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Saving money today

May 12th, 2006 at 07:50 pm

Well, I am stuck home all day with a sick husband, so there will be no spending today or tonight. I did run and get him some gingerale for his sick tummy, so that was $1.85. We only keep diet sprite in the house and we use it for mixed drinks only. He managed to get some dry toast for lunch.
We brought home his leftovers for dinner last night and I ate them.
Guess we will find out if he has food posioning if I get sick too.
He is really qriping about the stomach cramps he is getting, I told him, think about getting cramps once a month for about 30 plus years. Oh well, I will just baby him and maybe he will be better by tomorrow.

1 Responses to “Saving money today”

  1. LuckyRobin Says:

    There is a nasty rotovirus sweeping the country right now. We had it a bit ago, and the intestinal and stomach cramping that came along with it were debilitating, so he really may deserve some sympathy. If it is the rotovirus it isn't him just being a man who can't take the pain. It was sure misery and it swept through all of us. Highly contagious. So eating his leftovers may not be conclusive.

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