Home > Found a quarterI

Found a quarterI

October 12th, 2014 at 07:34 pm

I found a quarter at Ingles the other day. That is only the 3rd time that I have found money (change) all year.
I think it is strange that I only earned 6 cents on my checking account for the entire month and I had $8000 sitting in it. I guess I am better off looking for change! I sure wish these interest rates were pick up. I am getting 1/10 of 1 percent on my business and personal checking accounts. I have found a money market account that is paying over 1%, but it is only good for 6 months.

1 Responses to “Found a quarterI ”

  1. snafu Says:

    I've just read an article explaining that banks are adding and increasing fees for a broad range of services. They are hard selling overdraft protection for example when it's so easy to ask for an electronic 'alert' when an account drops below a desired level. Clients are likely overpaying for paper statements, out-of-network ATMs and more. It's pointless to stay captive as banks make higher and higher percentage of profit from personal accounts rather than their prime role of loaning/renting money for profit.

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