Home > Who was President??

Who was President??

February 2nd, 2016 at 09:44 pm

Since the nation's eye is on the presidental contest right now, I would like to ask a question?
Who was President when you were born?

Since I am so old, it is obvious, my answer is:

George Washington!

23 Responses to “Who was President??”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    Julie, you aren't THAT old!

    Richard Nixon was president and was re-elected just days before I was born in 1972.

  2. NJDebbie Says:

    The year I was born, there were two presidents. L.B. Johnson until January of 1969 and Nixon, who replaced John after his death. the way your question cause me to win 25 Swagbucks! Thank you!!!!

  3. NJDebbie Says:

    The year I was born, there were two presidents. L.B. Johnson until January of 1969 and Nixon, who replaced John after his death. the way, your question cause me to win 25 Swagbucks! Thank you!!!!

  4. Kiki Says:

    Nixon. He resigned when I was about three weeks old.

  5. ceejay74 Says:

    I'm with Kiki, only I was about 5 months old when he resigned! I remember the headlines well! (just kidding!) Big Grin

  6. livingalmostlarge Says:

    jimmy carter

  7. Amber Says:

    Born in 1974 Nixon who resigned and then Ford

  8. LuckyRobin Says:

    Nixon in 1970. And I only got 4 SB for my search. :P

  9. littlegopher Says:

    Washington?! That would be beyond amazing! I believe you were born during FDR, and as for me, JFK was in office.

  10. Ima saver Says:

    Wow, a lot of Nixon babies! Yes, littlegopher, I was born during Franklin D. Roosevelt's term.

  11. Xtreme Thunder Says:

    June 1984 that would be the tail end of Ronald Reagan's 1st Term

  12. littlegopher Says:

    Ima, I recall you've posted like this before, and I remember yours, because FDR was in office the year my mom was born too Smile

  13. PatientSaver Says:

    Dwight Eisenhower, yikes!

  14. Dido Says:

    Eisenhower here, too, as a lame duck. JFK was inaugurated when I was 5 months old.

  15. Joe Says:

    JFK for me. I remember growing up we had a Norman Rockwell print of JFK next to a picture of the Pope in our family room. Talk about an Irish Catholic family. We also had a bust of Robert Kennedy later on.

  16. Thrifty Ray Says:

    JFK here- Smile

  17. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    Hey, there, Julie. You made me laugh! George Washington! Ha-ha!
    Well for me, 1959, so Eisenhower. That does seem like another age.

  18. CB in the City Says:

    Well, it looks like I'm the only one born during the Truman administration!

  19. crazyliblady Says:

    Richard Nixon.

  20. Kaycee Fisher Says:

    L B J was POTUS the day I was born

  21. Ima saver Says:

    Harry Truman is the first president I remember.

  22. CB in the City Says:

    I don't remember Truman. The first President I remember is Eisenhower.

  23. LadyT Says:


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