Home > Net worth

Net worth

December 3rd, 2007 at 10:11 pm

I did my net worth in networthiq this morning and it went down for the first time since I started keeping track of it. It was because the value of my stocks and mutual funds went down in November. I added some cash but not as much as I had planned cause I have several emergencies come up.

3 Responses to “Net worth”

  1. disneysteve Says:

    Don't be discouraged at all. I don't know how often you check it, but I track mine quite regularly as I have an almost automatic tracking system set up and it is constantly going up and down due to market fluctuations and spending patterns. All that matters is the long term trend which, hopefully, shows it going up.

  2. Somerlyn Says:

    Mine too went down due to the Market. Hang in there, hopefully it will go up again and we won't see our hard work in Savings and Investments go up in smoke.

  3. Aleta Says:

    This is the way the stocks ae. Just hand in there Ima. You're doing great.

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