Home > My inbox vanished!

My inbox vanished!

September 28th, 2006 at 08:06 pm

You all know I am computer illiterate! I checked my mail this morning and my inbox was blank! I never delete my inbox, that is how I send e mails. I don't use an address book, just too lazy. I even saved some of the e mails I received from some of you, like Ray, bookie, cathy, etc.
If you want to e mail me, please do! I have lost your e mail address!

4 Responses to “My inbox vanished!”

  1. Gruntina Says:

    I am sorry that happened and how discouraging. On the bright side, you have a nice clean inbox!

  2. Bookie Says:

    Julie, are you logged in under your own name. If you aren't then you won't see your mail. I've done that.

    You may be simply logged off.

  3. Broken Arrow Says:

    That's very strange indeed.

    Normal email programs (be it web or client) are not designed to simply lose all of your emails....

    I would not give up on trying to get it back though. Hopefully, it's still there somehow, and it's an easy fix as Bookie suggests.

  4. Ima saver Says:

    No, I am logged in!

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