Home > Oh woe!

Oh woe!

October 3rd, 2006 at 04:48 pm

I got a letter in the mail. I hate cell phones and I don't have one but dh does. The letter says the phone is so out of date, they are being discontinued and I am being charged an extra $4.99 a month if I keep using it.
I have to take it and get a new cell phone. I don't understand the one he already has, and he has never learned out to program it or do any thing with it.
It is pretty bad when you don't understand computers and now you can't figure out the phone!!
I think I will tell him he is on his own.!

7 Responses to “Oh woe!”

  1. JanH Says:

    The cell phones deal drives you crazy. We don't use ours all that much, so we keep them forever. Then the battery dies and since it is an "old" phone, there are no batteries so you have to get a new one. I don't use cameras, internet or whatever on the phone, so I get try not to get all the bells and whistles. but it is getting harder and harder. I don't even know what all my phone even does! But I love the one I have now, too bad I'll have to have a "new" phone again eventually. Even though this one is perfectly fine.

  2. Broken Arrow Says:

    There's really nothing to get, because the real reason comes down to one thing: $$$

    They want to make $$$ off of you, no matter what you do, even if you don't want to upgrade.

    Maybe I'm being rather cynical about this.... It's true that commnication networks and protocols are constantly being upgraded, but honestly, why they can't support older cellphones is beyond me. I mean, if it breaks, you get a new one and it automatically upgrades itself anyways, right? So, why make the consumer pay more in the meantime?

    Again, my take on it is $$$.

  3. monkeymama Says:

    WOW - that stinks!!!!!! One way to stick it to you when you don't upgrade every few years. How old is the phone??? Curious...

  4. sarah Says:

    Ima I've been reading your posts about how computer literate you are. Its not true. You have a blog. Having a blog is a pretty sophisticated computer usage. Please don't put yourself down this way.

  5. LuxLiving Says:

    AND, nothing is saying that you have to use the same carrier. Fine, they don't want you to use your old phone and you HAVE TO UPGRADE. Maybe there is another carrier in your area that is running a special where you can get a free phone if you sign up with them? Or can you not go to the local Walmart and get one of those 'no contract' type of cells???

    I think I might let them see my hindside as I walk away with my dollars to another provider!

    Boo-hiss!! on them!

  6. moneycents Says:

    I'm with Verizon wireless and my cell phone is about 10 years old. They asked if I wanted a new phone when I joined with them. I told them no, that I liked my old one and they said no problem. I don't pay extra for it. I too have my phone just for emergencies. I don't need all the other bells and whistles.

  7. Ima saver Says:

    They have offered me a free phone if I update this month! We don't need one with all the bells and whistles either, just something he can dial when he needs to order something. The phone is about 4 years old!

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