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July 14th, 2010 at 09:00 pm
I never buy anything just because I can get a rebate; I only buy a product if I really need it. My husband has to take prilosec everyday. I am so glad it is no longer prescription which was $130 a month. It is now over the counter and runs about $26 for 42 pills.
Rite aid often offers a $4 rebate when you buy prilosec. The problem is getting your check. It was promised in 2-3 weeks; it has been 5 weeks and I think I will never see the check. I think the problem is that they issue these little cardboard checks and they are not in an envelope. Anyone can see they are a check and they seem to get "lost" in the mail.
This is the 2nd check that I have not gotten from rite aid! I guess I need to write to them.
I am also waiting on two rebate checks from a paint company.
Posted in
June 2nd, 2010 at 04:36 pm
I always figure my net worth on the first day of the month. It turns out that my net worth went down about $26,000, mostly because of the stock market. In case you don't watch the market, it went down 1000 points in May. I hope things are better this month.
Posted in
May 18th, 2010 at 10:06 pm
We have a lot of critters in our yard. We live on 2 acres on a large creek. My husband built deer feeders and we keep them filled with corn. The squirrels love the corn, so does our local groundhog. This spring we have gotten wild turkey and a pair of mallard ducks that come at least once a day.
We usually sit outside in the evening and watch all of these critters with our two dogs, Holly and Molly.
Last night was a bit cool, so we sat inside. I am sure glad we did.
I looked out to see a bear at the feeder, eating away. He even laid down while he was eating.
When we got up this morning, we discovered he had come back and completely smashed up our bird feeders. These were the squirrel proof feeders that cost about $65 each.
I hope he does not decide to go and visit up every night! We will take in the new feeders and I guess we will have to skip the corn for a few nights. It is scary to think that I had a bear about10 feet away from my bedroom door last night. (door goes out onto the deck)
Posted in
May 15th, 2010 at 10:44 pm
Gosh, it is funny, I use to eat out all the time, now I feel funny about eating out two nights in a row. We went out on Thursday cause it was our anniversary.
Then some good friends called and asked us to meet them for dinner last night. She had had surgery 10 days ago and was going stir crazy in the house. They invited us to go and listen to a band tonight, but I think we are stay home tonight. We have a ton of leftovers and things from the two restaurant meals. Plus, I just don't want to spend any more money this weekend!
Posted in
May 12th, 2010 at 08:57 pm
I got a free year of Onstar in my new corvette. We had it in the yellow vette, but never used it. However, this one comes with a handsfree way to make and receive phone calls. (Maybe the yellow one does too??)
The phone call feature is only good for 2 months, after that you have to pay for the minutes. Since I don't carry or use a cell phone, I thought it might be a good idea to activate my account and add some phone minutes to the account. So, for $15 and tax, I added 100 minutes to my account. That will be good for an entire year.
Now, if the car ever breaks down or I have an emergency, I can make phone calls. I think it was $15 well spent!
Posted in
May 10th, 2010 at 04:44 pm
I have been driving for a long time and I have never gotten a ticket.
My mother started teaching me how to drive when I was 12 years old. When she was young, women did not learn how to drive. When I got married the first time, my MIL and both of my husband's aunts, had never learned how to drive. I had to take them grocery shopping all the time.
By the time I was 14, I got my learner's permit. We use to drive from Florida to Virginia to visit my aunt, and my mother let me drive most of the way.
Back then, the speed limit was either 50 or 55, but the speed limit for trucks and semi's was only 45; so when you got behind one of them, you were stuck going 45. So, I never really drove very fast, plus we had no interstates back then. To the day, I will not drive on an interstate, if at all possible.
By the time I was 16 and got my driver's license, I had had 4 years practice and was a pretty good driver. I wish more young people had experience before they were allowed to drive.
Now, I have been driving for over 50 years and I have never had a ticket. I have never caused an accident.
It's funny, cause dh and I have almost always owned a corvette. He drove a 280Z when I met him and I had a triump spitfire. We both liked sporty cars.
After we got married, we decided we both just loved corvettes, so we traded in his car for a new corvette. That was in 1978.
This car was one of only 16 made that year that came into the dealership in primer only. The owner of the dealership had it painted a tu tone blue. (not a corvette color) We bought it new and still have it.
Of course, we also now have a yellow corvette and a brand new red corvette.
People ask me how fast it will go and I tell them, 50 miles per hour. That is about how fast I will drive. I guess that is why I have never gotten a ticket. Heck, I am not in a hurry to go anywhere. When you have a corvette, you just enjoy the drive.
Posted in
May 9th, 2010 at 05:15 pm
Hope you have someone in your family that you can celebrate the day with. I lost both my grandmothers before I turned 12, lost my mother when I was 33 and all of my 4 aunts died a long time ago. Even my MIl died a long time ago, so I really don't celebrate this day.
But I do wish all of you a very happy mother's day!
Posted in
May 7th, 2010 at 09:11 pm
I was reading Money magazine yesterday. Nicholas Cage, despite the millions he makes on each movie, has lost two of his houses due to foreclosure. It is amazing how many rich actors and athletes do not have a clue on how to handle their money. I would be darned, if I made millions (or even one million), it I would let someone else handle it for me!
Posted in
May 3rd, 2010 at 10:41 pm
WE had a very nice dinner out last night. I had not seen my granddaughters in quite a while. Gosh, they have gotten so tall, much taller than I am. I am sure they have quit growing. They are 21 and 19. We got to meet the boyfriends and they were both very nice. Nothing (that I could see) was pierced, thank goodness, but one of them did have a tattoo on his arm. That does not bother me at all. Just so long as the tattoo is not on me!
For 6 people, including 4 under the age of 22 who really like to eat, I thought the bill was great!
It was only $62 plus $5 tax. I did leave a $15 tip because I believe in tipping well. (I use to work as a waitress)
My dh is working around the house today. He has taken off all the brass door locks and polished them so they look like new again. Then we ran to home depot to get some new kick plates (brass too) to put on the 2 front double doors. So, we spent $44 on those. However, by not replacing those tarnished door locks, but cleaning them up instead, we saved around $400 per lock. We have top of the line Anderson doors and windows and the locks are not cheap! He will polish up the old kick plates when he has time and we can use them again.
The house is really looking good!
Posted in
May 1st, 2010 at 05:32 pm
When I was a child, we lived in Virginia. Every May 1st, my school would have a big festival for May day. We even had a May pole! I don't know if May day is celebrated very much any more. I do know that May is my very favorite month. It is so pretty to see all the trees and flowers blooming!
Posted in
April 18th, 2010 at 08:22 pm
We live in a small town , so our newspaper is only published once a week. At the back of the paper every week is the listing of foreclosures.
I live in the North Georgia mountains and it is a very pretty place to live. We have a lot of move up people coming here from Atlanta and from Florida. About 5 years ago, the housing boom really took off up here.
Because you did not have to be licensed to be a builder, everyone became builders! WE have about 500 subdivisions, or more, in out small county of population 19,000. (up from 7000 20 years ago)
The list of foreclosures started about 1 1/2 ago and every week it seems to get longer and longer.
I am amazed at how many names I recognize in the paper. I feel so sorry for them. Many of the names are of prominate business people.
I was hopping that things would be better by now, but I read a magazine article that says things will get even worse in 2011 because many arm mortgages will get reset to a higher rate in 2011.
I can't tell you how much safer I feel, having a paid for house.
Posted in
April 14th, 2010 at 09:53 pm
We stopped and got gas for the new car for the first time. I hated that I had to pay $3.03 a gallon, but I am pleased that I have not driven that much. I got the car on March 17th and yesterday was the 12th, plus I still had a quarter of a tank left.
The car dealership filled it up for me when we picked the car out.
I can remember the first brand new car that I ever got. It was a 1967 yellow cougar. I ran out of gas on my way home from the dealership! Back then, gas was under 30 cents a gallon, cause $3 would fill her up!!
Posted in
April 3rd, 2010 at 05:31 pm
I was driving along the other day and all of a sudden my radio went dead and I could hear a phone ringing. Instead of the station number, a phone number was listed. It happened twice.
Today, we stopped by the chevy dealership so I could give them the original sticker that came with my 2004 vette. (I thought the new owner might like it)
I talked to my car salesman about what happened and he told me that I have a hands free phone system in my car, thru On Star!
We went home and tried it out and sure enough, I called my dh on his cell while he was standing in the garage and then he called me back.
Since I have never even figured out how to use his cell phone (I don't have or want one), I am feeling pretty modern about now!
Posted in
March 27th, 2010 at 03:52 pm
I too was shocked to see all the changes in the savingadvice forum. I had a really hard time logging in. I never log out cause this is my favorite forum, so I was a little nervous about not being able to post. Did that happen to you this morning? I am not very good at computers, so I hope I can get this all figured out quickly!
Posted in
March 25th, 2010 at 09:59 pm
It was a good mail day for me today. I have been waiting on 2 checks for over 10 days and they finally came today. One was for a repair job that my dh has been doing for the past month. So, I have another $600 to add to the challenge fund.
Oh, and I forgot to mention that it is just 9 more months til christmas!!
Prev. total $4600.00
today 600.00
new total $5200.00
Posted in
March 24th, 2010 at 07:59 pm
I received my usual monthly check for $486 today. Also, in the mail, I got a check for $6 from GMAC. I paid off my car last week and the check got there early, so I got a little back.
Prev. total $4108>00
today 492.00
new total $4600.00
Posted in
March 23rd, 2010 at 09:49 pm
I found a lot of bargains at the grocery store today. Boneless, skinless chicken tenders were under $2 a pound, so I stocked up. I only had one coupon, but with that and my advantage card, I saved $12 today which will go into my challege fund.
Prev. total $4096.00
today 12.00
new total $4108.00
Posted in
March 23rd, 2010 at 02:37 pm
DH had to buy a new work van 2 years ago. He got a house to build in North Carolina and his old van just wasn't going to make it. He keep the old van, thinking that he might use it when the newer van was getting worked on.
Well, that has not happened, so he sold the old van this week to one of his workers for $1000 (It was a 2001 dodge van) The worker is going to pay him $250 a week and I am going to add that to the $20 challenge for the car fund.
I also got the electric bill and it is $70 under budget for the month, so I will add that to the challenge also.
Prev. total $3776.00
today 320.00
new total $4096.00
Posted in
March 22nd, 2010 at 04:28 pm
This is the 3rd day of spring and it is snowing in North Georgia!
I have kind of gotten behind on watching the stock market. From what I heard, it went up 4 days out of 5 last week, so I owe $4 to my challenge. I also received a $3 pinecone check, so I will add a total of $7 to my challenge money.
Prev. total $3769.00
today 7.00
new total $3776.00
Posted in
March 20th, 2010 at 05:03 pm
Well, I am not having much good luck lately. About 6 weeks ago, a local bank of mine failed. I had a large sum on money tied up in c.d.'s there, paying 4% for another year. They immediately lowered my rate to 1%, so I withdrew all the money.
I opened c.d.'s in another bank with the money. Best rate I could get was 2%.
I logged into my accounts this morning to see that the fdic has taken over the other bank. That means my rates will be lowered again.
Wow, 2 banks of mine failed, within6 weeks.
This town only has 4 banks and another failed yesterday also. I did not have any money in that bank.
I wonder what will happen next?
Posted in
March 20th, 2010 at 03:06 pm
Have a happy first day of spring. I sure am ready for it! Aren't you? We sat outside on the deck last night with both dogs. First time in about 6 months! However, they are calling for snow on Monday! Well, it has to warm up early.
Posted in
March 19th, 2010 at 03:47 pm
Two of my neighbors are out cutting their grass this morning. I hope that is a sign of spring. It is still very cold here and I had to order more propane. I have never used a completely full tank before. (1000 gallons)
A small check came in from Wendys yesterday, so I will add that to my challenge money. (aka car fund)
Prev. total $3593.00
today 8.00
new total $3601.00
Posted in
March 18th, 2010 at 02:06 pm
We picked up our new car last night. I had a bit of a tear in my eye when I left my old red corvette there. I really loved that car.
Can you guess what kind of car I got?
I saved $6 using my advantage card, so I am adding that to my challenge (car fund) money.
Prev. total $3587.00
today 6.00
new total $3593.00
Posted in
March 17th, 2010 at 02:53 pm
My grandparents were born in Ireland, so I know for sure I am half Irish. I don't know what the other half is.
I think my husband is really on board with me to save as hard as possible to pay off this new car we are getting.
Yesterday, he sold his old work van to one of his workers who needs a vehicle. It is a 2001 dodge van that he is selling for $1000.
I think the worker is getting a good deal.
When he pays us, I will add that money to the new car fund.
I had a real good deal on prilosec yesterday at CVS. I had 3 coupons, one for $2 off, another for $4 off and still another for $3 off, so I saved a total of $9 which I will add to the challenge money.
Prev. total $3578.00
today 9.00
new total $3587.00
Posted in
March 15th, 2010 at 10:14 pm
Well, I think it has been a pretty good day. I played bridge all afternoon and my puppy, Molly had her first birthday today!!
Posted in
March 13th, 2010 at 07:29 pm
Bad news about my car. It needs a new fuel line. That part is only about $45, but it will cost about $3000 in labor to repair the car. They will have to take the entire car apart including taking out the motor and the transmission.
I think we may be going car shopping this afternoon.
I got a $5 bill in change yesterday, so I will add that to my challenge money.
Prev. total $3558.00
today 5.00
new total $3563.00
Posted in
March 9th, 2010 at 09:04 pm
I have a friend who wants to build a small rental house in another city. Of course, she wants the house built as cheaply as possible.
People always think my husband is too expensive because he builts everything so perfectly and does all the work himself.
Of course, she said, I can't afford your husband.
She got a bid from a large company that builds in many, many states.(in the south) Their ad says that they can build a house for $48 a square foot.
The house she wants to build is simple and about 1600 square feet. We usually estimate a plain house at about $100 a square foot; a fancier place at about $110 a square foot. So, I told her it would cost about $160,000 to build the house. (if we built it)
If they could build the house for $48 a square foot, it SHOULD cost $76,800.
However, when she got their quote, the total came to $160,000. You see they don't tell you about all the things you DON'T get for your $48 a square foot. You don't get permits, a septic tank, grading, excavation, crawl space or basement, concrete, or even the floor put on the house. Plus anything extra like hardwood flooring or hardiplank all cost you extra.
When my husband quotes a house at $100 a foot, that includes everything, even porches. (does not include landscaping or driveway paving)
I am sure she will go with this company because she considers them to be such a bargain. To me, it is just false advertising.
Actually, to be considered the best builder in the area, I think my husband is quite reasonable.
Posted in
March 6th, 2010 at 09:16 pm
I got another check from nfo my survey yesterday for $10. I always love getting these little checks in the mail and it will be added to my challenge money.
Prev. total $3245.00
today 10.00
new total $3255.00
Posted in
March 6th, 2010 at 04:30 pm
I have been playing bridge with the same group of ladies for about 2 years. Last year, they decided to put in a dollar each time we played to go out to lunch. I thought it was kind of silly , since it is obvious that we all can afford to go out to lunch anytime we want.
Two of the ladies' husbands are retired; one a retired CEO of a bank. The other lady's husband is a pilot for a big airline. My husband is a builder and probably makes the least amount of money.
However, I became the "holder" of the money.
Yesterday, we had our lunch out and I split up the money. We each got $23. I am adding my $23 to my $20 challenge money.
Prev. total $3222.00
today 23.00
new total $3245.00
Posted in
March 5th, 2010 at 09:03 pm
I had a pleasant day today. I met with my bridge friends for lunch today and then we played cards for a while. Yesterday we had a no use gas day, the stock market went up, so $3 to add to the challenge.
Prev. total $3219.00
today 3.00
new total $3222.00
Posted in