Home > christmas shopping!

christmas shopping!

December 10th, 2012 at 03:03 pm

We did quite a bit of christmas shopping this weekend and spent $300. First we bought an artificial tree for $90 complete with lights. We use to always put up a real tree, but that is a lot of work.
I bought one of those pull up trees, but they really don't look very good in the daytime. Dh got the tree all put up and decorated. He got all the lights outside put up a week ago, so we look very christmasy.
I got a good deal on a drill he has been needing. It was usually $189 but we got it on sale for $99. My husband, being a builder, goes thru a lot of tools.

1 Responses to “christmas shopping!”

  1. CB in the City Says:

    The artificial trees look a lot better with the lights on. I miss the real trees, too, but the artificial tree is so much easier and cost-efficient.

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