Home > Brrr, it's cold

Brrr, it's cold

October 5th, 2014 at 03:33 pm

I woke up to frost on the lawn this morning. There is no telling how cold it got. We use to have a contest here to see who could go the longest without turning on the heat. I never won, but I did pretty well. (Usually someone from Florida won)
In January I had a heart attack and I have been on blood thinners ever since. That makes me cold all the time, so My heat was turned on this morning. I paid $1.99 per gallon for propane this year.
What did you pay?

I am adding $13 to my challenge today.

Prev. total $17,011.00
today 13.00
new total $17,024.00

3 Responses to “Brrr, it's cold”

  1. scfr Says:

    I'm glad to hear you turned on the heat this morning and are comfortable!

  2. rob62521 Says:

    So glad you turned on the reason to suffer if you don't have to. I bet you don't have it super high -- just on enough to take out the chill.

  3. LuckyRobin Says:

    It's important you stay warm. We haven't had a frost yet. I'm hoping we hold out until the end of October because I still have tomatoes and peppers growing.

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