Played bridge all afternoon.
December 10th, 2007 at 10:07 pmThat is what I did, played bridge. I love that game. Also, I don't spend any money when I spend the afternoon playing bridge! We played at my house, so no gas used either!!
Viewing the 'Uncategorized' CategoryPlayed bridge all afternoon.December 10th, 2007 at 10:07 pmThat is what I did, played bridge. I love that game. Also, I don't spend any money when I spend the afternoon playing bridge! We played at my house, so no gas used either!! The party was great!!December 9th, 2007 at 04:03 pmWe had a great time at the party at my house last night. No one brought any music so we danced to my really old 50's and 60's records. My favorite to dance to is "wipe out" Anyone remember that one?? Gosh, we had a ton of food. My only problem was I bought $22 worth of chicken wings at KFC last night, thinking my husband could have some of the leftovers for lunch, but someone took them all home. I guess they were good, I never tried any! Having a party!December 7th, 2007 at 08:55 pmWe are having a christmas party tomorrow night. Actually, a bunch of people on the local forum have a get together every year at christmas. This is our 3rd year. A big savings last nightDecember 7th, 2007 at 04:18 pmMY dh has needed new glasses for over a year. He finally went for an eye exam and got a new prescription for glasses. We usually go to Lenscrafters. They involves taking a day off, losing a day's pay and a 4 hour round trip drive. A busy morning!December 5th, 2007 at 05:39 pmPaying all my bills that are due before the 10th. Also, I have to pay all the bills that are due for the houses we are building by the 10th. I did all the books and am caught up to date. I had planned on today being a no spend day but then realized I am all out of conditioner. (I bought the shampoo by mistake) I will pick some up when I go to take my computer class. So far, I don't feel like I have learned a thing. Maybe the light will come on for me someday?? This month's interestDecember 4th, 2007 at 03:40 pmI added up my interest for the month and it came to $2302.76. I really expected it to go down this month because my main bank here has lowed it's rate from 5.25% to 4.2%. I put some money into Vanguard when the money market was paying 5% but now it is down to 4.72%, the last time I checked. Every time they lower the prime rate, it does hurt us savers. Net worthDecember 3rd, 2007 at 10:11 pmI did my net worth in networthiq this morning and it went down for the first time since I started keeping track of it. It was because the value of my stocks and mutual funds went down in November. I added some cash but not as much as I had planned cause I have several emergencies come up. beautiful treeDecember 3rd, 2007 at 02:12 pmMy christmas tree is up and all decorated. It looks just beautiful. It has been a few years since we had a real tree because we have cut back on presents so much. The outside of the house is all decorated too. My neighbors across the street decorated a lot, so our end of the block looks really good. No, I am not going to worry about the electric bill this month at all. It will still come in under budget. I am having the bridge group at my house today and I am thrilled that everything is all decorated thanks to my dh. He did it all!! Dec. 2nd, cutting grass??December 2nd, 2007 at 02:37 pmMy dh is outside right now, cutting the grass?? The grass has not grown in over a month. However, we are having a christmas party next weekend, so I think he is mostly cutting up all the leaves that has fallen. Oh well, it is his day off and he always spends any time off, working around the house. I think he will put up christmas decorations later too. Christmas paradeDecember 1st, 2007 at 11:16 pmWe had our local little christmas parade today. It only lasted 30 minutes, but it was cute. The kids are getting smart now, they bring bags to carry all the candy that is thrown to them. Happy 1st day of December!!December 1st, 2007 at 01:46 pmHappy December 1st! I hope this month calms down. October and November proved to be pretty spending months. Chase business card statement cameNovember 27th, 2007 at 09:59 pmMy first chase business card statement came today. We have being using the GM credit card which gives back 1% on all purchases and I had received several checks, plus $550 on the new car purchases. A sick weekendNovember 27th, 2007 at 04:46 pmI have not thought too much about finances the past few days. Both dh and I came down with a stomach virus. He went to a clinic, but I did not. November 25th!!November 25th, 2007 at 06:51 pmWow, One month from today will be christmas day! It is coming quickly!! Surprise party!!November 24th, 2007 at 03:46 pmI went to a surprise birthday party last night. Black FridayNovember 23rd, 2007 at 03:23 pmToday is black friday but I am not doing any shopping today. Happy thanksgivingNovember 22nd, 2007 at 03:56 pmHappy Thanksgiving to everyone. My dh has gone onto work today, but he will come home early and we will be going over to a friend's house for dinner tonight. I met this friend over the internet, so I am grateful for that. I have ice!!November 17th, 2007 at 03:09 pmI had a fetish! It is for ice. I constantly fill up my glass with ice! All day, all night!! First snow flakeNovember 15th, 2007 at 06:37 pmI just saw my first snow flake today. I had to get some bills in the mail and go and buy a birthday card for my granddaughter. I got a really pretty card at the Dollar store for only 50 cents. I also picked up some canned goods to donate to the food pantry. The license cameNovember 14th, 2007 at 09:53 pmMy husband's builder's license came in the mail today. Funny, in the 20 years he has been licensed, no one has ever asked to see the license. I still keep it sitting out on the desk in his office. To my knowledge, he is the only licensed builder in our county! But of course, that is because it is a North Carolina building license. No license in Georgia yet but it is coming! My check cleared!November 11th, 2007 at 05:58 pmI love being able to check my banking accounts online now that I have a computer. ThanksgivingNovember 9th, 2007 at 05:15 pmI guess this is one holiday that I really don't enjoy. First of all, I was born on Thanksgiving day, so it means I am another year older. I made my first car payment!November 9th, 2007 at 05:13 pmI made my first car payment today. The nice thing is that I did not have to fit this into my budget. I am now using my Ridge money to make my car payment. Plus, I will still have some of the ridge money left over to put into the challenge. I wonder where my new neighbor is from?November 8th, 2007 at 09:36 pmI went out the get the mail and noticed the new neighbor cleaning up his car outside. He is dressed in a short sleeve shirt and shorts. How I have the money for a new carNovember 7th, 2007 at 08:40 pmEven when I don't have a car loan, I pay into a car account. I started this back in the 80's when I bought a bronco. When I got it paid off, I just kept making that car payment every month.After several years of this, I had enough money to get a new car and I never miss the money. How smart is my car??November 6th, 2007 at 08:30 pmI took my new car to the dealership today, because it would not lock when I pushed the button. food bankNovember 5th, 2007 at 08:41 pmI just got back from the food bank or food pantry as they call it. There was an article in the paper that said the shelves are empty. Bad credit a threat?November 4th, 2007 at 10:42 pmBad credit is the most immediate threat to the economy, according to a survey of 248 member of the National Assoc. of Business Economics. Cool morningNovember 4th, 2007 at 02:04 pmIt was chilly when I got up this morning. A cool 28 degrees with frost on the ground. Even tho it is only fall, it feels like winter is here. My husband is working on railings on one house. The other house is just having the concrete floor poured tomorrow, so looks like he will be outside on that house for the entire winter. Fall behindNovember 4th, 2007 at 01:57 pmI hope everyone remembers to change their clocks back an hour today. I have all of ours changed except the one in the new car. I haven't tried that yet. I read the directions but still have not figured it out. I wish it was simple like in the red corvette.