Home > shopping before the snow comes

shopping before the snow comes

February 10th, 2006 at 09:30 pm

I usually grocery shop on Saturday or Sunday, but I stocked up today because they are predicting snow coming in tonight and tomorrow. Since we eat out almost every night, I never have much on hand. My husband does not like frozen meat, so our freezer is almost always empty.
I stayed home yesterday and spent no money until we went out to eat last night. Then a guy from Miami hung over our table and talked to us the whole time we ate. We call him, Mr. Miami and he bugs us every time he comes to town. I don't know why people bother us so much when we go out to eat. I guess we are just too friendly!!
I am stocking up on sprite cause it has been on sale the past 2 weeks. We have about 12-12 packs stocked up. Good thing we have a big pantry.
Today, I saved almost $12 on my advantage card which I have added to my challenge money.
Prev. total $2863.00
today 12.00
New total $2875.00

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