Home > Braves won!!

Braves won!!

April 20th, 2012 at 07:23 pm

The braves won last night. The game was out west and did not start until 10 pm., so we did not watch it. The braves have won the last three games in a row, so I have $3 to add to the challenge.

Prev. total $4433.00
today 3.00
new total $4436.00

1 Responses to “Braves won!!”

  1. Jerry Says:

    I like that you support your Braves and have something good lead out of it when they win. (Of course, if I did that with my Red Sox this season, it would NOT look like I would have any insurance of saving much money at all! They have been awful.) I hope things turn around against the Yankees at the 100th anniversary of Fenway Park this weekend...

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