Home > Dinner out was nice last night!

Dinner out was nice last night!

June 18th, 2011 at 09:19 pm

When I first joined saving advice I was eating dinner out almost every night. Well, the economy has changed and now we eat most of our meals at home. When you do splurge to go out to eat, it seems like a real treat. Plus, I always bring home enough for another meal or two.
I put out more food for the food pantry. Again today, I did not see anyone else do this.
I ran to the store to get hamburger for supper tomorrow and saved $2 (It was on sale) When I got home, there was a check in the mail from Wendy's for $11. That is a dividend of about 2 cents a share. Oh well, $13 more for the challenge.

Prev. total $11,113.00
today 13.00
new total $11,126.00

1 Responses to “Dinner out was nice last night!”

  1. CB in the City Says:

    It's so true that when you do something less, it becomes a greater pleasure! Congrats on cutting back and enjoy those restaurant meals when you have them!

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