Home > HOT!


June 22nd, 2012 at 10:21 pm

It has been very hot here. It is almost 90 degrees here today. I am paying the last of the under budget electric bills for a while. This bill was $60 under budget but both a/c's running full blast, I am sure I will have a much higher bill next month.

The braves won their last two games; the stock market went up today, so that makes a total of $63 to add to my $20 challenge today.

Prev. total $6203.00
today 63.00
new total $6266.00

3 Responses to “HOT!”

  1. ThriftoRama Says:

    We've been in the mid-90s for weeks. It's terrible.

  2. M E 2 Says:

    90 is hot in the south? We have had 95+ for 3 days, that is hot and NOT in the south! ;-)

  3. crazyliblady Says:

    It is over 90 here in Kansas. And it's supposed to be 101 tomorrow. I don't plan on going anywhere tomorrow. I plan on staying home and doing some cooking in the comfort of my air conditioned home.

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