennis shoes for home (and out) and one pair of dress shoes.
I was thinking, here is a guy that owns a half million dollar (or more) house that is paid for , and he only has 3 pairs of shoes???
Maybe that is why the house is paid for!!

1 Responses to “New shoes”

  1. sandilbeach Says:

    I want to learn more about becomming a saver. I have always been a spender, and I don't like it anymore. My financial picture is about to change, and I need to learn how to be more frugal. I enjoyed your comment about the shoes. Where is Blairsville? I will soon live in Atlanta, but I will have to spend a lot to travel to see family. I also have to buy something to live in. Yikes. I am 50 and starting over. At below zero. But I have faith and a profession so I know I can do this one more time!

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