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September 7th, 2012 at 04:25 pm
I enjoyed most of the speechs. President Clinton's speech was very good, but according to fox news, not all of the speech was factual.
I think that this vote is very important and I would urge all of you to vote. Even if you don't like either guy; you should vote for one of them. I voted Liberitanian (spelling?) once and I am afaid that I just wasted my vote. We certainly need to turn this country around.
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September 5th, 2012 at 11:17 pm
I have been watching both the republican and democrat conventions this past week. I am finding the speeches very interesting.
I think this might be the most important presidental race that I have ever voted in; and I have voted every 4 years.
I certainly find it interesting that our country owes 16 trillion in debt and that 46.6% of americans are on food stamps.
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August 24th, 2012 at 07:56 pm
I took both of my dogs to the vets this week. Abbey, the puppy is much improved with her new diet and got her first shot.
Molly, my 3 year old has blood in her stool. Thank goodness it is not serious. It is something that starts with coc and is like a parasite something. It is fairly common in puppies so she must have gotten it from Abbey. I spent about $130 but I should have two healthy little girls in a few days! They are so worth it!
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August 24th, 2012 at 07:47 pm
WE had dinner out last night for the first time in the month off August! I know cause I am keeping track of my spending this month. Our meal was $17 and change and I left a $6 tip. (plus change) It is hard to believe that we use to eat out almost every night! It does help that my husband does a lot of the cooking! I really don't like to cook!
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August 17th, 2012 at 07:27 pm
Yesterday was elvis day on tv all day (and night) I am a big fan of Elvis' voice, but I did not like his movies. I watched some yesterday just to see Elvis himself. He was so handsome. It is hard to believe that he died 35 years ago yesterday!
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August 1st, 2012 at 03:41 pm
I took my new puppy to the vet yesterday. She is not a healthy girl! She has an ear infection and a hernia. The food he told me to feed her is not good for her at all. It is purnina puppy food and the vet told me that it was terrible food.
I feed Molly, "Chicken soup for the dog lover's soul" and the vet told me that I should give it to Abbey too. She does not like puppy food. (the vet)
There is also something wrong with puppy's eyesight and leg too. She hopes it will improve with better nutrition.
My puppy came with a health guarantee, so I could give her back and get my money back. But then she would just be sold to another unlucky household.
Instead, I will try to get her better. She can have surgery to repair the hernia when I get her spayed/
The vet is even putting off her shots until she is eating better food.
Beware of purnina puppy food!
Posted in
July 31st, 2012 at 07:42 pm
I have taken a few days off from posting. That is because I have a new puppy and her name is Abbey!
My malta poo named Molly has suddenly become a mother to the new puppy that looks just like her.
Abbey is pure maltese and so tiny. She is 8 weeks old today and I am taking her to the vet in a few hours for a check up.
Thanks for missing me, but I am still around. I will be busy with house breaking chores for a while.
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July 5th, 2012 at 10:33 pm
The party that we went to last night was great! The couple had a full sit down dinner, all catered. They also had live music. We ate so late, we were not able to get to the other party in time.
There were about 70 people at the party! We all sat under the stars! I am sure glad it did not rain. (even tho we really need it.)
Posted in
July 3rd, 2012 at 08:30 pm
Andy Griffith died at his home this morning. He will be missed by millions. I watched him growing up and I am still watching his reruns to this day. Rest in Peace, Andy. You made the world a happier place.
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June 12th, 2012 at 11:19 pm
WE went shopping at lowes over in North Carolina. We nneded to buy all the light fixtures, shower doors, mirrors, etc. for the spec house. I am not adding the money to my $20 challenge, but I did save $75 using my Lowes credit card cause they give you 5% off. Plus, we got great service too!
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June 7th, 2012 at 10:55 pm
Last month we bought all the appliances for our spec house. Sears was having a big sale, so we bought them there.
I got the bill this afternoon. If we do not pay the bill in full, the interest rate is 25!!!
Who in the world pays 25% interest on anything? I am amazed! I didn't even know anyone could charge that much!
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June 1st, 2012 at 06:59 pm
I do my net worth on the first of the month every month. I have not added it up yet, but I can see that every stock and every mutual fund I own are down for the month! So, I do know that my net worth has gone down, I just don't know by how much.
Dh only has about a month's work left on the spec house. But we are getting no lookers at all. We have a lot of cash in that house and I am getting worried. His houses have always sold and sold quickly! I am keeping my fingers crossed.
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May 13th, 2012 at 04:50 pm
Thirty five years ago, on Friday the 13th, I got married.
We went out to dinner last night to celebrate cause none of the restaurants in our small town are open on Sunday nights except for the waffle house and fast food.
Dh insisted he go and get us some take out breakfast before he went to work this morning. I had my first every sausage McGriddle and it was good.
I told him that the gift for 35 years was jade.
He brought me home an egg custard pie; heck I would rather have the egg custard pie! I already have jade.
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April 30th, 2012 at 11:54 pm
The Merck check I was expecting came in today. It was for $96 which I will add to the $20 challenge.
Prev. total $4675.00
today 96.00
new total $4771.00
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April 28th, 2012 at 03:16 pm
I got my first job when I was 12.
My father died the week before my 10th birthday. My mother, who was born in 1907, had never worked in her life. Back then, women stayed home and took care of the house and the children.
She never really went to high school. She went to a rural one room school house in North Carolina which ended when she was about 15.
It took her almost 2 years to find a job after my father died. We had to live on savings for that time.
Finally she found a job at a ladie's clothing store called "Virginia Dare"
That summer, she got me a job at the store. At first, I worked mostly as the "stock girl". Unpacking all the boxes of clothes, hanging and arranging all the clothes on the racks and counters.
Soon, they found out that I was very good at math, so in addition to being the stock girl, I became the bookkeeper too. We had an old adding machine that had to be cranked by hand and every day, I would balance the books and make the deposit and take it to the bank.
We worked from 8 am til 6 pm and for that I received the princely sum of $3. 9 cents was taken out for social security tax.
From then on, I paid for all my clothes, shoes, school supplies and lunches, movies and anything else I needed. I learned out to save and budget at a very early age. I was the first girl in my high school to have her own car cause I saved to buy it.
I am glad I started early!
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April 10th, 2012 at 12:11 am
I only spent $7 today and that was at the grocery store. I picked up a few things to have with our ham for supper. We got invited out for easter supper and I had already bought the ham, so we are having it tonight. I will do my main grocery shopping tomorrow.
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April 7th, 2012 at 09:42 pm
Yesterday, I sawa a very cute bunny on the sidewalk in front of my front door. I saw it twice! Dh comes home and is upset cause something ate all the marigolds that he planed last weekend! It must have been that cute bunny!
I went and spend $8 athe the drug store today and almost $10 at ingles. I bought a lot of easter candy that was already half price. I use it for my bridge group that plays every monday afternoon.
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April 1st, 2012 at 03:29 pm
i am not just getting fatter, I just found out I am pregnant!!
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March 22nd, 2012 at 08:06 pm
When my mother was born was in 1907. Growing up, she saw very few women that knew how to drive a car. She was determined to learn how to drive and she did.
She began teaching me how to drive when I was 12 years old. When I was 14, I got a beginner's permit. You were allowed to drive as long as an adult was in the car with you. My mother let me drive all the way from Florida to Virginia one summer.
I was always very thankful that she taught me to drive early.
When I married (the first time), I married into a family of non driving women. My first mother in law did not drive and neither did my huband's two aunts. We all lived within 3 blocks of each other, so I had to take them grocery shopping all the time. I can't believe it, but neither of those three women ever learned how to drive in their lifetime.
I have been driving for over 50 years now and I have never had a ticket or an accident. I have driven a corvette for over 30 years and people always ask me "how fast does that car go?" I tell them, it goes 55 mph. I am never in a hurry to get anywhere.
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March 17th, 2012 at 03:41 pm
Happy St. Patrick's day to everyone! I really am Irish, my grandparents were both born in Ireland. Be sure to wear something green today. I don't want you to get pinched!!
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March 14th, 2012 at 05:56 pm
Did your dog ever get into the dishwasher? When I first got Holly, I came into the kitchen one day, and there she was; standing inside the dishwasher and licking the dishes.
The same thing happened with Molly; she's inside the dishwasher and licking the dishes. I just caught her doing that again today. I guess I need to learn to keep my dishwasher closed all the time.
But it is kinda cute!
Posted in
March 10th, 2012 at 06:30 pm
I think I got my love of dogs from my grandmother. She had a small white dog, named Trixie!
Ond day, I went over to visit my grandmother. She lived with my aunt and uncle. I was between the age of 3 and 4 years old.
My grandmother was quite upset cause the kids next door had a bunch of puppies and were carrying them all around the neighborhood. It was quite cold out and she was especially concerned about the littlest puppy; the runt of the litter.
She told me to go and get that puppy, put it in my coat pocket and take it home. I did just that. At the age of 3 1/2, I became a dog thief.
My mother did not discover the puppy until we got home and she called the neighbor. The neighbor was happy for me to keep the puppy and so was my father. (my mother was never a dog lover)
That was my first dog and we named her lady!
I would like to say that was my only case of dog kidnapping, but it was not.
We had a small business in a small neighborhood. The neighbors brought home a small puppy. They tied it outside all day in shoelaces. It had no food and water and it cried all day. It could only move a few inches on those shoe laces. I gave it water and fed it (they worked all day) but it still kept crying. On the third day, I cut the shoelaces and took the puppy home. I gave it a bath and a million fleas were on the poor thing. I am happy to say, I found it a very good home.
Don't be surprised if you see me one day on the national news, "Ima saver, dognapper"!
r.i.p. litte holly..
Posted in
March 8th, 2012 at 05:13 pm
My little poodle, Holly, died this morning. She has been quite sick. I took her to a specialist in August and he put her on a strick diet. She hated the food, and even tho we changed it twice, she did not like any of the special diet. We have had to force feed her, 3 times a day, for over 6 months.
Finally, right before christmas, she was getting so weak; we decided to give her some of her regular food. We could not just let her starve to death, and I was afraid she would not make it another few days.
She seemed better after that, but she had diarrhea every day. I took her back to the vet who agreed that I should feed her whatever she would eat and gave me medicine for the diarrhea.
Her weight dropped from 6 1/2 lbs. to under 3 and she had a hard time walking.
Yesterday, she would not eat at all and we thought the end was near. Dh sat and held her all night until bedtime.
I don't usually get up first, but I had a feeling that she would be gone this morning and she was.
We built a little casket and buried her out by the creek this morning.
She was our little sweetie. She certainly will be missed. Good bye, my little Holly.
Posted in
March 2nd, 2012 at 08:13 pm
Cucamonga sewing circle book review and timing!
Thats it! That is the name of the song I heard on the radio yesterday.
I have sirius radio on my corvette and you can get some neat radio stations. One station, plays Elvis and only Elvis. I listen to it a lot.
I also enjoy the station that plays only 50's; the station that plays only the 60's and the one that plays the 70's!
I heard this song yesterday while listening to the 60's station and I had never heard it before. It was recorded by Jan and Dean! Do you remember them?
Anybody else ever heard of this song????????
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February 14th, 2012 at 05:48 pm
Just wanted to wish everyone a very happy valentine's day! We don't spend money on each other for this holiday. I like flowers, but I like the kind that don't die! We might go out to dinner tonight to celebrate!
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February 6th, 2012 at 10:52 pm
I just noticed on my blog today, that I have had over 2 million visits, so far!
Nothing monetary going on today. I had a no spend day and played bridge all afternoon. Tomorrow, I plan to do my grocery shopping and I hope to save a few dollars using my Ingles card.
I had hoped to have a no use gas day, but my dh really needs his allowance money today. I give him $100 a week which he mostly uses to put gas in his work van. He also buys food for the deer every week. It is fun to watch them come and eat every night.
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February 1st, 2012 at 02:26 pm
A new month is here! That means we are rid of one month of winter! This month has an extra day cause it is leap year. My birthday was the day before Thanksgiving last year. This year, it will be the day after Thanksgiving because we are adding a day!
My grandfather was born on Feb. 29th, so he only had a birthday every 4 years.
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January 13th, 2012 at 08:44 pm
I just realized this; today is my blog anniversary. I started this blog on January 13th, 2006. It has been six years since I started. I have really enjoyed all the folks I have met on this site!
I just looked it up, and that was a Friday the 13th too. (I have a perpetucal calendar)
Posted in
January 13th, 2012 at 07:35 pm
It was snowing this morning when I got up. Thank goodness it did not stick to the ground. We went down to the real estate office to list our new house , that dh is building, for sale!
It is not quite dried in, but we wanted to do it today, cause it is Friday the 13th!
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January 8th, 2012 at 07:39 pm
Today is Elvis' birthday. Every one knows I am a big fan of Elvis.
In my home, I have an Elvis bedroom. It started with I went to an Elvis concert and bought a picture of him. I had it framed. I still have my original ticket stub, plus tickets to his not perfomed next concert.
I have all my old original 45 records still in the jacket sleeves (with his picture on them) plus all of my old albums.
I have the original newspaper from Memphis on the date of his death.
The colonel wrote a poem about him, and I have a signed copy of that poem. I also have his drummers, drumsticks, also signed. (D.J.Fontana)
I even have a framed picture of Elvis shaking hands with President Nixon in 1970. Lots of other stuff in that room, all Elvis! Even in my red corvette, I have a big throw with a picture of Elvis!
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