Home > I learned to use the printer

I learned to use the printer

October 12th, 2006 at 08:48 pm

Nothing to do with mone, except someone came over today, got me all hooked up and showed me how to use the printer on my computer! I guess an old dog can learn new tricks.(I meant to say, nothing to do with money, I get excited easily!)

4 Responses to “I learned to use the printer”

  1. tinapbeana Says:

    good for you!!! hope you get exactly what you want out of it.

  2. LuxLiving Says:

    WOOOOOO-HOOOOO you're doing it!!

  3. Bookie Says:

    You have every reason to be excited. Learning new things gives me a rush, and we are contemporaries. Anyway, glad you were able to get some help with setup and some hands-on instruction. Enjoy the printer.


  4. Broken Arrow Says:

    Congrats! Hehehe.

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