Home > The party was great!!

The party was great!!

December 9th, 2007 at 04:03 pm

We had a great time at the party at my house last night. No one brought any music so we danced to my really old 50's and 60's records. My favorite to dance to is "wipe out" Anyone remember that one?? Gosh, we had a ton of food. My only problem was I bought $22 worth of chicken wings at KFC last night, thinking my husband could have some of the leftovers for lunch, but someone took them all home. I guess they were good, I never tried any!
The white elephant exchange was a lot of fun and we had some really good gifts.

6 Responses to “The party was great!!”

  1. Amber Says:

    Glad you had a great time, but what is an white elephant exchange? is it because elephants are suppose to be good luck

  2. Somerlyn Says:

    Glad it was great. I'm sure they loved the music. I have many fond memories listening to my parents 40's music at there parties.

  3. fern Says:

    yes, i remember that 'wipeout' song!

  4. Ima saver Says:

    A white elephant gift is usually something funny that you have laying around the house and really have no use for anymore. It can be anything!!

  5. Amber Says:
    1197248913 almost sounds like it can be a gag gift as well

  6. Broken Arrow Says:

    Hehe, glad you had a great time.

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