Home > A lonesome week

A lonesome week

October 19th, 2014 at 03:48 pm

It has been a very lonesome week for me. My husband went to Florida for 5 days to visit with his dad. His dad just celebrated his 93rd birthday.
We have been married for almost 38 years and the only time we have been apart was when he had to make these trips.
Twice, someone rang the doorbell while I was here alone; once at night. That slways upsets me, even tho I have my fur babie for protection. However, Molly only weighs 14 pounds and Abbey weighs 8 pounds, so I doubt that they could do more than bark.
To top it all off, my double oven went out!!
It is the last of my original appliances to go. It is 20 years old!

Maybe this is a good excuse to stop cooking, you think?
He is coming home tonight and I can hardly wait. I will put a big "welcome Home sign" on the door.

$20 challenge:

Previous $17,087.00
today 7.00
new total $17,094.00

9 Responses to “A lonesome week”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    That is upsetting to have the doorbell ring at night when you aren't expecting anyone. I've noticed more people coming around with elections coming up. Enjoy your welcome home party!

  2. Ima saver Says:

    I am chicken. I don't answer the doorbell when I am not expecting someone!

  3. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    I bet CCF is right about the election related visitors. Julie, do you have a large size one-way security peep hole in your door? How about a security camera with live feed? These might give you some peace when you are alone. Oh, have you heard of the door "bells" that set off the sound a a big snarling, barking dog instead of chiming?

    By the way, has autumn come to your mountain yet? Smile

  4. Looking Forward Says:

    Not trying to scare you, but, some thieves have started knocking first to see if anyone is home before they break in. Maybe, without opening the door, just tell the person outside that your husband is in the shower and come back another time.

    Enjoy your hubby's homecoming. Smile

  5. rob62521 Says:

    I would have been frightened too if the doorbell went off. Although the person probably heard the dogs, that person knew someone was home or that there were dogs.

    Give up cooking? That wouldn't be saving couldn't do that! Smile

  6. snafu Says:

    Sorry you were frightened by an unexpected ringing of the doorbell. Perhaps the next time DH travels, you will be consider accompanying him. Thanks for a welcome giggle about a 20 y/o oven freeing you from cooking. I'd wait till DH returns to check it as sometimes an oven merely needs a new element or have a wire come loose.

    Won't a phone call to Lowe's, Home Depot or any appliance outlet will get you a new oven?

  7. Ima saver Says:

    Yes, autumn has come to the mountains and it is beautiful!

  8. CB in the City Says:

    I have had peepholes in my last two residences, and now I wouldn't live without one! It's so risky these days to open the door when you don't even know who's there!

  9. Tabs Says:

    Who in the world rings the door bell at night? Well, at least that almost never happens where I am. I am a little late to this post, but I am glad you are fine.

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