Home > advantage savings

advantage savings

March 3rd, 2016 at 05:15 pm

I did my grocery shopping yesterday. Using my advantage card (Ingles), I saved $14 which I will add to the $20 challenge.

Prev. total $3386.00
today 14.00
new total $3400.00

2 Responses to “advantage savings”

  1. Ima saver Says:

    Hi Edwin, the $20 challenge started here many years ago. (About 2006?) You start with $20 and add to it any way you can. You make up your own rules.
    I add interest from accounts, $2 for using no gas, $2 every time the stock market is up, $5 every time the braves win, $1 for a no spend day, actual $ amount for using my ingles advantage card, rebates, stock dividends,garaage or other sales, cash back earned for using my credit cards, etc. Whatever extra money comes my way, I save it in my $20 challenge. I always save it and deposit it into a special savings account. It is really anything you want to do, including making things to sell. (The original $20 is for materials.)

  2. Keith Says:

    Thinking of consolidating? We can help with loans, credit cards, student loans, lines of credit. We use SIMPLE INTEREST, we can LOWER your monthly payment, and DISCOUNT you total amount by consolidating with a private lender. I can show you some pretty neat ways on how to save big when your thinking on consolidating. Ask me how I can help you! Keith

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