Home > s/s/ check

s/s/ check

June 26th, 2013 at 06:28 pm

I am adding my social security to my $20 savings. Prev. total $5270.00
today 509.00
new total $5779.00

2 Responses to “s/s/ check”

  1. snafu Says:

    Julie, sorry to be such a dolt, what is the goal for your 2013 Challenge currently at $ 5779.? Does it buy one of the Vanguard units or sit in savings or just cash?

    Since DH is a custom builder, I'd appreciate your perspective on the housing market in your region.

  2. betty Says:

    wish you would explain what the $20. challenge is ? Your blog really encourages me to save small amounts, and that they will add up ! Thanks

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