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Big Party!

October 23rd, 2006 at 12:18 am

We went to a big outdoor party yesterday. 800 people and all you can eat. Even had a hillbilly band playing. It was a perfect fall day, about 70 and all the colors are just beautiful on the trees. I pigged out on desserts and even snuck a brownie to bring home!

Blairsville Bash

October 21st, 2006 at 01:55 pm

today is the day of the blairsville Bash. This is a huge bar b que that is given by a couple of friends of ours. It is always given the middle of October so the visitors can enjoy the beautiful mountain fall colors.
The theme is always the "Pig" Days and days of cook and food prep go into this "bash"
There are over 800 people invited to this big event and plenty of places for everyone to sit and eat! Having 800 chairs is quite an event in itself!
My favorite, is the dessert room. One entire room is dedicated to nothing but desserts.
Since I am not a bar b que lover, this is the room I hit first. Heck, I would rather fill up on chocolate!
This is also the day of the annual old car show, so this is our most enjoyable day of the month!
Yipee!! Free lunch!!

Potential house buyers!!

October 20th, 2006 at 04:28 pm

The potential house buyers flew in from florida. They are supposed to be going to the bank today to find out what is going on. It is 2 couples, mother and daughter and they both have houses to sell in florida, so that is the problem!
I am waiting til my husband calls, to go over and talk to them.
If this deal goes thru, they need to pick out their appliances, counter tops, cabinets and carpet.
Keep your fingers crossed for me. It sure would be nice to have this money back in the bank!

Beautiful fall colors!

October 19th, 2006 at 09:36 pm

The fall colors are just about at their peak around here. I rode over to the spec house, just to look at all the pretty colors on the mountains in front of the house. The stained glass window I picked out is in the powder room and really looks good.
The people hoping to buy the house are flying in tonight.

Such a pretty day and it was a no spend day to boot! We are even going to have supper at home tonight, so we don't have to put up with the guy that pesters us every thursday night on a regular basis!

Last day for shorts??

October 19th, 2006 at 01:13 pm

I am wearing shorts again. I have a feeling it will be the last day for a while. I just watched the weather and the high for the next 7 days is going to be 63! My husband keeps saying winter is here. I have to remind him that winter time is really more than two months away. He always has to work outside in the winter, so it is not his favorite time of year.
Yesterday we got our annual swarm of lady bugs. They will be with us (inside the house) until it warms up again. that calls for lots of extra vaccuming.

Pet peeve!!

October 18th, 2006 at 08:33 pm

My pet peeve is to stand in a restaurant while there are plenty of open, clean tables to be seated at.
That happened last night. we asked for a booth, nothing was available. Then both a table and a booth opened up.
The hostess cleaned the table, while we stood there.
someone else cleaned the booth and the hostess set it back up.
And we stood there.
The hostess went to talk to the waitress.And we stood there.
We stood there for a total of 15 minutes, then we walked out. we eat there almost every night.
We went to the restaurant next door. (same owner) We saw her and complained. Pretty soon another couple, also regulars showed up. They had the same problem.
I wonder who our hostess will be tonight?

A No heat day!

October 18th, 2006 at 04:59 pm

It has warmed up today, so I think this will be a no heat running, day. I thought I could get by yesterday, but my dh complained that it was colder inside than outside and he was right.
I just ran the heat while he took a shower and dressed, then I turned it back down. Just trying to save on propane, but he teases me about how cold the house is, all the time.
I wear socks, sweat pants and two sweaters when it is cold in the house. Ok, maybe not a pretty sight, but a frugal one!

cell phone

October 16th, 2006 at 04:47 pm

I don't have a cell phone, never have, but dh decided about 4 years ago it would be handy to have at his job. This way he can order supplies and not have to drive into town all the time.
I have been informed that because his phone is so old, it is being discontinued.
He has 6000 unused minutes, so he does not use it that much.
Can any of you tell me about the phones you can get where you just buy the minutes when you need them?
Am I smart enough to figure them out? I have never even used dh's phone one time. Can you program in the phone numbers that you use a lot?

Beautiful fall day

October 15th, 2006 at 08:57 pm

It is a beautiful fall day and I spent several hours over at the spec house we are building, just looking at the mountains and the leaves all starting to turn colors. Really pretty and another no spend day. we will be eating supper at home tonight, steaks on the grill. Poor dh, he works all day and then comes home and cooks!

No spend Saturday

October 14th, 2006 at 10:36 pm

I didn't spend a dime today. My dh just got home and is in the process of cleaning and washing our car. It is so nice to have a really clean car.
Most people think I drive a new car cause it is so shiny. The last one I traded was 7 years old, but looked brand new!

Free candy

October 14th, 2006 at 08:56 pm

I came back from the local parade with 2 pockets full of candy. (They throw candy at parades here) I wasn't really trying to get any, but the couple next to me kept picking it up and giving it too me.
I will use it for halloween.
We don't get many trick or treaters. For years, I just bought the fun size candy bars that my husband likes and he would eat all the rest of them.
Two years ago, he went on a diet and has pretty much given up sugar!
So no more buying candy. I still have the bag I bought for Halloween last year. We only had one kid!
I won't buy anymore candy for this Halloween.

Turned on the heat!!

October 14th, 2006 at 05:36 pm

It was 29 when we got up this morning. I still had not turned on the heat and it was 60 in the house.
So I turned it on and let it run for a short time. The doggie and dh were very grateful. As soon as he left for work, I turned it back down to 60! Well, that was 25 days without any heat or air. I put 300 gallons of propane, let's see how long that will last.
Official first day of turning on the heat, Oct. 14th!!

Sorghum parade

October 14th, 2006 at 02:56 pm

We are having a sorghum festival in my town this weekend. For those of you who do not know, it is a syrup. (I don't like it personally) This town goes all out for this syrup and has a festival this weekend and the next two.
I think people mostly come to see the colors changing in the mountains.
Today, we are having a parade, so there will be some free entertainment for me!

What a mess!!

October 13th, 2006 at 04:51 pm

We are building a new home and have a couple very interested in it. They have given us a small deposit and a check for a new shower.
My dh had to tear the tub/shower already in the bathroom, out! (The man has knee problems and can't step over the tub)

Wow, what a mess. They had to jackhammer up the floor too. They cut the tub in pieces to get it out. They had to tear out some of the drywall too.

I sure hope they buy this house. They are coming next weekend and I hope we get a contract then. Of course, they could still back out even with a contract, so I am keeping my fingers crossed.

Happy Friday the 13th

October 13th, 2006 at 03:26 pm

I love Friday the 13th. 13 is my lucky number. When I moved to the mountains, my new zip code ended in 13.
I got married on Friday the 13th. My account at the hardward store and the video store start with 13. My credit card has a 13 in it.
My husband's social security number ends in 13. My phone number starts with 13. Even my post office box is po box 13!
Good luck to everyone today!

I learned to use the printer

October 12th, 2006 at 09:48 pm

Nothing to do with mone, except someone came over today, got me all hooked up and showed me how to use the printer on my computer! I guess an old dog can learn new tricks.(I meant to say, nothing to do with money, I get excited easily!)

I forgot the shaving cream

October 10th, 2006 at 10:35 pm

Now my dh cannot shave when he gets home tonight. I put it on my list of things to do. Problem is, I did not look at my list. Oh well, he will have to go out without shaving! (He could have told me when he was getting low, but no, he waits til he runs completely out!)

A new friend

October 10th, 2006 at 06:07 pm

A new friend came to visit today. Ihave had lunch with her but this is the first time she has come to my house. She was going to show me how to use my printer, but I think I need a cord for it. So I will have to go to the dell store and order it. It will be fun to print thing!

No Spend

October 9th, 2006 at 10:27 pm

I had a no spend day!! How did that happen? It is very rare. Now, I only spent about $1.20 on some eggs yesterday but today I spent nothing.
I mailed some mail at the post office and picked up some boxes at the grocery store. I was going to start going thru stuff in my office and pack some things up. Guess I will do that tomorrow and go walk on my treadmill now.

Fall evening

October 9th, 2006 at 03:03 pm

It was a nice fall evening last night, warm enough to sit out on the back deck. My little Holly loves that. Sheknows she is not allowed off the deck,so she leans over it as far as she can and then "falls" off the deck. Don't worry, it is only abut 6 inches, but it is cute watching her try to get away with something.
We grilled steaks on the grill and had a wonderful evening!

Happy Columbus Day!

October 9th, 2006 at 02:47 pm

Happy Columbus Day! Does anyone celebrate? For me, it means the bank is not open, so no payday today!

2 dog night

October 8th, 2006 at 03:02 pm

It was a two dog night last night. since we only have one inside dog and she is too little to warm us up, I got out an extra blanket for the bed. I am on day 19 of no heat or a/c! I can hardly wait to see our electric bill.

A chilly morning

October 7th, 2006 at 04:31 pm

It is a chilly morning today and I had to go out early to the post office. I wore my favorite coat for the first time since last winter.
I got my halloween costume mailed back (too big) and it cost me almost $9. I hated that.
I also got my husband's 20 page application for a building license mailed off, by certified mail, return recipt requested. Another almost $6!
I wonder how many months before we hear from them, if ever.
I have a friend who mailed theirs in, in Feb. and has not heard a word yet.

Cross fingers and toes!!

Lots of phone calls

October 6th, 2006 at 05:53 pm

I am certainly getting my exercise today. The phone keeps ringing and ringing. apparently someone advertised that they want to buy a tow bar and they used our phone number in the ad!
I'm not even quite sure what a tow bar is??

New social security card

October 5th, 2006 at 09:34 pm

When a baby is born today, they are assigned a social security number. Not so, in my day.
You did not have to have a number when I was born; you applied when you got your first job, usually.
I have been called Julie since the day I was born, so that is the name on my social security card.
I visited the office two weeks ago with my birth certificate. My real first name on the certificate is slightly different (one letter)
I was told that I had to have my correct name on my social security card, so today I got my new card! With my new name!
Now, where is my darn check!!!!!!!

almost a no spend day!

October 5th, 2006 at 08:46 pm

I almost had a no spend day. My dh asked me to bring a check over to the job to pay a guy for hydroseeding the yard. I remembered that his worker (part time guy that shows up every month or so) was having a birthday today, so I stopped and got him a piece of birthday cake. I took matches and a candle and sang happy birthday to him.
So, I spent 61 cents, but that is all. My dh asked where his cake was. He is not a cake lover (does not like icing) so I did not get him one.

Oh woe!

October 3rd, 2006 at 05:48 pm

I got a letter in the mail. I hate cell phones and I don't have one but dh does. The letter says the phone is so out of date, they are being discontinued and I am being charged an extra $4.99 a month if I keep using it.
I have to take it and get a new cell phone. I don't understand the one he already has, and he has never learned out to program it or do any thing with it.
It is pretty bad when you don't understand computers and now you can't figure out the phone!!
I think I will tell him he is on his own.!

Thanks mjrube94

September 28th, 2006 at 08:50 pm

A big thankyou to mjrube94 for sending me a coupon for prilosec. My dh has to take it every day. What a nice surprise. I was so surprised, I thought I had locked myself out of the house (forgot i went out the front door)

My inbox vanished!

September 28th, 2006 at 08:06 pm

You all know I am computer illiterate! I checked my mail this morning and my inbox was blank! I never delete my inbox, that is how I send e mails. I don't use an address book, just too lazy. I even saved some of the e mails I received from some of you, like Ray, bookie, cathy, etc.
If you want to e mail me, please do! I have lost your e mail address!

Social security office

September 26th, 2006 at 09:49 pm

I made my first trip to the social security office today. I had to sit and wait for over an hour.
Finally, I went inside and the lady asked me what she could do for me?
I said I came to apply for social security benefits.
She said, "for who?"
I said, "for me"
She said, you can't, you are not old enough!

That made my day!

When I left, she said, I don't know what you are doing, but keep doing it!

On top of that, I will get my first check in January!

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