Home > New social security card

New social security card

October 5th, 2006 at 08:34 pm

When a baby is born today, they are assigned a social security number. Not so, in my day.
You did not have to have a number when I was born; you applied when you got your first job, usually.
I have been called Julie since the day I was born, so that is the name on my social security card.
I visited the office two weeks ago with my birth certificate. My real first name on the certificate is slightly different (one letter)
I was told that I had to have my correct name on my social security card, so today I got my new card! With my new name!
Now, where is my darn check!!!!!!!

5 Responses to “New social security card”

  1. JanH Says:

    My husband did this! His first name is not what is on the Social Security card. Way back when, he started working as a teenager and got his card. For some odd reason, he got it in his nickname. Now he has the wrong name on the card. We've been meaning to fix this. Time to do so.

  2. mjrube94 Says:

    I forgot to mention a few days ago, Thanks for the stamp. Totally unnecessary, but appreciated...

  3. LdyFaile Says:

    I didn't get a ssn until my mom took my brothers and I to open up a savings account. I was perhaps 11 or 12, my brothers are 4 and 8 years younger. None of us had one and the bank told us we HAD to in order to open the account. Not true but my mom didn't know this so she relented and got them for us. That's why its so easy for me to remember my brothers' ssn's, we have very similar first 5 digits.

    When we started calling my youngest brother by a nick name she got him a second card with his nick name so he could use that as a legal name if he wanted to. Of course, both are long since lost and when he got a replacement it came with his original given name.

  4. Ima saver Says:

    You are welcome for the stamp. Believe it or not, I still have my last social security card when i remarried 30 years ago. But now I have a new first name.

  5. PRICEPLUS Says:

    May you enjoy your new card for many years in good health!Smile

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