Home > Lonely


February 5th, 2015 at 05:14 pm

I get very lonely being alone. I don't know how people live alove. Maybe cause I have not done it
ever. I went from living at home to being married for 50 years.(two different husbands, but only single for a few weeks.)
Hubby has gone to Fla. again. He just went 3 months ago. He is trying to find some part time help for his elderly father and his elderly girlfriend of 22 years. I hope he has some luck. His younger brother lives right there, but seems to be no help at all.
My girls are company, but they sit and look out the window all night, waiting for their daddy to come home. Well, at least I am saving money on groceries and still adding to my $20 challenge.

Prev. total $3408.00
today 6.00
new total $3414.00

7 Responses to “Lonely”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    I'm sorry you are lonely. I hope you have some interests that can keep you busy and maybe keep your mind of the fact that you are lonely. Make a date to visit a free museum or a nice gift shop you might enjoy browsing. No need to spend! Make a lunch date with a friend, invite someone over for dinner and a game of cards.

  2. ThriftoRama Says:

    I LOVE living alone. I miss it so much now that the house is full of hubby and kids. I miss the quiet, the solitude, the doing what I want without anyone asking me questions. Learn to embrace the good bits. It's okay and good to miss someone when they're gone, but this is YOU time!

  3. MonkeyMama Says:

    Aww... ((HUGS))

  4. FS Says:

    Living with others drives me up the wall, but I know how you feel. You'll get use to it eventually, but in the beginning the surrounding feels so empty and spooky. Sometime I take a walk around my neighborhood during the weekend afternoon and the lack of human presence make me feel like a lone survivor in a post apocalyptic world. Not pleasant at all.

  5. rob62521 Says:

    I am sorry you are lonely. I bet you miss your dear husband.

  6. snafu Says:

    If you're feeling alone and lonely, it would be kind to volunteer at a nearby hospital or assisted living complex to talk to people who are scared and lonely. I was hospitalized not long ago and the hours are r-e-a-l-l-y long. I didn't look forward to medical staff and the pain their treatment brings, the food is ghastly and the lighting is bad for reading for too long. It's really hard to go to the 'day room' as when you settle, inevitably someone comes to hustle you back for more treatment after your long painful walk just to get there.

    I can't tell you how grateful I was for visitors known or not. Someone to tell me about what was in the newspaper, celebs visiting our city, horrid weather, their fav TV show or the cost of butter and eggs.

  7. Tabs Says:

    Aww, I'm sorry to hear that. Hopefully he won't be gone for long. As for the loneliness itself, I am not sure because this is kind of a tough month of the year still (being the Vday month). However, I keep reminding myself anyway, that I rather be alone than be with the wrong person. That is far, far worse.

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