Home > No Heat!

No Heat!

January 10th, 2013 at 07:42 pm

Yes, it is the 10th day of January and I sm (mostly) without heat! It quit running about a week ago. When I play with the switches and/or circuit breaker, it will come on for a while, so I have not frozen yet!
Sadly, I will need a whole new unit and that will come in next Tuesday. Send me warm thoughts!

7 Responses to “No Heat!”

  1. creditcardfree Says:
    1357847484 need warm thoughts! That warm air will feel like the tropics when it comes on. Smile

  2. rachel021406 Says:

    Oh I bet that is cold. Its supposed to be 70 degrees where I live I will send you lots of sunny thoughts. Smile

  3. My English Castle Says:

    Brrr=warm thoughts indeed.

  4. Amber Says:

    Awe I hope it warms up for you. Here the weather has been unusually warm, hope its the same in GA

  5. wowitsawonderfullife Says:

    Ima, I hope the money you save on your utility bill this week goes towards you $20 challenge!

  6. LuckyRobin Says:

    Gosh, it seems like the winter for furnace problems here on the blogs! Sending you warm thoughts.

  7. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    That's not good! Stay warm!

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