Home > Melrose C.U. large c.d.

Melrose C.U. large c.d.

October 4th, 2013 at 09:28 pm

I got credited for the interest due on my large c.d. at Melrose Credit Union. I was unsure if I wanted to tie up that much money for 5 years, but so far it has been a good decision.
I opened the c.d. 2 1/2 years ago for a 2.9% rate. So far, I have not found anything else paying that much. Hard to believe that back in the 70's, we were paying 8% on c.d's. (i worked at a S & L) I am adding that to the $20 challenge too.

Prev. total $10,527.00
today 1564.00
new total $12,091.00

1 Responses to “Melrose C.U. large c.d.”

  1. TashaC. Says:

    good job locking in nearly 3%!

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