Home > My biggest Visa bill ever, $16,991.00

My biggest Visa bill ever, $16,991.00

September 27th, 2015 at 02:51 pm

I got my biggest visa bill that I ever have gotten, in the mail yesterday. It is for $16,991.00.

DH charges everything that he buys for work at home depot. I have a Chase credit card that pays me back 3% of purchases for home improvement, which is what all home depot purchases are classified.
However, the 3% is only on purchases up to $2000 or $60 back in a refund check. On the rest of the purchases, I get the usual 1%.
This big bill was for $16,000 worth of windows and doors.
Of course, I am paying it off in full this week, so there will be no interest to be paid. I have already requested my refund check of $209.00 which Chase will send directly to my checking account. It is a nice little perk.

5 Responses to “My biggest Visa bill ever, $16,991.00”

  1. CB in the City Says:


  2. Petunia 100 Says:

    I think you should consider applying for a Citi Double Cash Master Card, and earn 2% back on everything. Smile

  3. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    That is one honking bill! Too bad he couldn't have spread the purchases out over several cards or months. Smile

  4. rob62521 Says:

    Yikes! I'm sure your heart fluttered a bit even though you knew what it was for.

  5. Ima saver Says:

    Petunia, I did apply for the Citi double cash master card, so we will earn 2% on the next big purchase. However, at first they gave me a low limit of $6000. I had them increase it to $15,000 for the next big purchase.
    Laura, this bill was for windows for the custom house he is building and they need to come in and be put in all at once.
    We did give the customer the option of paying for the windows OR putting them on their credit card, but they told us to go ahead and charge to our card.

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