Archive for February, 2006
February 11th, 2006 at 09:51 pm
If you don't have an ice machine, dont get one. We have one behind the bar. It was always having to be fixed, so finally g.e. gave me a new one.
About a month ago, we noticed water on the floor, dh turned off ice machine. Today another leak. Now floor is ruined, baseboard has been taken off and will have to be new put on.
Repairman also cracked the tile on the bar, so that is now being chipped off to put new tile down on the bar. Glad my husband can do all this, but it is a mess. If i ever have another one, it will be in the garage!
It has snowed all day, but has not stuck to the ground yet. I have just walked on the treadmill and watched tv, boring, boring. I had hoped to go out to dinner tonight,but it is snowing harder, so I don't know.
On a positive side, I have not spent any money today, but I also have not come up with any new money to put towards my challenge money. My dh is smoking his first turkey on the grill. I don't like smoked turkey but I hope it turns out well for him. My challenge money stands at $2875.
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February 10th, 2006 at 09:30 pm
I usually grocery shop on Saturday or Sunday, but I stocked up today because they are predicting snow coming in tonight and tomorrow. Since we eat out almost every night, I never have much on hand. My husband does not like frozen meat, so our freezer is almost always empty.
I stayed home yesterday and spent no money until we went out to eat last night. Then a guy from Miami hung over our table and talked to us the whole time we ate. We call him, Mr. Miami and he bugs us every time he comes to town. I don't know why people bother us so much when we go out to eat. I guess we are just too friendly!!
I am stocking up on sprite cause it has been on sale the past 2 weeks. We have about 12-12 packs stocked up. Good thing we have a big pantry.
Today, I saved almost $12 on my advantage card which I have added to my challenge money.
Prev. total $2863.00
today 12.00
New total $2875.00
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$20 Challenge
February 9th, 2006 at 08:50 pm
Woke up to snow on the ground this morning. A lot of people don't know that there are mountains in Georgia. I didn't till I came here to look at property and fell in love. Our county has the highest peak in Georgia.
My husband went to work for the first time in almost two weeks. He is still waiting on the grading guys, but they made a little progress yesterday, so things are finally moving.
I haven't done a thing today except walk on my treadmill.
I see the money challege has been moved to this site, so I will no longer post in both.
I did send a bill for some house plans that dh drew. He has worked with these people for over 3 years trying to come up with something they want. I did ask for and receive a deposit. I don't really know if they will pay it or not, I am sure they will think it is too much. They should see what an architect would charge.
My husband does not really want to build the house, so I don't think he is worried about the money, but it would be nice.
I have stayed home all day and have not thought of any thing to add to my challenge money, so my balance stands at $2863.00
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$20 Challenge
February 8th, 2006 at 09:44 pm
Ou local restaurant owners almost called us, they were so worried cause we hadn't been there to eat since Friday night. It was good to see everyone again. I have bought valentine's candy for all the girls, so I will start leaving that with the tip tomorrow night.
My husband is still home, waiting for a grading guy on three different jobs. He is drawing house plans to have something to do.
Took a ride today and picked up a check to continue on with a remodel job. The grader was there, so the small job has gotten started again. It is a pretty day today and I am excited about going out again for dinner tonight.
My husband put in a hand rail for a neighbor yesterday and got a check for $75 today. I am adding that to my challenge money, so my new total is $2863.00.
My dh thought I charged them too much money, what do you think? He had to pick up materials, make the hand rail and install it.
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$20 Challenge
February 8th, 2006 at 08:00 am
My husband installed a hand rail (he made it too) for a neighbor and just came home with a check for $75. My husband never takes these little odd jobs, but I have been incouraging him since I started this challenge.
Prev. total $2788.00
Today 75.00
New total $2863.00
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$20 Challenge
February 7th, 2006 at 07:57 pm
I have been stocking up on toilet paper and sprite the past few weeks. I have coupons for $2 off a 4 roll pack and the sprite is 4-12 can packs for $10. Every time I go to the store I pick some up.
we got snow so we stayed home last night and had dinner in. today my dh had to take the car in for something under warrenty. I could hardly wait for him to get home so I could get outside and go somewhere. Made it to both grocery stores in this town, plus the post office and drug store.
I did good on my challege money today. I saved at least $20 from not eating out last night, I saved $25 at the liquor store in N.C. by not buying my husband's usual whiskey. (His father bought him a bottle last week) and I saved $4 on the toilet paper and sprite, making my new challege total $2788.00!! Not half bad, if I say so myself!
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$20 Challenge
February 7th, 2006 at 08:00 am
I did well on the challenge today. We stayed home last night instead of eating out (it was snowing) so i saved $20 there. I sent my husband to the liquor store and we did not buy his "usual" bottle. Saved $25 there (his father gave him one) Saved $4 at the grocery store using coupons. I physically take this money and put it into a cash box until I have enough to put in the savings account.
prev. total $2734.00
today 49.00
new total $2788.00
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$20 Challenge
February 6th, 2006 at 09:42 pm
It is snowing right now and we wonder if we will be able to go out to eat tonight. I had another no spend day yesterday, two in a row.
We got invited over to look at house plans and to have dinner with a couple that wants us to build them a house. we were there for 5 1/2 hours and I really got bored. Dinner was good, but I was glad to come home.
So we have not been out to eat since Thursday night, and I am ready. (I don't count last night since I really did not want to go)
I was looking forward to tonight, but it is snowing, so I don't know.
I went to the grocery store and stocked up on sprite which was on sale and got some pork chops (just in case) on sale.
All in all I saved $12, so I added that to my challenge money. The total is now $2,734.00.
I had to draw out money for my husband's pay out of our personal savings and I hated that. He has 3 jobs sitting and they all depend on the grading guy coming out and doing some work before he can proceed.
This weather is not helping either. Oh well, I am just thankful that we have the money in our personal savings to live on!!
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February 6th, 2006 at 08:00 am
It is still snowing so I went to the grocery store, stocked up on sprite on sale, found pork chops on sale and had a $2 coupon. I saved a total of $12 today at the grocery store.
Prev. total $2722.00
today 12.00
newe total $2734.00
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$20 Challenge
February 5th, 2006 at 06:08 pm
I finally had my first no spend day since I joined this forum. I stayed home all day. We got dressed for dinner and started out. About halfway there, it started snowing really hard and laying on the road. We got worried that we might not back it home if we went to eat so we turned around and came home. I don't keep much on hand in the case of an emergency meal, so we had to settle for sausage and eggs.
Instead of turning on the tv, my dh actually sat and read a magazine until about 8 pm. Then he fixed dinner, and by that time the snow had stopped. we would have been ok after all.
Today, we are just piddling around. We are supposed to go over to a couple's house that want my husband to build them a new house. They want us for supper and I am kind of dreading that, because the man once told us that his wife did not cook.
I am a funny eater and can't eat something I just don't like.
Plus they want us at 4 pm. and I am sorry. Yes, my age indicates that I am old, but I don't act or feel old.
I don't eat at 4pm. I eat about 8 or 9 or ten at night.
Can you tell I am not looking forward to this?
These people just turn up at our favorite restaurant once or twice a week to sit with us and I feel that is rude. They never tell us they are coming. He just showed up this past Thurs. night and sat with us all thru our meal.
Oh well, I saved money not eating out last night, so I will add $21 to my challenge money for a new total of $2722.00.
I read the $20 challenge thread all the time and not many are posting to it, I wonder why?
Well I am having a free meal tonight, maybe I should add a few $$ to my challenge money for that? Any thoughts?
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$20 Challenge
February 5th, 2006 at 08:00 am
I stayed home from town yesterday and when I do that I add $1 to my challenge cause I figure it cost me about $1 or more in gas to go to town and back. Then last night, we did not go out to dinner cause it was snowing so hard. I figure that saved me at least $20, so I will add $21 to my challenge money.
Prev. total $2701.00
addition 21.00
new total $2722.00
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$20 Challenge
February 4th, 2006 at 07:42 pm
Today seems like a slow day. My dh stayed home and is cleaning out his van and the garage. I am trying to think of frugal things to do everyday. I know how some of you all feel. I sit here at 60 degrees with two sweater on, and the heat is running out in the garage while he works. Guess I should go sit in the garage.
Today looks like a no spend day until we go out to supper tonight. We are supposed to get snow showers today and tonight.
Nothing to add to my challenge money today.
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February 3rd, 2006 at 09:45 pm
Took the vette in today because we had some oil leakage. It is not serious and it covered under warrenty, but I have to take it back next Tuesday morning cause they had to order the parts.
Since we went to Fla., it seems like I am out of everything, so i had to go grocery shopping.
I had looked at boneless chicken yesterday cause I wanted to try that in my crockpot. A package of boneless breasts was about $8 so I did not get it. I have never been a real careful price shopper in the past 10 years because we go out so much and buy so little meat. My husband won't eat meat that has been frozen, so there is not much in our freezer.
Today that same chicken was $3.20 on sale. All together, I saved about $7 in coupons and I added that to my challenge for a new total of #2701.00.
I even found a birthday card at home (for free) to send to my granddaugher for her birthday next week. I always send a check. The kids like money and really don't care if you spent $2.00 for a card. (But I buy my cards at the dollar store for 50 cents)
Have a wonderful weekend!!
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$20 Challenge
February 3rd, 2006 at 08:00 am
Well I did some careful grocery shopping today and saved $7 with my advantage cards.
Prev. total $2694.00
Today 7.00
New total $2701.00
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$20 Challenge
February 2nd, 2006 at 09:40 pm
While looking for a gold coin I had yesterday, I came across a bag with Susan B. Anthony dollars in it that I have saved since 1979. since they are only worth a dollar, I took them to the bank today for paper dollars to add to my challenge money.
I stopped by an insurance place to discuss getting general liability insurance for my husband's building business. I discovered that it will cost at the low end, about $5000, a year plus a whole lot of paperwork. I think that is a big rip off!! He has to have it to get licensed to build in Ga. We have built in N.C. and they don't require it.
Prev. total $2671.00
today's 23.00
New total $2694.00
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$20 Challenge
February 2nd, 2006 at 08:00 am
Turned in my susan b. anthony dollars and got $23 to add to my challenge money.
Prev. total $2671
today 23
new total $2694
Found a $10 gold coin from 1879. I need to sell it but no coin dealers here.
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$20 Challenge
February 1st, 2006 at 04:53 pm
Husband just came home. I didn't ask for details, but he spilled the black looking stuff he is coating the basement with, (waterproof stuff) all over himself. He had on new jeans, new boots and a new warm coat that we spent $100 on last month. They look to be ruined, but I am washing the coat now, so we will hope for the best.
Anyway, I spent $7.94 in Rite Aid and $17.58 at the grocery store yesterday. I saw a sale on sprite, 12 pack cans, were 4 packs for $10, so i am stocking up. I also buy toilet paper every time I go in cause I have a $2 off coupon. I hope to buy enough toilet paper this month to last me all year. The coupon expires the end of the month. I already have 49 rolls of toilet paper in the house. They cost me 22 cents each.
Last night was dinner out and that was $24. I know that is my big downfall and I wish I could be motivated to stay home.
It is not that I am too lazy to cook, it is just that my husband is so tired, he just wants to sit and rest and watch tv. I absolutely hate to watch tv before 9 pm, so it is costing me money!! My challenge money remains at $2671.00
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