Home > 2 dog night

2 dog night

October 8th, 2006 at 02:02 pm

It was a two dog night last night. since we only have one inside dog and she is too little to warm us up, I got out an extra blanket for the bed. I am on day 19 of no heat or a/c! I can hardly wait to see our electric bill.

2 Responses to “2 dog night”

  1. JanH Says:

    We rented a little house a long time ago with window air units. One time we had a cool snap and my dryer quit at the same time. We had a gas stove and heating system (which wasn't on yet) and I'm not sure I remember about the hot water. Oh well, one day a guy was working on my electric meter. I had not had any notification, so I wanted to know what he was doing. Seems he was CHANGING the meter out cos the company thought it was BROKEN. I had barely used any electricity and the company never thought I just wasn't using it. It had to be broken! It wasn't and I laughed all the way to the bank on that one.

  2. Carolina Bound Says:

    It was a two-dog night here, too, and I have only one dog, but he was all curled up with me this morning. I wonder if he was thinking it was a two-person night?

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