January 4th, 2007 at 11:33 pmWow, I have had over 200,000 visits to my site. Boy, am I flattered!! I am going to toast each and every one of you at dinner tonight!! Cheers! (and thanks)
Viewing the 'Uncategorized' Category200,000January 4th, 2007 at 11:33 pmWow, I have had over 200,000 visits to my site. Boy, am I flattered!! I am going to toast each and every one of you at dinner tonight!! Cheers! (and thanks) 843 kwhJanuary 4th, 2007 at 05:18 pmThere is a sticker in my refrigerator that says my frig uses 843 kwh per year. that is only 2.3 kwh per day. My electric runs about 9 cents per kwh. so it is costing about 21 cents a day to run it, or $75.55 a year. that is a lot cheaper than I thought for an appliance that runs 24/7. Just earned a dollarJanuary 4th, 2007 at 04:45 pmWell I just earned $1. I took a survey about diamonds. Yes, I do have a few, but they are all pretty old. I inherited 2 diamond rings and I won a diamond ring when I sold tupperware. I still have my original engagement ring, but I need to get it fixed. The stone fell out. My dh bought me a diamond watch for an engagement present. Dinner out!January 3rd, 2007 at 03:33 pmWe had a great dinner out last night. I get so stir crazy when I stay home several nights in a row. We had lots of left overs to bring home too. My dh made up a big pot of ham and bean soup last night. That will be his lunch for the next week or so. The ham was free so the only cost was the beans and some pototoes. I am not a soup lover, so I will eat the leftovers from last night. No restaurants are openJanuary 2nd, 2007 at 12:05 amI called my favorite restaurant this afternoon to see if they would be open tonight. They are not, nobody is except the fast food places. Even the mexican restaurant is closed. Another resolutionJanuary 1st, 2007 at 05:20 pmI think I am going to resolve to stop watching QVC and Home shopping. Those programs get me in trouble. I was almost tempted to buy a ring I saw on there yesterday. Lucky for me, it sold out before I could. I did spend some money on there for christmas. I need to keep those shows turned off. Anyone else have this problem? Jan 1 workoutJanuary 1st, 2007 at 04:32 pmWell, I burned a few calories this morning. I went out to sweep off the deck overlooking the creek. Wow, what a job. We have not been out there since last summer, so all the fall leaves were piled up. And it poured all last night, so they were heavy and wet.The deck is under a lot of trees, so there were limbs down too. Noisy CreekJanuary 1st, 2007 at 03:22 pmI just took my puppy outside to go pottie. We had lots of rain last night, so the creek is really noisy. The sun is out and the day is beautiful. I think I am going to go sweep off the deck that my dh built over the creek and go out there and sit a while. I love watching the water rush by. What are you doing?January 1st, 2007 at 02:38 pmI know New Year's day is a holiday, but I always wondered what every body does on this day? My husband has gone to work and it is just another day for me. 2007January 1st, 2007 at 02:36 pmI just want to wish everyone a happy and prosperous new year!! Possum DropDecember 31st, 2006 at 10:51 pmHave you ever heard of a possum drop? They are having one near here tonight and have been doing it at least 22 years. (as long as I have been here) No party tonight!!December 31st, 2006 at 04:50 pmWe were invited to a party tonight but i think we are staying home. It is a very formal affair (tux or suit and tie) but it ends at 9:30. (It says so on the invitation.) dh needs to draw some house plans, and he wants to just stay home. I will have to run to the grocery store and get something for dinner. It is a miserable rainy day, so maybe it is better to just stay home. There is a local lodge serving dinner with a live band for $120 a couple tonight. I have never been to it (brand new)so I think we will just save the money. Talk about a cheap new year's eve!! Window cleaner's challengeDecember 29th, 2006 at 09:00 pmWe had a window cleaner here last week. we have spotty windows from pressure washing the house so much. He tried on one window and could not get the spots off. He is back and trying again. We may have to live with these spots forever or sell the house!! Or put up curtains! Valentine cookiesDecember 29th, 2006 at 06:15 pmI just got back from the grocery store. There is a whole table full of valentine cookies for sale. Going to show the houseDecember 29th, 2006 at 01:42 pmI am going to show our spec house today. Ok, I know, it is sold! We have a contract. Thunder road!!December 28th, 2006 at 08:23 pmI made a liquor run today. That is part of our weekly budget, so technically, I did not spend any unbudgeted money today. I called the place we ate last night and asked about their tipping policy. all the employees are paid at least minimum wage, so tipping is optional. I do tip at places like that. They do bring out your food and will bring you a to go box. new restaurantDecember 28th, 2006 at 04:16 pmAfter 3 nights of sitting home, we tried out a new restaurant last night. It is a seafood place named Mike's and they allow brown bagging. Grocery storeDecember 27th, 2006 at 09:59 pmI needed to make a bank deposit so I stopped at the grocery store. I was out of sour cream, so I picked that up also. I could not believe how busy the grocery store was. I thought that all we had done the past 3 days was eat!! Why do we need more food?? also, the lines at the post office were very long too. Hey people, Christmas is over!! Bring on the new year and the new $20 challenge!! Days getting longerDecember 27th, 2006 at 08:54 pmI hate the days being so short. As of Dec, 21 or 22, the days are now getting longer. Only a minute a day, but longer still. I only wish my husband did not have to work outside all winter. This has happened 4 winters in a row. A no spend day today.December 26th, 2006 at 09:29 pmI had planned to cash the paycheck then head to Ingles and CVS. It is such a raw cold day, I never got out of the car. I just went thru the drive in at the bank and came home. Merry Christmas to all.December 25th, 2006 at 09:56 pmI hope everyone had a wonderful day. We always open presents late, after breakfast. We really tried to cut down and not spend much money this year and I think we did a good job of it. Using the reuseable bags and tissue made the clean up much easier. I bought my husband a lot of "edible" presents so we have pigged out on junk food all day. A sweet treatDecember 22nd, 2006 at 07:28 pmI had a sweet treat at a party last sat. night. It was so good, I called to get the receipe. But I forgot to ask the name. Great dinner!December 21st, 2006 at 02:31 pmI had a great dinner last night. First of all, I learned that one of the teenagers that works at the restaurant, is an orphan and lives with a brother. she is working her way thru high school. But she has no clothes and has to wear shorts to work in the wintertime. I gave her a christmas card last night with enough cash to buy a few outfits. I am not thru with her, I intend to give her money to help her out thru this coming year. No closing!December 20th, 2006 at 04:58 pmI am disappointed. We have the house completely finished and I am taking the papers to be bank today. But the loan officer that is handling the loan says it cannot be closed before the end of the month. Everything has to be mailed back and forth. So, no closing til sometime in January. We have so much money sitting in that house and I can hardly wait to get it back into the bank. PropaneDecember 16th, 2006 at 04:44 pmI turned on the heat on Oct. 15th, so yesterday I checked my propane tank. I have used about 100 gallons in the past two month, or about 50 gallons a month. Of course, I know that winter has not really started yet, but I feel that is still doing pretty well. I have a little less than 400 gallons left, probably not enough to do me all winter, but I should not have to order but one more time this winter. I budget $30 a week for propane. I use to only budget $20, but since the price of everything has gone up, I found that $20 a week is really not enough. Drive In post officeDecember 15th, 2006 at 11:23 pmSomeone accidently drove thru the wall of our only post office. It was right where the customers stand too. Our house is finished!!December 15th, 2006 at 08:07 pmWe closed on the land on October 15, 2005. After 14 months of hard work, the house is completely finished. The guys are cleaning windows today and hauling boxes to the dump. I just checked it out , and everything looks beautiful. Now if we could just move to the closing! No spend dayDecember 13th, 2006 at 04:04 pmI will be having a no spend day today for sure. I have 3 ladies coming over to play bridge all afternoon, so I will not be leaving the house. We all took bridge lessons together, so we are trying to play each week, so we don't forget what we learned. The lessons will start back in January. Bridge is a lot of fun, but learning to bid is the hardest part. I earned $5December 12th, 2006 at 04:48 pmI earned $5 yesterday doing a Pinecone survey. The survey was all about drinking coffee and I have had maybe 2 cups in my entire life. I had to answer "I do not know" on almost every question. I feel guilty taking the $5. I won't add it to my challenge money until i actually get it. They may decide that I really did not earn the $5. That is ok, if they do. Free hamDecember 11th, 2006 at 10:48 pmI just heard from my FIL and he is sending us a free honeybaked ham for christmas. We sent him a gift certificate to his favorite restuarant. I love gifts of food, cause I just love food. Last year, we did not know he was sending one, so we ordered one. We got two hams on the same day. They are not supposed to be frozen for more than a month, so there was a lot of ham eating going on at our house for a while. Yum!