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Stop smoking

May 14th, 2006 at 03:51 pm

I wonder how many of you smoke? I am not critizing you. I started smoking when I was 12, back in the 50's. We thought it was cool!!
My mother and father both smoked. My mother told me if I wanted to smoke, not to sneak around, smoke in front of her; so I did.
I was a heavy smoker, I smoked for over 30 years. One night, I feel asleep and my cigarette burned out on the carpet. I quit cold turkey that day.
There is a new pill coming out to help stop smoking. It is called chantex. (not sure if spelling is correct)
I hope you will consider this new pill. Think about how much money you could save by not smoking!!
When i quit, I put that money away the first year and saved it for my mutual funds.
When i started smoking, cigarettes were about 20 cents a pack. I am not sure how much they are now, but I know at least $2-3 a pack. Boy, you could save some money!
I have been smoke free for 16 years, my husband quit too!!

Saving money today

May 12th, 2006 at 08:50 pm

Well, I am stuck home all day with a sick husband, so there will be no spending today or tonight. I did run and get him some gingerale for his sick tummy, so that was $1.85. We only keep diet sprite in the house and we use it for mixed drinks only. He managed to get some dry toast for lunch.
We brought home his leftovers for dinner last night and I ate them.
Guess we will find out if he has food posioning if I get sick too.
He is really qriping about the stomach cramps he is getting, I told him, think about getting cramps once a month for about 30 plus years. Oh well, I will just baby him and maybe he will be better by tomorrow.

Feels good

May 9th, 2006 at 08:21 pm

It feels good to get all the bills paid and all the books caught up. Because my husband builds houses, we have a lot of bills to pay. Even on a custom, home, we paid all the bills and just get draws from the customer.
I got every thing mailed off, visited 2 banks for deposits, got my prescriptions and didn't spend a dime. Well, I did pay for my prescriptions, but we get the same three pills refilled every month, so that expense is already in our monthly budget.
I got my challenge money deposited so that it can start earning interest!

frugal weekend

May 6th, 2006 at 10:04 pm

I feel like I am having a very frugal weekend. Yesterday, I had a no spend day, only went to the bank to make a deposit. I went out last night to a party where dinner was included.
Today I went to the bank customer appreciation day and got a free hot dog for lunch. Also, some free tomato plants. I went to the grocery store and only spent $42. I got several things on sale including milk for 50 cents and charcoal on sale. The bar soap I use was 50 cents off, so i bought two packages. Being on this site is really opening my eyes. I know I will never get good like you guys, I never get anything for FREE, but I am learning! Thanks you all.!!

New shoes

May 6th, 2006 at 06:12 pm

My husband has been complaining that his feet hurt and he needs new work shoes. In the almost 30 years we have been married, he has never bought a pair of shoes by himself. He always wants me to come, like I am a shoe expert or something.
Finally I told him yesterday that he is a big boy and he can go to the only store in town, that sells shoes all by himself and buy some.
So he left this morning and then went to work. I hope he found some shoes.
He only has 3 pairs of shoes to his name, one pair of tennis shoes for work, one pair of tennis shoes for home (and out) and one pair of dress shoes.
I was thinking, here is a guy that owns a half million dollar (or more) house that is paid for , and he only has 3 pairs of shoes???
Maybe that is why the house is paid for!!

No spend day

April 28th, 2006 at 04:51 pm

I stayed home yesterday and didn't spend a dime. Didn't even use gas. I made meatloaf and mashed pototoes for about $3 for dinner, plus enough for our lunches today.
We sat outside, but it turned cool. Had to put on sweaters but we still enjoyed the outdoor time.

babbling creek

April 24th, 2006 at 05:16 pm

Last night we sat outside, right over the creek and enjoyed ourselves. I set up a bar on the creek, so we could make our drinks and not have to go back into the house to get ice, misc. It was so enjoyable and we had a great, no money spent, day.
Later, we moved onto the deck by the house and cooked pork chops. ( We have a deck that is right over the creek, about 50 feet from the house) It was so relaxing! I know we should sell this house and take the profit, but I love that creek!

Dinner by candlelight

April 21st, 2006 at 02:21 pm

We had dinner by candlelight last night. Not romantic, the power went out right before we were going to eat. We had a bad storm, so we ate by candlelight and lightening. The food was still good and we saved a little money by staying home. It was thundering this morning, but my husband went onto work. Neither one of his houses are dried in, so if the weather gets too bad, he can't work and doesn't get paid.

Free Lunch

April 14th, 2006 at 06:35 pm

I had a free lunch today, my bank was having customer appreciation day, so I went and got two hamburgers. (one for my dh)I also broke my diet and got a piece of cake. I won't buy it, but free, who can resist?
I also got some gardening gloves, flower seeds and a manicure set free from the bank! Not bad!!

$202 dollars poorer!

April 11th, 2006 at 11:05 pm

I went with dh to the second of his eye dr. appts. We got there and the place was so crowded there was no place to even sit.
We sat for 2 hours and were the last to see the dr. The total bill was $202 but the receptionist told me I could just pay part of that.
My dh asked me why she said that, and I explained to him that there are some people who do not have $202. He finds this hard to believe, that people our age have no money in savings.
I personally could not have slept nights if I did not have at least a few thousand in savings!
I know there are some younger people on here who have barely nothing in savings, and I encourage you to build your savings anyway you can!! Sell something, take a part time job, have a yard sale, do something to build up your savings and save a part of everything you make!

Beautiful spring day

April 11th, 2006 at 07:15 pm

I can't make myself stay inside, it is just so pretty outside. Spring is definately here.
My husband has to go to the eye doctor today, so we will have to pay that bill. I guess I will go with him and run errands while he has his appt.
I told my husband we are staying home and eating breakfast for supper. That should save a few dollars today.

Free samples

March 11th, 2006 at 09:16 pm

I got my first free samples. I am actually excited. I got enough d/w stuff to do 3 loads of dishes and a sample deodrant that will probably last me a few months. Smells good too. I am only sending for things I know I will use.

$3.15 an hour

March 3rd, 2006 at 02:16 pm

Reading Karensue's last post reminded me of when I worked for $3.15 an hour. We had moved to the mountains from Florida and neither of us had a job. My dh built our house completely my himself while we lived in a travel trailer on site. This was the first house he ever built (a lincoln log house) and he could not hire anyone to even help him lift the logs. He had to do it all alone.
We lived on our savings.
I looked for a job, but no one would hire someone who was not local.(I was used to office work)
Finally after 8 months, I got a job at McDonald's make minimum wage, $3.15 an hour.
Everytime I wanted to buy something, say like a paper back book, I would think how long I had to work to earn the money to buy that book.
I still try to think that way, how long does my husband have to work to pay for what I want to buy? Do I really need that? Yes, I am still guilty of buying things I don't need, but I am sure trying to get better.
You know what is getting to be the hardest? Buying things for christmas for each other. My husband is getting a $1000 tool he needs right now. wish I could give it to him for christmas, but he needs it now.

$5000 challenge

January 25th, 2006 at 05:11 pm

I think I will keep my $20 to $5000 challenge on this blog, also. I started with $20 on Jan. 1st and as of yesterday, Jan 24th, my total is $786.23.

I am saving all my changes. Anytime I get grocery store savings using my advantage card, I take that cash and put it with my savings. I use the budget envelope method and if I over budget, I take that money out and add to my challenge money.

I have sold a few things and plan to have a garage sale when it gets warmer.
If my husband takes on an extra "fix it job" I count that because he does not do that often and it is just extra money.

I have debated if I should count interest that I receive on my checking and savings account? Your feedback would be welcome!

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