Home > Snowed in too!!

Snowed in too!!

January 10th, 2011 at 09:08 pm

This has been a bad winter. We have been snowed in about 4 times already. Hey, I don't live in Maine, I live in Gerogia. It is supposed to snow again tomorrow and Wednesday, so I don't think we can get out until this Friday.
Poor dh. He has been trying to get a spec house started since middle of October. He hired a framing crew but they only got in a day and a half of work last week.
He is inside today, repainting some walls. He even had to go outside and shovel snow to make an area for the dogs to go pottie. The snow is 8 inches deep and my little poodle is only 9 inches tall.
Well, I had a no use gas day on Saturday and I have 3 one dollar bills to add to the challenge, for a total of $5.

Prev. total $599,00
today 5.00
new total $604.00

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