Home > $202 dollars poorer!

$202 dollars poorer!

April 11th, 2006 at 10:05 pm

I went with dh to the second of his eye dr. appts. We got there and the place was so crowded there was no place to even sit.
We sat for 2 hours and were the last to see the dr. The total bill was $202 but the receptionist told me I could just pay part of that.
My dh asked me why she said that, and I explained to him that there are some people who do not have $202. He finds this hard to believe, that people our age have no money in savings.
I personally could not have slept nights if I did not have at least a few thousand in savings!
I know there are some younger people on here who have barely nothing in savings, and I encourage you to build your savings anyway you can!! Sell something, take a part time job, have a yard sale, do something to build up your savings and save a part of everything you make!

3 Responses to “$202 dollars poorer!”

  1. veronak Says:

    Great advice, you're right we should try and save as much as possible, wish I would have started sooner

  2. Thrifty Ray Says:

    2 hours is a looooong time to wait for an appointment. Too long!

    I wish I had more in savings...all of our money is tied up in our pensions and 401ks...Im grateful we have it....but I don't want to touch it for another 15-20 years (I am 44)

    I have been working really hard on saving more for those rainy days..Your advice is very solid- like alot of others here, having raised a large family and made some poor choices, I have some work to do...Thankfully, the only debt we have is our mortage and that one PITA credit card ($1500)

  3. Jaydee Says:

    I've made saving a family affair. My college-aged daughter works, so I have committed to putting $100/mo. into her Roth IRA each month (I deposit it into her savings account and it is drawn on by State Farm monthly for her IRA) if she puts in $25. I would be saving the $ for her anyway, but with this 4:1 match, she is delighted to be saving.

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