Home > Stop smoking

Stop smoking

May 14th, 2006 at 02:51 pm

I wonder how many of you smoke? I am not critizing you. I started smoking when I was 12, back in the 50's. We thought it was cool!!
My mother and father both smoked. My mother told me if I wanted to smoke, not to sneak around, smoke in front of her; so I did.
I was a heavy smoker, I smoked for over 30 years. One night, I feel asleep and my cigarette burned out on the carpet. I quit cold turkey that day.
There is a new pill coming out to help stop smoking. It is called chantex. (not sure if spelling is correct)
I hope you will consider this new pill. Think about how much money you could save by not smoking!!
When i quit, I put that money away the first year and saved it for my mutual funds.
When i started smoking, cigarettes were about 20 cents a pack. I am not sure how much they are now, but I know at least $2-3 a pack. Boy, you could save some money!
I have been smoke free for 16 years, my husband quit too!!

8 Responses to “Stop smoking”

  1. Thrifty Ray Says:

    I have never smoked. But my parents were heavy smokers when I was growing up. One New Years, my dad resolved to never smoke again...and my mom followed suit.

    That decision saved my dads life...when, almost 10 years later, he was diagnosed with lung cancer. The doctor credited his survival with having heathier lungs because he had quit smoking so many years before the cancer. He is now a 20 year lung cancer survivor.

    By the way, my dads family thought it was so cute to teach him to smoke at age 3!!! He then smoked another 45 years.

  2. Ima saver Says:

    Wow!! Age 3! I hate to see kids start smoking these days. Now we know it kills you, back then we didn't. My mother died of lung cancer as did my ex husband and my girlfriend's husband. Glad you never smoked!

  3. flash Says:

    Ima, are you by chance a buzz agent for this product? It seems like such a strange post for you!

  4. Single guy Says:

    I don't see how really young kids can learn to smoke. My mother decided to get the idea out of my head at a young age by allowing me to try a cigarette. One puff and I realized how bad an idea it was, and never considered it again.

  5. baselle Says:

    Walked by a little bodega this afternoon. In WA state, a single regular brand pack was $4.69; an off-brand brand pack was $4.19; generics was $3.69. You'd do better if you rolled up a dollar bill and smoked that!

  6. boomeyers Says:

    I quit years ago and so did my husband. It makes me sick to think about all the money we wasted trying to kill ourselves. I wish my sister would quit, but I think she will end up being one of those people who totes around oxygen while puffing on a cigarette. What nasty things they are!!!

  7. Ima saver Says:

    No, I am not a buzz agent, I don't even know what that is. I just hate to see people killing themselves by smoking. I had a friend whose husband was told 20 years ago to quit . He wound up on oxygen and did not have the strenth to take a shower or fix his food for years. Who wants to live like that? He died in his 50's!

  8. flash Says:

    Then BLESS YOU for trying to help people quit (me included, with MUCH embarrassment!)

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