Home > trivia question

trivia question

January 22nd, 2013 at 05:45 pm

Ok, who were the only two presidents to ever be inaugurated 4 times?

I got a check from pinecone for $3 and also had a no use gas day.

prev. total $129.00
today 5.00
new total $134.00

4 Responses to “trivia question”

  1. PauletteGoddard Says:

    I'll bite: Richard Milhous Nixon, inaugurated as Vice-President 1953 and 1957, then inaugurated President in 1969 and 1973; and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, inaugurated 1933, 1937, 1941 and 1945.

  2. ceejay74 Says:

    Do you count the double swearing-in of Obama happening both terms? First term was because of a mistake; the chief justice messed up the words to one of the questions and Obama stumbled over the answer as a result, so they redid it later in private to make sure it was done correctly for the records. This year, because the official day was a Sunday but they wanted the big ceremonial one to be on a Monday.

  3. Ima saver Says:

    You both got one right! FDR was inaugurated and elected 4 times. Obama was double sworn in both terms. Very smart people here!

  4. Beawealthywarrior Says:

    I got a check from Pincone today also Smile

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