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Archive for October, 2006

New social security card

October 5th, 2006 at 09:34 pm

When a baby is born today, they are assigned a social security number. Not so, in my day.
You did not have to have a number when I was born; you applied when you got your first job, usually.
I have been called Julie since the day I was born, so that is the name on my social security card.
I visited the office two weeks ago with my birth certificate. My real first name on the certificate is slightly different (one letter)
I was told that I had to have my correct name on my social security card, so today I got my new card! With my new name!
Now, where is my darn check!!!!!!!

almost a no spend day!

October 5th, 2006 at 08:46 pm

I almost had a no spend day. My dh asked me to bring a check over to the job to pay a guy for hydroseeding the yard. I remembered that his worker (part time guy that shows up every month or so) was having a birthday today, so I stopped and got him a piece of birthday cake. I took matches and a candle and sang happy birthday to him.
So, I spent 61 cents, but that is all. My dh asked where his cake was. He is not a cake lover (does not like icing) so I did not get him one.

working on getting a license

October 4th, 2006 at 08:08 pm

i am working on getting dh licensed as a builder in Georgia. It doesn't matter that he has been licensed in N.C. forever, that doesn't count. I finally got the general liability insurance and we got the paperwork down to be notorized. The notary's husband is a builder also. He turned in his paperwork in Feb. and still does not know if he will be grandfathered in!!!
The people at the newly organized state building dept. don't seem to know what they are doing.

In N.C., I just sent in 4 sheets of paper, one of which is a financial report.
With the Ga. paperwork, I am sending in building permits, letters from people he built for, his picture, bank statment, etc.
I wonder if we will ever know? Oh well, he has enough work lined up to last a year, maybe we will get licensed by then.

I stopped at Ingles, only to buy fresh bread, but I wound up getting several things that were on sale, so I saved $3 more to put into my challenge money.
Prev. total $16,473.00
today 3.00
new total $16,476.00

15 days and counting!!

October 4th, 2006 at 04:14 pm

It has been 15 days in a row, since I have run the a/c or the heat. The electric bill should look good this month. I bought advil onsale yestersday and saved $2. I also filled up with gasoline last night. I am going to start saving the difference in gas money. since it has gone down about 30 cents a gallon and I needed 10 gallons, I am putting the $3 I saved into my challenge money. so,
Prev. total $16,468.00
today 5.00
new total $16,473.00

splurged last night

October 4th, 2006 at 02:39 pm

We spent too much for dinner. I usually have something cheap when we eat out, a hamburger or chicken strips.
Last night, we went to North Carolina to a great place called Shoebooties.
They use to have a special once in a while called bourbon pecan chicken!
It is now a regular on the menu and we both got it. Yum, so good and I have some leftover for my lunch today.
I will do better tonight!

Oh woe!

October 3rd, 2006 at 05:48 pm

I got a letter in the mail. I hate cell phones and I don't have one but dh does. The letter says the phone is so out of date, they are being discontinued and I am being charged an extra $4.99 a month if I keep using it.
I have to take it and get a new cell phone. I don't understand the one he already has, and he has never learned out to program it or do any thing with it.
It is pretty bad when you don't understand computers and now you can't figure out the phone!!
I think I will tell him he is on his own.!

More Halloween stuff!

October 3rd, 2006 at 04:12 pm

I am a pushover when it comes to halloween stuff. For some reason, rite Aid has put a bunch of their stuff on sale at half price.
So, I bought another costume for $17, and a pair of elvis sunglasses for my elvis costume!
Now I have enough costumes for several years, but look at all the money I saved!!(not really, I know I spent it!)

I spent $1751 today

October 2nd, 2006 at 11:06 pm

I had to spend $1751 today. The state of Georgia is finally getting around to making builder's get a license and we know have inspectors. What is funny is that the inspectors do not have to be licensed builders, plumbers or electricans. They can be right out of high school.
My dh has been a licensed contractor for 20 years with the state of N.C.(We live about 10 miles away from n.c.)
Georgia is now requiring that all builder's get general liability insurance. Even though my dh has no real employees, he still has to pay it. Our first year's preminum is $1751 and I am told it will go up every year. We have been building 22 years without a single claim, so I feel like I am wasting my money.
But he cannot be a builder here anymore with it. N.C. does not require it. Maybe we should move to N.C.!

Pay day!!

October 2nd, 2006 at 07:13 pm

I love pay day. I get to come home and put all the little twenties into their respected little envelopes. Always nice when there is enough for all the envelopes. My husband, being self employed works different hours and he is paid by the hour. so the paychecks do vary!
I have walked a mile today and I saved a dollar buying deli ham on sale. I will add this to my total for the $20 challenge.
Prev. total $$16,466.00
today 2.00
new total $16,468.00

Halloween costumes

October 2nd, 2006 at 03:19 pm

I ordered my halloween costume in early august. I for a notice saying they would be in stock the end of the month of august!
As of last week, end of Sept., I still had not received my costume, so I paniced and ordered another one. I received notification that it has been shipped.
today, in an e mail, I got notification that the first costume was shipped! I think i will just keep them both. Maybe i will get invited to two parties!! Probably not. But at least I will be set for the next Halloween!


October 1st, 2006 at 08:00 pm

I forgot to mention, that I heard back from TGIFridays in Gatlinburg. I was complaining about the 20% tax we paid that night at their restaurant and the much lower tax we paid at a different restaurant.
It seems that TGIFridays has a huge tax on liquor (we had a bottle of wine) and the other restaurant does not.
I did not, of course, get a refund. but, she did send me a gift card good for one free appetizer, so it was well worth my 39 cents to write.
Now if we just had a TGIfriday's around!

new restaurant

October 1st, 2006 at 07:16 pm

We tried the new restaurant last night. We are good friends with the owners of the place we go to, every night. A few months ago, they opened a new place, right next door. It was a tex mex restaurant. The menu didn't have anything we liked, so we did not go but once or twice. No one else did either.

They asked our opinion and we said, we did not like the menu. This place needs a steak restaurant. The closed last weekend, changed the name and opened up Friday night as a steak house. We went and dh got the rib eye. He said it was great! However, the price is a bit over our budget. It was about $20 just for his meal. I went and bought steaks for supper tonight on sale, two n.y. strips on sale for under $6. That is a pretty good deal. My dh is cooking them, so I don't have to do anything but make a baked potato.
Hope my friends have really good sucess with their new place and we will be back when we save up our pennies!

quiet sunday

October 1st, 2006 at 06:39 pm

I love to go grocery shopping on sunday mornings. It is so quiet, no body is there, shopping. No waiting in line, but I still usually check my self out. I love the u-scan feature. I used my advantage card and saved over $5 which I will add to my challenge money.
Prev. total $16461.00
today 5.00
new total $16466.00

Halloween cookies

October 1st, 2006 at 03:26 pm

I got up early this morning to go grocery shopping! The store has halloween cookies out for sale. The hoilday is still 30 days away! Those will be some stale cookies.
I received a $5 check from pinecone yesterday, so I can add that to my challenge money!
Prev. total $16,456.00
today 5.00
new total $16,461.00

Happy October

October 1st, 2006 at 02:45 pm

What a pretty day and a nice way to start the month. I got up early and went to the grocery store. I got my prilosec for free today, thus saving $10 to add to my challenge.
prev. total: $16,446.00
today 10.00
new total $16,456.00

Off to a good start this month!

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