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Thanksgiving pies!

November 17th, 2011 at 08:04 pm

We got invited over for Thanksgiving day, for a mid day dinner. Since we had no family, we are usually alone on Thanksgiving and Christmas day. (dh has a father and brother and sister in law. We have never once been inside the brother's house and FIL is getting too old for his 88 year old girlfriend to have anyone over for dinner.)

We so appreciate having friends to spend time with. I am bringing dessert. They had us over for dinner once and had a delicious Edwards Hershey chocolet pie. I found them on sale at the grocery store and bought two of them. I saved $6 on the two pies. (frozen) I will also pick up a cake at the bakery next Wednesday to take with me.
I am adding the $6 to my challenge money.

Prev. total $18,793.00
today 6.00
new total $18,799.00

I remember this date

November 15th, 2011 at 02:36 pm

I always remember this date. It is the day that my father died, right before my 10th birthday.
My father had retired from the service after serving almost 30 years.

My mother had never had a job in her life. Lots of women never worked; they stayed home and took care of the home and the children.

For almost two years, we had to live on my parents savings. The pension was cut off and there was no money coming in. Finally, my mother was able to get a job and the three of us had about $25 a week to live on. Fortunately, my parents had saved and had paid cash for their home when they retired to Florida.

That is how I learned to be so frugal. My mother didn't buy anything she did not need. I don't remember her ever buying anything for herself. I got a job at age 12 and was able to buy my own clothes and things for school. (I made $3 a day for a 9 hour day)

It was a valuable lesson.

Friday, the stock market went up and I had a no use gas day. Saturday, I had another no use gas day. $5 to add to the challenge.

Prev. total $18,788.00
today 5.00
new total $18,793.00

Veterans Day!

November 11th, 2011 at 04:15 pm

Happy Veterans day to all the veterans and all those who are serving our country. Thank you!

World War I ended on Nov. 11th, 1918. In 1921 an unknown soldier from World War I was buried in Arlington National Cemetery. The day became known as Armistice Day.
In 1954 ,Congress passed a bill proclaiming Nov. 11th as Veterans Day.

Today, Veterans Day is celebrated in November, the 11th month, on the 11th day, at 11 a.m. and the year is 2011. Nov. 11, 2011, 11 am.

I received a pinecone check for $3 and I had a no use gas day yesterday. That is $5 for the challenge.

Prev. total $18,783.00
today 5.00
new total $18,788.00

Adding to the challenge!

November 10th, 2011 at 08:45 pm

I did my grocery shopping on Tuesday and using my Ingles card I saved $12. Then on Monday and Wednesday, i had two no use gas days, so that is $4 more. This $16 will be added to the challenge.

Prev. total $18,767.00
today 16.00
new total $18,783.00

I took the dog food back!

November 8th, 2011 at 11:27 pm

The vet put our little poodle on a strict diet, Hill's prescription food. Holly hated it and I have been force feeding it to her for 2 months.
Then we tried a purina food made for sensitive tummy. At first she ate it, now she won't. She has always been such a picky eater. I don't know what to do. Today, I let her have some of her old food. I can't stand to see her starve.

I took the Hill's diet food back to the vet and they gave me my money back. That is $32 I will add to the $20 challenge.

Prev. total $18,735.00
today 32.00
new total $18,767.00


November 6th, 2011 at 09:57 pm

I am going to friends house for dinner tonight, (so is dh) and I am bringing my own Burger!
We built their house about 10 years ago and they have us over for dinner all the time.
Unfortunately, I am a funny eater! So she tells me what they are having and if it is nothing something I eat, I byob, bring my own burger! (ccoked of course)

I have been a funny eater since I was born according to my mother. I never wanted any baby food, just milk. As I gor older, I refused food all the time. She tried making me sit there, serving it again, etc., etc., but I just would not eat most things.
The last time she forced me to eat something I did not like, I threw them up, all over the table. I can still remember what it was, stewed tomatoes.

I do not like fruit or vegetables. I have never had a salad in my life. I eat no seafood or tuna fish. I will only eat white meat chicken. I don't even like pizza unless my husband makes it with lots of hamburger. I know I am strange, but that is just the way I eat and I am too old to change now!

But, I do enjoy going over and eating with these people who put up with somene who brings their own burger!

I had a no use gas day, so $2 to add to the challenge.

Prev. total $18,733,00
today 2.00
new total $18,735.00

Bought more land

November 4th, 2011 at 09:24 pm

Yes, we broke down and bought so more land. That means 6 lots (1 acre or bigger) than we have bought so far this year.
This acre is right next to the one we bought and are putting a spec house on. The view is wonderful.
When we first looked at this subdivision 3 years ago, these lots were going for $125,000 each. I just bought this one for $40,000.

I have got to slow down and not even look at any more land for a long time. We paid cash for some of them and financed some for a pretty good rate, 2.99%
I have to really start being more careful with money and have lots of no spend days, starting with today!

I am adding my 1 dollar bills to the challenge.

Prev. total $18,733.00
today 4.00
new total $18,737.00

November is starting off expensively!

November 2nd, 2011 at 07:21 pm

Well, my dh had to have new tires put on his work van yesterday. He shopped around and compared prices, but the tires were over $800.
I did my grocery shopping today and saved $4 using my Ingles card. I had a no use gas day yesterday and a dollar bill came in the mail from a survey place. That is $7 to add to the $20 challenge.

Prev. total $18,726.00
today 7.00
new total $18,733.00

Halloween on the square

October 30th, 2011 at 08:39 pm

We have a big halloween party downtown on the square every Saturday before Halloween. We have always gone to it to see all the kids (and adults) dress up. Several times, we have dressed up ourselves and walked around. Then we go out to eat.
Last night, it was so cold and windy we decided to stay home.
I miss not dressing up and going to a Halloween party. We have friends that use to throw a huge Halloween party every year, but she has not been in good health lately. The fun part was my husband's costumes! He always won first prize, he was so funny looking!
I had a no use gas day yesterday and the stock market went up on Friday, so $3 to add to the challenge.

Prev. total $18,723.00
today 3.00
new total $18,726.00

Another visit to the vets

October 28th, 2011 at 07:22 pm

I took my older dog, Holly back to the vets today. I took her to a specialist 2 months ago and he put her strickly on Hill's prescription diet, nothing else.

Well, she hates it and won't eat it , so I have been force feeding it to her. She is so skinny now, but is so hungry all the time. I have spend a lot of money on her the past few months, but she is certainly worth it. We are going to try a different type of food, but I can only buy it at a vet's over in North Carolina. I will get some next week and hope she likes it better. (she has always been a real picky eater)
I got my usual s/s check yesterday and will add that to my $20 challenge.

Prev. total $18,237.00
today 486.00
new total $18,723.00

We solved the "no back seat" problem

October 26th, 2011 at 06:23 pm

I mentioned that we had company all last weekend. It was a lady that I have known since junior high school.

We were invited to a big party Saturday night and wondered how we were going to get there? We have 5 vehicles (3 corvettes, one hot rod and a work van)but none with a back seat.

We decided to call our town's one and only cab company. We would make arrangements for them to pick us up at home, take us to the party and then come back and get us.

So, I called to get prices. To take us one way, about 7 miles was about $30 including a tip. No way was I going to pay $60 in cab fare just to go to a party.

My husband solved the problem. He put an ice cooler between the two van bucket seats and I rode in style, on a red cooler!

The party was great and so was the food!

I stocked up on diet sprite for sale today at Ingles and saved $8 to add to the challenge!

Prev. total $18,229.00
today 8.00
new total $18,237.00

Catching up!

October 25th, 2011 at 06:42 pm

I have been gone for a while from this site. First, my dh went to Fla. for his father's 90th birthday. I stayed home with the dogs. Then, my computer got sick and had to be professionally cleaned.
My best friend who I have known since 8th grade came for a 3 days visit. So, it seems like there has been no time for savings! So, back on the saving trail for me.
I am paying some bills today and I have $650 in the corvette envelope and $90 left in my electric envelope. (Thank goodness that bill went down a lot, but now I have to buy propane)
Anyway, $740 will be added to the $20 challenge.

Prev. total $17,489.00
today 740.00
new total $18,229.00

Been kind of quiet!

October 19th, 2011 at 10:16 pm

I haven't been on here in the last few days, but I have been reading. My dh left to go to Fla. last Friday morning and came back on Monday night. It was his father's 90th birthday!
I stayed home to take care of the two puppies! It was a long four days and I really missed him. However, I did have 3 no use gas days, so that is $6 to add to the challenge.
This weekend, I have an old girlfriend coming to visit me. We are invited to a big bar b que bash (800 people) on Saturday and then to a party on Saturday night. Our problem is transportation!

In case you don't know, we have 3 corvettes (no back seat) a 1933 ford victoria hot rod (no heat) and a work van. (no back seat) I would NEVER drive with my friend. She is a terrible driver and I get car sick easily.

Prev. total $17,483.00
today 6.00
new total $17,489.00


October 14th, 2011 at 09:26 pm

I did another pinecone survey last week, so I have another $3 check to add to my challenge money.

Prev. total $17,483.00
today 3,00
new total $17,486.00

counting my change!

October 14th, 2011 at 07:19 pm

I throw all of my loose change in a jar and take it to the bank every two months or so. Today, I took it in and came home with $37. That will be added to my $20 challenge fund.

Prev. total $17,443.00
today 37.00
new total $17,480.00

The party was great!

October 11th, 2011 at 09:18 pm

The surprise birthday party we went to last night was great. Everybody brought food, so the hostess did not have to do a thing and there was plenty to eat.
We all enjoyed the brand new room that dh built onto the house.
The birthday boy really did enjoy the gift I gave him; a 1869 coupon bond of the Blue Ridge railroad company, all framed. (He is big into trains) It will look good in his train room.
The hostess insisted that we all bring home our own leftovers, so we have appetizers for tonight.
Another friend called and invited us to dinner for tomorrow night.

I did my grocery shopping today and even with dh with me (can't work cause it is raining) I saved $6 with my Ingles card. I will add $1 to that cause the stock market went up yesterday, for a total of $7.

Prev. total $17,436.00
today 7.00
new total $17,443.00

Neat present!

October 10th, 2011 at 04:26 pm

We are going to a surprise birthday party tonight. This is for a guy we built a house for about 10 years ago. Dh just finished turning their large outside deck into a large sunroom, addding on about 450 square feet.
This guy is a model railroad hobbiest and has a huge layout of model railroads in his basement. His is the 2nd largest layout in the state of Georgia. (Strangely, the largest is also in this town, Blairsville, Ga.)
I have a neat birthday gift for him. It is a bond issued by the Blue Ridge railroad company in 1869. It is a thousand dollar bond paying interest at 7%.
It is a coupon bond. It is very nicely framed. I have had it for about 30 years, but I think he will enjoy it more than I. Dh has it very nicely gift wrapped and ready to go.
I am playing bridge all afternoon, so today will be a no spend day and also a no use gas day. In honor of that, I will add $2 to the challenge.

Prev. total $17,434.00
today 2.00
new total $17,436.00

Another check

October 8th, 2011 at 03:02 pm

Another check arrived unexpectedly in the mail yesterday. It was for $55 and was from Home Depot. I had returned something a few months back and it showed up as a credit on my Home depot card, so they mailed me a check.
I also got a good deal on hair coloring. (No, I am really not a blond) I had a $2 off rite aid coupon, plus a cash register receipt for $4 off, so I got $7.99 hair coloring for $1.99. This will all be added to my challenge money along with $1 I saved using another coupon.

Prev. total $17,372.00
today 62.00
new total $17,434.00

Unexpected check

October 7th, 2011 at 02:45 pm

I got an unexpected check in the mail yesterday for $70. Like I do with all unexpected money, I add it to the challenge.
However, we were invited out to dinner Wednesday night. It was a couple that my dh built a new house for, about 10 years ago. They hired him two months ago to turn their deck into a sunroom. He just finished it this week.
They gave him a thank you card and $250 in cash. Quite a surprise! I am letting him keep the money cause he needs new tires for his work van. That will certainly help out!

Prev. total $17,302.00
today 70.00
new total $17,372.00

Citi bonus check

October 6th, 2011 at 08:39 pm

I received a check from my new Citi credit card in the mail today. They promised if you charged $500 in the first 60 days, they would give you a bonus check for $100. I charged my dog's vet bill ($500) and met the requirements very quickly. Of course, I paid it off immediately. I am adding this money to the $20 challenge.

Prev. total $17,202.00
today 100.00
new total $17,302.00

Bridge day!

October 3rd, 2011 at 11:06 pm

I went to the bank this morning to cash dh's paycheck. It is a smaller check than usual cause he did not work this weekend. I hope I can keep up the $30 a day challenge.
I played bridge all afternoon, so it was a no spend day, plus I won at bridge. All around wonderful!
We picked up a few items at Bi lo yesterday and with my bi lo card, I saved $4. That will be added to my $20 challenge.

Prev. total $17,198.00
today 4.00
new total $17,202.00

$30 dollar a day challenge.

October 1st, 2011 at 10:51 pm

On August the 31st, I started what I am calling " a $30 dollar a day challenge. I am trying to save (and put in a canister) $30 every single day. Some days, it has been rough, but so far, I have been doing it.
In the 33 days since this challenge has started, I have saved $990 which I have put in my ING electric orange account. (I am not adding this to the challenge)

I also earned $149 in interest on my ING account and I AM adding that to my challenge money.

Prev. total $17,048.00
today 149.00
newe total $17,197.00

Bogo items!

September 30th, 2011 at 09:05 pm

I didn't have much to buy at the grocery store today, but I did want to catch some of the Bogo deal.
I got ragu spagetti sauce and Hellman's mayonaisse, both buy one and get one free.The bread was on sale and so was the hamburger. The only thing I paid full price for was some sour cream. Total saved was over $6 which will be added to the challenge.

It was an expensive day today. I had to pay over $27,000 for the poured basement walls and then I had to pay out $1300 for liability builder's insurance.

Prev. total $17,042.00
today 6.00
new total $17,048.00

Adding one's!

September 29th, 2011 at 02:51 pm

I have $7 in one's in my wallet, so I am adding that to my challenge money.
I also got a new citi visa card last month. They offered $100 bonus money when you charged $500. I had to take my dog to a speciality vet, so $500 was the charge. I applied online to get a check for $100.

Prev. total $17,042.00
today 7.00
new total $17,049.00

Made my $17,000 goal!

September 28th, 2011 at 06:27 pm

Today my normal end of the month check came in (social security) so I have made my goal of saving $17,000 in the $20 challenge this year. Plus, I still have 3 more months to save! I have saved more than this in the previous challenge, but with interest rates so low and work so slow, I set my goal a little bit lower. I am still very pleased with this year's savings!

Prev. total $16,556.00
today 486.00
New total $17,042.00

Saving at Ingles!

September 27th, 2011 at 08:03 pm

I did my grocery shopping this morning. Ingles had some good deals. I try and stock up on things I buy regularly when they are on sale. Using my Ingles card I saved over $9, plus the stock market finally went up, so I will add $10 to my $20 challenge.

prev. total $16,556.00
today 10.00
new total $16,566.00

My goal for this year was to save at least $17,000 in the $20 challenge!

Electric bill went down!

September 21st, 2011 at 08:48 pm

I got my electric bill yesterday. It is about $40 cheaper than the one I got last month. That one was my highest electric bill ever. (they raised the rates this summer) The bill should be even lower next month. Of course, now I have to order propane. It is running $2.39 a gallon here. How much do you pay?
I had a no use gas day yesterday and the braves won with a rookie pitcher, so $3 to add to the challenge.

Prev. total $16,553.00
today 3.00
new total $16,556.00

Dividend check in the mail.

September 20th, 2011 at 07:17 pm

I got a dividend check in the mail yesterday from Wendy's. I am going to add that to the challenge. Normally, I re invested all my dividends thru the drip plan. (dividend reinvestment plan) but for some reason, I get checks in the mail from Wendy's and Tim Horton's, I think because Wendy's split off from Tim Horton and went with Arby's, my drip was stopped. Oh well, it is fun to get an unexpected check in the mail once in a while.

Prev. total $16,542.00
today 11.00
new total $16,553.00

A no use gas day here!

September 18th, 2011 at 11:22 pm

I had a no use gas day here, both car wise and propane wise. No heat, no air running. My older dog Holly has settled into a routine in her new diet. It has been 3 weeks now and I am still feeding her by hand. She will only eat the food off of my finger; she will not lick it off a plate. Spoiled puppy!
Adding $3 to the challenge for the no use gas day and the braves won yesterday. (But not today).

Prev. total 16,539.00
today 3.00
new total 16,542.00

Last weekend of summer!

September 17th, 2011 at 06:42 pm

This is the last weekend of summer, fall begins next week. I am not crazy about cold weather although I do enjoy the cool days of fall. The weather has already been cool here and the air has not run in over a week. That will help with the electric bill, but now I have to order propane. Propane is $2.39 a gallon here and I have 1000 gallon tank.
I usually keep the house set at 64 degrees in the winter and dress warm. It still cost over $2000 to heat the house last winter and propane was cheaper last year.
I had a no use gas day yesterday and the stock market went up 2 days in a row, so $4 to add to the challenge money.

Prev. total $16,535.00
today 4.00
new total $16,539.00

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