Home > Isn't it fall yet?

Isn't it fall yet?

September 20th, 2015 at 03:16 pm

Is today the first day of fall? I don't have a single calendar with the mention of fall on it.
However, the leaves are starting to fall and it is pretty cool in the morning.
I like the fact that neither the heat or the a/c has been running this week. That helps on the elecric bill. I use to add the savings from the electric bill to my $20 challenge. I budget $160 per month, and during the fall and winter months, the electric bill would go way down. Now, with a new heating system which now includes a heat pump, the winter bills are even higher than the summer bills.
I do not like heat pumps and will NEVER have one put in again. ( in our spec houses) I trusted the guy that has done our heat and a/c work for over 20 years. He reccommended the heat pump. He quit carrying Lennox systems and now carries Trane.
Believe me, Lennox is better and that is what we
still put in our spec houses.

$20 challenge update: $15,274.00

3 Responses to “Isn't it fall yet?”

  1. scottish girl Says:

    I've just searched for it and it's 23rd September here.

  2. Ima saver Says:

    Thanks, scottish girl!

  3. rob62521 Says:

    Our weatherman says Wednesday.

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