Home > vette repair

vette repair

February 3rd, 2006 at 09:45 pm

Took the vette in today because we had some oil leakage. It is not serious and it covered under warrenty, but I have to take it back next Tuesday morning cause they had to order the parts.
Since we went to Fla., it seems like I am out of everything, so i had to go grocery shopping.
I had looked at boneless chicken yesterday cause I wanted to try that in my crockpot. A package of boneless breasts was about $8 so I did not get it. I have never been a real careful price shopper in the past 10 years because we go out so much and buy so little meat. My husband won't eat meat that has been frozen, so there is not much in our freezer.
Today that same chicken was $3.20 on sale. All together, I saved about $7 in coupons and I added that to my challenge for a new total of #2701.00.
I even found a birthday card at home (for free) to send to my granddaugher for her birthday next week. I always send a check. The kids like money and really don't care if you spent $2.00 for a card. (But I buy my cards at the dollar store for 50 cents)
Have a wonderful weekend!!

15 Responses to “vette repair”

  1. robex Says:

    Hi Imasaver,
    You were asking about a comment I made in one of my journal entries about Flylady. It's a website dedicated towards home organizing and cleaning...she's awesome. Every week you clean a different 'zone' and there are daily challenges as well. We have 3 kids in a variety of activities, a fairly large house, and both work 3/4 time, so we have a busy, busy home. I find myself overwhelmed with all that I feel I 'have' to get done, and Flylady keeps me focused! Check it out at
    I would love to know what you think.

  2. Ima saver Says:

    Thanks robex.

  3. PJP99 Says:

    Youch! I remember talking to someone about their Vette and then when we went to see it it was a Chevette! Yowiz. Of course, not everyone can afford a Corevtte but if you have credit then you can buy one. If you are looking for information on how to fix your credit then go here...

    bad credit mortgage loan late credit repair fix free

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