Home > Paint rebate

Paint rebate

October 3rd, 2014 at 07:09 pm

I sent in for 2 different paint rebates last month. For some reason, Home depot rejected my submission even tho we spent $125.00 on Behr paint. I did receive a check for cabot stain that hubby bought at Ace hardware. It was for $37 which will be added to my $20 challenge.

Prev. total $16,974.00
today 37.00
new total $17,011.00

2 Responses to “Paint rebate”

  1. snafu Says:

    I hope you plan to investigate the HD rebate rejection. Let us know the outcome

  2. Ima saver Says:

    I just did. Now, they plan to send me a master card credit for $40. I am happy with that. (Original rebate was for $40)

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